Friday, December 28, 2012
Closet Trial
The closet trial for nonmembers has ended. If you liked it you can become a member and have those clothes forever.
Breaking News!
BREAKING NEWS! There have been constant earthquakes on Poptropolis Games. We all know that Poptropolis Games sinks back into the sea after the Poptropolis Games is over but we didn't think it would sink so soon. Not when so many people haven't beat the island yet! I will report any updates.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Contest Winners
Here are the three winners. I know I originally said the contest winners would be announced on the 21st but I just couldn't wait!
Cuddly Thunder
Cuddly Thunder's Video
Beefy Horse
Beefy Horse's Video
Happy Starfish
Happy Starfish's Video
Avalible to Members
Zomberry Island is now open to members now! Have fun members!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Merry Christmas!
The winter/christmas costumes have come out now you can get tangled in lights, the snowman/snowwomen costume, the elf costume, the little candy cane and the candy cane costume!
Poptropica Adventures is 1# on the top Amazon Nintendo DS adventure games list! And Zomberry Island comes out tomorrow for members, members have fun!
Guide on iPad
The Official Guide to Poptropica is now on the iPad!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Relese Date
Zomberry Island is coming out to members on Wednesday, December 19 2012 and it's avalible to nonmembers on January 10, 2013!!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Zomberry Island Trailer
They just posted the Zomberry Island trailer. Check it out!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
What are they talking about?
The Poptropica Creators recently made a post that talks about something that I can't figure out why they are mentioning here's the picture:

Maybe they are supposed to be followers???? If you have any other suggestions just tell me.

Maybe they are supposed to be followers???? If you have any other suggestions just tell me.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Hanukkah! Today it's officially Hanukkah. All you Jews out there have fun!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
New Costume and Dissapeered Costume
The Umpaloompa Members Only costume is gone but the Zomberry Island gear is here now you can get a ZMB unit, a Big Blue and a Safetey Flare!
Open to Everyone
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is now open to everyone! Remember if you get stuck I have cheats for you! Have fun!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
New Stuff
Soon you will get a ZMB unit, a safety flare and big blue (if you are a member during early access for Zomberry Island).

Also I am expecting the elf costume, the holiday ball costume, the snowman or snowwoman costume and the tangled in lights outfit. But even though the holiday ball costume was free last time if I were you and I was not a member I would save up my credits for all the holiday stuff because I don't think the holiday ball costume will be free this time and the other stuff is pricy too.

Also I am expecting the elf costume, the holiday ball costume, the snowman or snowwoman costume and the tangled in lights outfit. But even though the holiday ball costume was free last time if I were you and I was not a member I would save up my credits for all the holiday stuff because I don't think the holiday ball costume will be free this time and the other stuff is pricy too.

Saturday, December 1, 2012
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
Winter is almost here! Decorations for holidays are everywhere! There's Hanukkah (for Jewish people), Christmas (for Christian people), Kwanzaa (for African Americans) and New Years' Eve (for everyone)! December is full of holidays no matter who you are! So get ready to be happy! Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy New Year!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Tribe Common Rooms
If you joined a tribe I think you'll like this. Now if you click on your tribe on your friends page a thing will come up and will have a button on the top that says join room and under it, it says visit the (whatever tribe your in) common room to battle, chat and friend other members of your tribe. Under it there is a button that says change tribe.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
They're coming out with a new island, ZOMBERRY ISLAND!!!!!!! Here's a brief discription of it: The citizens of Eastman are mutating into zombies. Now the city is quarantined and the survivors are trapped. Zombies are everywhere, no one knows how the zombie outbreak began..... but how or if it ends is up to you!

Sunday, November 25, 2012
Contest Update
There has already been three poptropicans who have emailed me their username, their favorite Poptropica Creators and has emailed me all the creators that were not dancing with me and have been correct but don't let that stop you from entering, everyone who joins them on the list of winners will also have their own video so don't wait enter now! If you do join the list of winners I will send you your video and post it on this blog on December 21st but remember that on December 21st the videos will be made so if you enter after December 21st your entry does not count.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I know this has nothing to do with Poptropica but I just wanted you to know I wish you a very happy thanksgiving!
Are you a nonmember longing to use a closet (on poptropica)? Well from today through December 22 you can you will be able to save 30 outfits in your closet! If you need help using the closet don't be shy comment here.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
There is a pirate costume code that hidden in the sample but I don't want you to have to read the whole thing so I'll tell you the code, the code is SKULLBOOK.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Check out this cool video!
Want to be in a video like this with me, 3 of your favorite Poptropica Creators? If so than email me your username, 3 of your favorite Poptropica Creators and what creators are not dancing (based on my poptropica creators page) with me and you might be the one who gets to be in the video. My email is Hurry because it doesn't count after December 21!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
A Message From Comical Mosquito
I know that most people are not doing this but I have seen some people advertising their websites with comments. I understand you would like people to vist your website but please do not do that. Any way I would also like to notify you, if you do not speak english you are still allowed to comment. I would be happy to hear from all my viewers. If you want your comment to be privet or you would like to ask a question, email me at I hope all my cheats help you.
Tiny Little Glitch
If you have finished Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Island and the bonus quest and you logged out and then logged back in and find that the reward for finishing the bonus quest (helio-gum) is gone (from the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory items), don't panic. Look at the very last tab (unless you have bought ten or more items since you have completed the bonus quest) of your store items and presto you helio-gum should be there.
P.S. If you have lost your helio-gum and looked in your store items please comment here (if you speak another language (not english) don't worry I will find out what you mean) and I will find a way to help you.
P.S. If you have lost your helio-gum and looked in your store items please comment here (if you speak another language (not english) don't worry I will find out what you mean) and I will find a way to help you.
Friday, November 16, 2012
We have unlocked the 3rd costume on the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Multi-Prize Card! Now you get 3 costumes on this free code, unlock it soon because I think it's going expire in December. The code is WIMP2012.
Having Trouble?
Are you a member and having trouble beating Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Well your problems are gone if you go to my written walkthrough page and follow the directions.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is avalible for members today! Not a member don't worry it's coming to you on December 6!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!
Now you can get 2 inch tall action figure versions of Dr. Hare, a hamburger, a lion and a dark knight from astro-knights.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The Sweets Are Out
Now members can get an Umpalumpa costume, the Umpalumpa power and the everlasting gum ball.
Also there is a new secret code the code is WIMPY2012 but enter it and enter it soon because right now we need 1195 more redemptions to unlock all the costumes before 2013 so enter it and enter it quick!
Also there is a new secret code the code is WIMPY2012 but enter it and enter it soon because right now we need 1195 more redemptions to unlock all the costumes before 2013 so enter it and enter it quick!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Skullduggery Island (the book) is out today and the Poptropica Adventures game is avalible too. Have fun reading and playing!
Monday, November 5, 2012
What's Coming Up?
On the Daily Pop they always put drawings for new islands. Why wait to find out what the island is? Can you guess? I am making a what's coming up page and we can find the answers, so don't just wait join the group of people who want to know quick.
Friday, November 2, 2012
In Fashion Crisis
Are you bored with your look and can't decide? Well now you don't have to choose! Press control shift and r at the same time (command shift r at the same time for mac) and tada you will look totally different. Don't like it? Just do it again.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Poptropica On The Go
Poptropica has made a new video game for the ds. In this game the Poptropica museum is in ruins and they need your help! Explore Mythology Island, Super Power Island and Astro Knights and find missing artifacts to help the museum. Meet interesting characters, collect the missing artifacts, solve puzzles and play fun mini games. You'll have the ultimo on the go Poptropica experience on your ds! Looking to stand out? Customize you look with new clothes, hats, hair style and more to show off your unique style! Also a special code comes with it so you can get two rockin' costumes.

Thursday, October 18, 2012
There's a new island coming called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Hopefully we can get some of their chocolate. Can't wait!
Now Super Villian Island is avalible but the Night Hare costume is gone. I hope you have fun!
Friday, October 12, 2012
1 week left
1 week left to get your Night Hare costume so become a member today!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Could This Really Be Him?
I know once guessed the Master Mime's username but I think I got it now. At first I thought his poptropican name would be Master Mime but maybe like Fact Monster he likes to disguise his poptropican name. Usally only a creator can make his poptropican name unidentified unidentified or Poptropican. So I think we've got him. So here it goes... I think his username is..... mastermimecreator20. If you find something more likely comment here.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
This Will Make You Laugh
After the bonus quest on Super Villain Island you can do something really funny. Here's a video of what you can do.
Don't get the video? If you go to the girl police officer and click on her the things that pop up when you're in the common room and you click on someone pop up. You can chat with the made up person and friend them but since they're made by the computer you can't play games against them. Friend them and look at their profile they will have not betten any islands. They will not have set a location. They will not have picked a tribe. Their battle racking will be 1. They will feel happy. They will not have any friends. They will have the same photos as you do and the same outfits but they won't have a membership. They do things you can only do with a membership without membership.
Poptropica Books
Poptropica is coming out with MORE books! They'll be avalible on November 8th but you can pre-order them on amazon quick before they sell out. They have:
Skullduggery Island: This book is based on the island but instead of you being the hero someone else is. I'd do the island if I were you so you'll see if it's worth it.
Astro Knights: This book is based on the island but like in Skullduggery you're not the hero. Again I'd do the island if I were you so you'll see if it's worth it.
Pencil Warrior: This book is about a person who is erasing Poptropica and it's up to you to redraw it.
Poptropica Mad Libs: This book is a Poptorpica twist on Mad Libs so if you like Mad Libs you'll like these 21 Poptropica Mad Libs.
Skullduggery Island: This book is based on the island but instead of you being the hero someone else is. I'd do the island if I were you so you'll see if it's worth it.
Astro Knights: This book is based on the island but like in Skullduggery you're not the hero. Again I'd do the island if I were you so you'll see if it's worth it.
Pencil Warrior: This book is about a person who is erasing Poptropica and it's up to you to redraw it.
Poptropica Mad Libs: This book is a Poptorpica twist on Mad Libs so if you like Mad Libs you'll like these 21 Poptropica Mad Libs.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
What Did He Say?
You know how Binary Bard usually ends his posts with numbers, well I know what he said. Let's take a look! Click here to explore what he said.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
It's Here
Super Villain Island is here for members on October 18th. Soon the walkthrough will be avalible.
i don't want to give away the ending just remember Jupiter=Zeus
i don't want to give away the ending just remember Jupiter=Zeus
Sunday, September 23, 2012
You know how they used to have the Poptropolis Game costume, the Vampire's Curse costume, the SOS costume, the Ghost Story costume and the Magic tree house costume well they're back. If they go away I'll tell you but get a membership quick (if you don't have them) before they go away!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Super Villain Island Summary
Here's a sneak peek of what you will see in Super Villain Island.
Deep inside Erewhon Prison for Super Villain, Dr. Hare, The Black Widow, Captain Crawfish and Mordred/ The Binary Bard. Your mission: to go into their minds extract the sources of their evil. Can you stand a journey into the evilest places in Poptropica, or will you be trapped in their evil minds forever?
Inside The Prison |
Inside Captain Crawfish Mind (?) |
Chillin' Like a Super Villain
Super Villain Island is coming. Now you can get the sleeping powder, evil henchmen (aren't followers they just come for a couple of seconds but hey you might want em' later) and the Night Hare costume if you're a member. You'll get to use these on Super Villain Island on Thursday, September 27th.

Sleeping Power in Action |
Me wearing the Night Hare Costume |
Monday, September 10, 2012
In Spirit
Are you ready for some super villain action? In honor of Super Villain Island I am making a super villain profile page. Also since you can't have evil without good so I'm celebrating that too.
Not Really A Big Deal
I know this isn't a big deal but now you can get a color changing ballon with a 5 on it in celebration of Poptropica's 5th birthday.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Non members today is Sept. 6 that means you can play on lunar colony. Can you do it? If you need extra help contact me at
Friday, August 24, 2012
Super Villains
The four best Poptropica Villains are the stars of the new SUPER VILLAIN ISLAND! Get ready for some evil.

I Knew It!
The four greatest Poptropica villains are back! They are the stars of a new island! The name is unknown but I'll keep updating you.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Definitely Not Safe!
It's definitely not safe anymore. You know what I mean Mordred (Binary Bard) + Capitan Crawfish + Black Widow + Dr. Hare = Not Safe! Who knows who's coming back next! There's a super villain island coming up!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Triple Evil
It keeps saying that old villains are coming back. This can't be good. It's a super villain island! Ah!!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
It's here!
Lunar Colony is avalible to members! But if you not a member it will be avabile for you on September 6th!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Uh What?!
It keeps listing that old villains are coming back. Maybe they're making a island that involves all the Poptropica Villains. Or maybe they're having another villain showdown. Whatever it is get ready for a villain invasion!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Lunar Colony is coming out for members August 16th! Yay!!!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Avalible to everyone!
Now Wimpy Boardwalk is avablible to everyone!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Lunar Colony!
There's a new island coming to Poptropica. It's called Lunar Colony! I can't wait! I love space! Astronomy is my favorite kind of science.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
So sudden!
Wimpy Boardwalk is now avalible to members! And they didn't even tell us first. Well we did have a sign,those Wimpy Boardwalk themed things are only avalible during early access. Get them while you can members!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Get Your Independence On!
4th of July is on Wednesday! And of course you know they have fireworks in the Poptropica store well this is the best time to use it.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Fan Art
Are you artistic? Can you draw me? Look at me on Poptropica and draw me and scan it and email it to this address . Can't do that? No problem if you don't have a Poptropica account here is a link to a pic of me
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Showing Off Games
On the Poptropica Creators' Blog they've been giving a little glimpse of the games you'll see on Wimpy Boardwalk.

Sunday, June 17, 2012
Look A Little Closer
In the newest post on the Poptropica Creators' Blog you'll see a picture. If you just causally look at it, it will show you what the thing looks like. But if you look a little closer you'll see a mime and a viking! We've finally confirmed that Master Mime has a username and Vlad The Viking has a username too! Maybe Medusa has a username too and we can't see her!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Tribe Show Off
On your profile you probably noticed that it shows what tribe you belong to. Cool, huh?
Friday, June 15, 2012
Poptropolis Games
Poptropolis Games is now avalible to everyone!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
They are making a new island! It's called Wimpy Boardwalk. But instead of black and white it's in color.
Monday, May 28, 2012
On the Poptropica creators' blog they said that someone's coming back to Poptropica. I know in this picture the person who's all black is the main charactor of diary of a wimpy kid, obiously they're not making another island about him because that would be weird. One of things that they might be doing is making a Greg Heffly outfit but there are many other posiblilties. Maybe it has nothing to do with diary of a wimpy kid but that is very unlikely.

Thursday, May 24, 2012
Poptropolis Games
The full version of Poptropolis Games is now available to members and to nonmembers a demo. But it's avalible to everyone on June 14th.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Date Discovered
Poptropolis Games will be released to members on May 24th (the release for nonmembers is still unknown).
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Identified Tribe
They just announced some of the names of the tribes for Poptropolis Games.
![]() |
Nightcrawlers |
![]() |
Black Flag![]() Nanobots ![]() Yellowjackets ![]() Pathfinders ![]() Wildfire |
Friday, May 11, 2012
In Poptropolis Games you get to represent a tribe. Here is a picture of some of the islands' symbols.

Googa Gaga
Now you can get a baby girl outfit if you're a girl and a baby boy outfit if you're a boy.
Members Only
Now members can get wrestling gear, a thing that puts a statue down and a discus (it acts like a boomerang).
Monday, May 7, 2012
Back Up and Running
Poptropica fixed the little overload issue and now you can see profiles again! Please friend me! My username is animaljamrules16. If you leave your username as a comment I will friend you!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Poptropica Friends has an overload today so they shut down everyone's profile until the sever isn't overloaded. I knew this would happen, it's terrible. And I was just about to make a photo album cheat page but I need to take a picture of the pictures.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Twisted Thicket For Everyone
Today Twisted Thicket is avalible to everyone. Have fun!!!
Friends Are Here
Friends came out today! It's even more fun than they said it would be. You've got to try it!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Info On Friends
Soon Poptropica will be intriducing friends. You will be able to have scrapbooks, personallity pages, closets and much more!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Summary Of Poptropolis
The city of Poptropolis rises from the sea once every 100 years to host a tournament devoted to proving tribal supremacy. In Poptropolis Games, you'll choose a tribe to represent, and compete in several track and field events in pursuit of the championship. It won't be easy!
Daily Pop's Sneak Peak Picture |
Another Daily Pop Sneak Peak Picture |
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
New Island!
They've just anounced that they are in the progress of building a new island called The Poptropolis Games! I will keep you up to date with the updates.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
False Post!!
Well on the Poptropica's Creator's Blog they said that I haven't finished it yet but they lied I finished it the day it came out (but it didn't say i finished it my account has many glitches)
Saturday, April 14, 2012
New Look
If you ever see me now I'm trying a new look so when you see me I'll look like my this. But soon I'll go back to my old look or not but either way I will either be using this look
New Look:
New Look:
New Look:
New Look:
Origanal Look:
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