Early Poptropica
Go to Early Poptropica and ask everyone and find out what they're missing.
Go down the well and find the glow stick.
Go back to Main Street and go down the sewer and go to the bottom and you'll
find a pig.
Go to the bottom left and you'll see a passage way to where the golden egg is.
When you get to who's afraid of the dark (the message on one of the walls) then
when you get to the end of that hall way you see a rope.
Climb the rope then turn left and then you'll get to the dead end there will be
a rope then climb it and turn left again and you'll see a rope climb it then
you'll see the golden egg.
Unfortunately there a dead end where you find the egg.
Go right and you'll see a rope climb it and then go left you'll get to a dead
end and see a rope.
Climb the rope and then go all the way left you'll see a rope climb it then
turn right when you see a rope go up it.
When you get to the Poptropica Towers go to the top of the roof top restaurant.
You'll see a vine climb it click on the giant then he'll let you in if you have
to golden egg.
When you get to the end of the Giant's Garden you'll find a bucket of water run
then go get it.
Once your in the Aircraft Graveyard at the end you'll find the Jet Pack.
Go back to the Giant's Garden and exit the sky and then you'll find the flag.
Go back to Early Poptropcia give the guy who said he was missing his pig the
Give the guy who said they were missing the bucket of water the bucket.
Give the person who needed the flag his flag then go to the dock and click on
the guy on the boat then he'll give you the medallion and the you're done.
Shark Tooth
Get the shark fin from the guy wearing the shark fin.
The get the Carbonated Milk from the guy wearing the grass skirt.
Then go to the Ancient Ruins and go on the roof of the building (use the vine
and the block to get there) and you'll find a piece of paper.
Go inside the building find the secret passage way to get in use the piece of
paper you got from the roof.
Spell open with the code and then press the nose and it will open.
Then go inside the passage way then find the shark statue.
Jump off platform (watch out for shark teeth) then find the bone.
Now redo that but wait for the moving platform this time then go to yet another
secret passage way.
You'll find a pot of green stuff then go up the vine.
You'll end up on Main Street then go to Booga Bay and get a grass skirt.
Then go to Ancient Ruins and go all the way up to the top of the palm tree.
Talk to the guy in the mask give him the stuff you found in the building and
the Carbonated Milk.
He'll make you a potion to calm the shark down.
Then feed the coconut (he put the potion in a coconut) to the shark and go by
him then you'll find an island.
You'll find Professor Hammerhead and the missing boy!
Take them back to the main land and then talk to Professor Hammerhead he'll
give you a medallion.
Time Tangled
Find the girl scientist she'll tell you the past needs to be repaired.
Go to the future.
You'll find your self 50 years older.
She'll give you a time travel devise.
Mount Everest:
Climb the mountain.
Get the mini Statue of Liberty.
Return it to the person who's missing it.
AD The Statue of Liberty:
On the ledge of one of the buildings you'll find a notebook.
Return it to Leonardo De Vince.
AD Edison's Workshop:
Find missing piece to the thing that the Aztecs need.
Then return it.
AD Lewis and Clark:
Find the Stone Bowl that China needs.
Return it to China.
AD Graff House:
Find the Salt Rocks that Timbuktu needs.
Then return it to Timbuktu.
AD Great Wall of China:
Take the gunpowder.
Play a memory game and then win the amulet that the Vikings need.
Then return it.
AD Aztec Empire:
Find the warrior mask.
Wear it and then one of warriors is wearing Edmond Hillary's goggles.
He'll give them to you and then return them to Edmond Hillary.
AD The Mali Empire:
Go to the Timbuktu Inn and put the picture together and the owner of the
painting will give you the Declaration of Independence Draft.
Return it to Thomas Jefferson.
AD Da Vince's Workshop:
Find the Peace Medal.
Return it to Lewis and Clark.
BC Vikings:
Use the gunpowder to blow up the rocks.
Go in and find the golden bowl.
Return it to Ancient Greece.
Find the Phonograph.
Return it to Thomas Edison.
Go up the monorail.
You'll find yourself 50 years older again.
She'll give you a medallion.
24 Carrot
1. Follow the path through Carrot Farm. You will start to see footprints. Follow the footprints until you arrive to the roof of the house. Once you are on the roof, go down the chimney.
2. You will see a bowl. Click on it to pick it up. Then, go back down the way you got up and find Main Street. Once you are there, you will see a building called Carrot King Diner. Leave the house and go back to Main Street. Go inside the Carrot King Diner.
3. Find the waiter and talk to her. Ask her to politely fill up the empty bowl with some milk. When she does, head back to the same house that you were just in. Go up to the roof and down the chimney. Go back to the Carrot Farm and go inside the house again. Put the bowl of milk back on the floor again.
4. Jump up 2 floors above to your right, turn left and you will see a shower. Twist the knob for the hot water. When the cat appears, start to chase it .
5. The cat will drink out of the bowl of milk. It will then start to follow you! Now, go back to Main Street and find Charlie’s Tools Shop. Once you go in there, find the woman who is missing her cat. Give her the cat.
6. Accept the crowbar that the woman gives to you. Find the Factory. Go up to the top of the Factory and climb up to the roof. You will see a blueprint. Pick it up. Now, go back down to the bottom of the Factory.
7. Once you are at the bottom, go towards the right and find the tunnel. You will need to use your crowbar that you received earlier to open it up.
8. Once the tunnel opens up, go inside of it. You will come across the Carrot Transporter. Pick this up and save it for later on. Start jumping up and find a bridge.
9. Go across the bridge and jump up and go across the bridge with the falling path. Then, go to the upper left of the room. Get past the rat. Once you have gone through, go up and enter the dark room within the Factory. Now, start going to the left.
10. You will see the master engine. To turn on the power in the Factory, pull the first handle to the middle, pull the second handle down, and the third handle to the middle. Once the power turns on, start going to the right.
11. Jump on top of the crates, and then jump towards the left. When you see the barrels, jump on top of them. You will see a mechanical arm that will start to move. When it gets close to you, jump on it! Then start to make your way to the vent.
12. Go inside of the vent area. Open up your map and use it to get directions through the vent. First, go into the Processing Room. Once you arrive, locate the wire cutters that are on the ground. Pick them up. Keep going through the vent and you will exit it. Head back towards the Teleporting Device.
13. You will teleport to the Freeze room. Go over to the Security System and use your Wire Cutters to get through the system. Once you get past, start to jump on top of the crates. Then, jump onto the light and you will eventually make it back to the vent area.
14. Open up your map again and locate the Printing room. Once you arrive, go through and go towards the bottom. You will see a girl. Click on her to start talking. When you tell her to turn around, turn off her hat! A system password will be given to you.
15. Now, head back to the Processing Room. Go all the way to the bottom and find the girl. When you see her, click on her to start talking. Once she turns around, turn off her hat again.
16. Now, go all the way to the bottom right of the room and find the boy. Do the same thing, and turn off his hat. Now start to exit the room by going to the right.
17. When you get to the door, you will start falling! Start going through the tunnel, and try your best to make it through all of the traps. Once you get past, go over and pick up the bunny ears.
18. Take your metal bunny ears and put them on. This will be your disguise that you need to put on before you go through the same exit again. Once you get back through the exit, you will see Dr Hare! Find his ship and jump to the top of the platform.
19. Then, find a boy near a computer. Click on him to start talking to him. Tell him to look behind him, and when he does, turn off his hat! Click on the computer and put in all of the codes. Here are the codes in order:
Password – fuzzybunny
Command – launch rabbit
20. Complete it by aiming your spaceship at the meteors to damage the ship. Hit 3 of the meteors and you will be able to escape! You can leave by using your transporter. Go back to Main Street and find the mayor. Click on him to start talking.
Super Power Island
1. Start off on the island by walking into the Masks and Capes store. Go to the left of the room and find the store clerk. Click on him and talk until he gives you a Superhero card. Then leave the shop and go towards the left until you see the prison. The prison will have a meteor in it!
2. Start talking to the doctor by clicking on her. She will eventually give you handcuffs. You will use these later on. Go over to the police and start to talk to them.
3. Once you have finished talking to them, you will receive an informational packet of all of the prisoners. Now, make your way back to the Masks and Capes store. Talk to the clerk again.
4. Ask the clerk if they have anything other than comic books. He will give to you a guide on how to become a superhero! Go all the way to the right of the room and you will go through the advertisement room.
5. Make your way downtown. To capture the first criminal, go to the City Bank. Look for the smoking person, and you will notice the Copy Cat criminal. Go near Copy Cat and wait for her to drop it.
6. Catch Copy Cat before the smoke fills up all of the room. Then start looking for all of the clones of her. When you find the real one, put the handcuffs on her. She will be sent back to the prison.
7. Go all the way to the right of the room again. You will go through the advertisement room. Then you will be taken to Main Street again.
8. Head to the right until you see the subway station. Go down the stairs and go in the entrance. Go right until you see the next criminal. To catch this Speaking Spike, go to the left side of the room whenever he comes after you. Then jump over him. Keep repeating this step until you reach the wet floor sign.
9. When he slips, quickly put the handcuffs on him. Now, head back to Main Street again. This time, go all the way to the right and enter the City Park. Find the hot dog stand and receive a hot dog. Keep this in your inventory.
10. Look around for a statue around you. On top of the statue, you will see the next prisoner. To capture Sir Rebel, move away from him when he throws rocks. Then move close to him while the rocks are in air, so that they hit him.
11. When the pieces of grass appear, pick up the rock that’s on top of the restrooms, and put it near Sir Rebel. Now the grass chunks come up, it will hit the rock in the air and hit him. Once he falls, put the handcuffs on him.
12. Now start to head back to Main Street, go through the City Park, and go inside the restroom. Make your way through the sewage pipes. Once you get to underground, go all the way to the left.
13. Locate the raft and pull the wheel that is on it. When the water is done sinking, head to the right of the room. Head up the stairs and pull the wheel up. Go back to the left od the room and pull up the wheel. Go over the bricks and to the door.
14. You will notice the Ratman prisoner. Go up to the top right until you find a wheel. Spin the wheel and handcuff Ratman.
15. Once again, go back to Main Street and through the City Park. Go to the right again and you will reach the Junkyard room. The next prisoner to capture is the Crusher.
16. Go all the way to the right. Jump on top of the trash until you find the oil. Jump on top of that, and avoid him. Now go all the way to the left of the Crusher.
17. Climb up the pole and get Magnet Control. Then pull it all the way down and a refrigerator will fall on Crusher. He will then throw it at you and you will fall.
18. Go back and avoid him again. Get on top of the pole and pull the Magnet Control up this time. When the Crusher is defeated, put the handcuffs on him.
19. Start walking to the right side of the room. Answer the phone that is ringing. Start heading to the right to go downtown again. Use your superpower to fly up to the top of the Bank building.
20. When you get to the top, you will notice the last prisoner, Betty Jetty. You will need your flying powers to defeat her. Start to fly up and chase after her. Avoid the objects that she throws at you.
21. Get close to her and try push her out of the sky. When she falls, the Comic Shop owner will push her. Once she’s down, put the handcuffs on her. Finally, trade your hotdog with the store owner’s medallion.
Spy Island
1. When you arrive, go to the Spy Headquarters building. Start walking up to the top of the building.
2. Look for a man named the “Director D.” Once you have found him, click on him to start talking to him. Ask him if he has anything for you. He will then give you a decoder kit. Keep talking to him.
3. Ask him if he can tell you anything else. When you finish, go all the way to the top of the building until you find a person. When he gives you a message, use the decoder kit on it. Now jump all the way down.
4. Look for the Spyglass Eyewear. When you’re in there, click on the doctor to start talking to him. Ask him if he can give you an eye exam. During the exam, tell him that you see each letter in reverse. Then start to follow him.
5. Talk to the doctor. He will tell you about a new invention of his called the chameleon suit. When he gives you the suit, put it on your character. Now go to the left.
6. Find the docks. When you are there, look for a person in a trash can. Decode the message that he gives to you. You will now need your suit. Stand still and find the way to the door, which will be near your top left.
7. Keep walking down hallways and avoid all of the obstacles that come your way. Your player will hit the top of the building.
8. When you reach the bottom, stand on the wooded platform and jump up to the top left of the room. Find the agent and get the ties off of him. In return he will gift you a laser pen!
9. Leave the room once the agent distracts the guards by the door. Jump down to the bottom floor. Now, leave the docks and go to Balding Avenue, which can be found by going through Main Street.
10. Find the man that is outside and decode the message. Find the BAD Bistro restaurant and go inside of the kitchen to your right. Find and talk to the chef and tell him you’d like to apply.
11. Once he hires you, put the chef hat on, and a man with a moustache at the table will ask for a drink. So, have him give you his cup. Now head back to the kitchen.
12. Jump on top of the sink and go on top of the heater area. Find the tunnels and go through them. Hop on top of the lights and escape the man. Now, go towards the right.
13. Find a guy in the bushes. When you hands you a message, decode it. Now go right and find the Toupee Terrace room.
14. Try your best to get to the top of that building. Avoid the lights. Once you reach the top, you can easily bust through the gated bard. Use your laser pen to open it.
15. Once you make it in, you will notice another agent. He will give you a grappling bow tie item and a briefing on BAD. Put the grappling bow tie on your character.
16. Leave the area and go to the left on Balding Avenue. Look for a man in green. Find the building he is nearest to and use your grappling tools to climb up the building! Make your way up to the top.
17. Get all the way up to the rooftop. Make sure that your Chameleon suit is on your character. Now, go to the left and use your bow tie to aim towards land. Go to the left again onto the platform, and aim the bow tie all the way up.
18. When you aim it next to the laser, use it to get on. Look for the room and go inside. Start towards the right of the room and find the cherry bombs. Push it onto the pedal and release it. Use your bow tie so that you can go with it.
19. Now push the cherry bomb off. It will end up on top of another. Use your bow tie to go with it again. You will then end up on top of a cage. Push the cherry bomb so that it will land near the cage. Once it explodes, you will see your agent walk out.
20. Click on the agent to start talking to him. Once he gives you the Vision Goggles and the last B.A.D. documents, put all of the clues together!
21. When you get them right, it will end up as Laser Hair Removal. You will need this for later on. Now, head over to the right, near the Toupee Terrace sign. Find the man in camouflage and click on him to start talking. He will give you another document.
22. Decode the message by looking at only the first letter of each line. To do this, use the folder against it. The message will tell you to not trust the Director. Now, get out of the building and exit out of the Rooftop.
23. Head towards the Toupee Terrace again. Go towards the right and head up the hill. Find the B.A.D. Control Canter. Now, put on your Ultra Vision Goggles. You will see the hidden laser beams.
24. Get past all of the hidden lasers. Once you are through all of them, make your way up to the top of the building. Find the door. You will need to get your fingerprint cup for scanning.
25. Now go through the door. To the right, you will find platforms in motion. Jump on top of them and make your way all the way to the top. Locate the computer, and click on it.
26. Security will lock, but the Director D. will release you once you put in the secret code. Here are all of the secret passwords to enter.
Password 1: Laser Password 2: Hair Passord 3: Removal
27. Once you find the teleportation device, follow Director D. into it. You will then find the truth out about Director D. When you arrive, you will have his bots chasing after you. Lead all four of them into the electricity. When all four are destroyed, find the two bots in the air.
28. Take out your bow tie and use it to destroy the two bots that are in the air. Once you have destroyed all of the bots, Director D. will want to fight against you. Complete it by defeating the Director D. by taking your ship and leading it into the ceiling. He will then give up, and you win! You will then be sent back to the Headquarters, where Director D. will lose his position! You are now the new director.
Nabooti Island
1. Once you arrive to the island, you will arrive by a hut. Go to the left where you will see a door with a mask on it. Enter the hut.
2. You will arrive at the museum! Guide your player to the left of the room, then go down the rope, and then walk to the right until you see a man next to a sign that says “Nabooti” with a tall statue with two jewels.
3. Click on him and ask “Why are most of the jewels missing?” After he asks you if you would like to uncover the missing jewels, say “Yes! I’m In!” Then he will hand you a map of Africa to give to the pilot.
4. Exit the museum and go west until you see a pilot next to an airplane. Go inside the plane and click “Fly.” Now you can guide your plane to certain places in Africa. First guide your plane to Mountains of the Moon, towards east of Africa.
5. Now keep going east, watch out for the falling stones and goats until you reach as far as you can go. Now, wait for the goat to come your way, and let it hit you, so you will go flying up to the cliff.
6. Now jump up the tree until you see a lady. She is collecting cactus figs and there is one that is too high for her to reach. Go on top of the rock and jump up until you reach the cactus fig, it will go in your backpack. The lady will allow you to keep it.
7. Now go to the right, and over the waterfall. watch out for goats and falling stones! Keep going up the small cliffs, and watch for the slippery ice.
8. Keep going north until you reach a man guarding a cave. You must beat him in a game of Mancala and he will grant you access to the cave. If you do not know how to play, there is steps in the game that help you.
9. Once you defeat the man, go inside the cave. Go to the right and jump on the small cliffs until you reach the end until you see the Red Jewel. Pick it up, you have gotten the first jewel of the adventure!
10. After you get the jewel, go all the way to the bottom of the cave and to the left, you will see a cell phone, pick it up. You will need it later. Now exit the cave and find your way back to the airplane. Then, guide your plane to Blue Nile Falls. Go up the hills until you see a lady next to a chicken, feed, and a fox.
11. Talk to the lady and ask “How can I help?” and she will ask you how to get everything across. Here is how: Pick up the chicken and take it across. Go back and pick up the wolf. Take the wolf to the other side. Pick up the chicken and take it to the other side.
Then, take the feed and put it to the other side. Now go to the other side, pick up the chicken, and put it to the other side. You did it. Your reward is a secret she will tell you. There is a hidden cave behind the large bush behind the waterfall.
12. Go to the hidden cave behind the waterfall. Go inside and jump on the tall, small cliffs until you reach the Purple Jewel! Pick it up. Then exit the cave and go to the top of the mountain all the way to the left and pick up the Egyptian Blue Lily.
13. Now go into the airplane, and fly back to Nabooti. Go to the 3 people who want to trade. Talk to the middle woman, trade your Egyptian Blue Lily for a Desert Turban.
14. Put the turban on and fly to Giza, north of Africa. Once you arrive, a worker will notice you and hand you a shovel. Now talk to the man all the way to the right of Giza. On the shovel is his cell phone number. The number is 555 6789. Call it, he will go into the tent. Click on his backpack and you will find a Moon Stone.
15. Go west and climb up the statue and go to the top where there is a ring. Click your backpack and use the Moon Stone. A door on the bottom will open. Jump off and enter the passage. Then go to your right and you will notice a block with four rectangles. When you click on it, you will have to solve a puzzle. The rectangles must all be in a horizontal shape.
To solve it, first click on the rectangle number 1. After that, click on rectangle number 3. Finally, click on rectangle umber 4 and you will complete the puzzle. Now head to your right and jump on top of the platform. Make sure to avoid the scorpion. Keep going right. Find your way to the small platforms.
Find four blocks. This will be your next puzzle.
16. Once you find the four blocks, arrange them so they match the pattern that is on the wall. In order for you to finish this puzzle, you need to put each block in the correct place.
17. When all the blocks match with the pattern, the door should open, and you can continue to the next step. If you mess up during the puzzle, you can start over by clicking the “Reset” button. Once you enter through the door, jump over the smaller platforms and proceed past the pottery. You will then arrive at the third puzzle.
18. In this puzzle, you have to jump over pictures, not any pictures, but the right ones. If you jump over one of the wrong pictures, they will collapse on you. The correct pictures to jump over are, jump over the one with the girl. Then, jump over the one that has an oval and a squiggly line. After that, jump over the picture with the bird and the staff. After that one, go ahead and jump over the picture with the boat and the eye. Lastly, climb up the rope and proceed to the next part.
19. Once you are at the top of the rope, you will see 2 statues. These statues look like people. For this puzzle, you have to pull levers in a specific order. You have to pull the levers fast, because sand will fall out, and it will start to rise. Like the last puzzle, if you mess up, just hit the “Reset” button and you can start the puzzle again. The correct order for pulling down levers is the fourth column, the second column, then is the third column, and then the fourth column.
20. Once you have pulled down the levers correctly, the sand will stop rising. Go up to the sarcophagus, and obtain the blue jewel. You can leave this temple by going backwards.
23. Now, go to the Kaya Forests. Pull the red fig onto the ground. The turtle will then wake up. It will head to the red fig to eat it.
21. Go to the spot where the turtle was sleeping and dig it up with a shovel. After you dig up the spot, you will receive an elephant toy. Two ghosts will appear.
22. Talk to the ghost on the left. He will give you a Fingo, for your reward.
23. Head back to the plane, you will head back to Nabooti. Talk to the trader in a blue shirt. That trader will offer you a Fingo for the elephant toy. If you press “Accept”, the Fingo will go in your inventory.
24. Get back on the plane to Kaya Forests. Go to the ghost, and tell him that you have found the Fingo. You will receive the green jewel. Head over to the Safari.
25. Walk over to Big Zeke. He will ask you to take seven photos of wild animals. The first animal is the giraffe. It is located in the middle, right next to the tree. The zebra is located near the stream. Look in the bottom right hand corner, you will find a Gazelle. The lion is next to the zebra, hiding in the bush. In the water, there is an alligator. It is located next to the giraffe. Look on the right, you will find an elephant. In the top left hand corner, there is a bird.
26. Big Zeke will give you his old mining hat. Put the old mining hat on, and fly over to Diamond Mines.
27. Once you reach Diamond Mines, run all the way to the right. Go past the electrical fuses until you reach a control box. You need to turn off the electrical fence, click on the switch to do so. The fence will not stay off for a long amount of time, it will turn back on.
28. Run to the top of the dirt mound, and jump across the metal. Keep running across until you fall into a gap. Jump onto the barrel of explosives, then jump into the hole. You are now moving to the next step.
29. There are ramps that you have to navigate through, avoiding the carts. Keep on navigating until you reach the chute where the carts came from. Once you see the first rock, put down the barrel of explosives. Push the green button on the wall. Then, the rock will explode.
30. Do the same thing again, but this time, push the barrels to the rock wall. The rocks will explode, and make a new passageway.
31. Go through the new passageway. Push the mining cart, and get in. You will then ride off!
32. You will have to jump over the obstacles when the signs say to do so. After you have finished the mini puzzle, jump on platforms until you find a black rock with diamonds inside.
33. A mini game will appear. You will have to complete this mini game to find the Nabooti diamond. This diamond is the final jewel. You will know if it is the Nabooti diamond because it has a piece inside it, that can only be seen with a magnifying glass. Once you find it, it will go into your inventory. You can leave by doing up the rope!
34. Congratulations! You have found every jewel in this island. Head over to Nabooti, and into the museum. Walk over to the monument, and talk with the lady. The lady will give you some clues into putting the jewels into the correct order. The order for the jewels is Purple, green, red, white, blue, orange, and yellow.
Big Nate
1. Walk through the island. You have to collect nine comic strips. After you find them, enter a store called “Pop-in Shoppe”. Jump up to the top floor. On the green couch, there will be a comic strip. Take it, and go to the store named “Klassic Komix”. Talk with the guy that has an orange shirt and jeans.
2. He lost his comic. He will give you a comic strip. Leave the “Klassic Komix” building and head over to the Photo Studio. On the light, there will be a comic strip. Go ahead and pick it up.
3. Leave the Photo Studio building. To the right of the Photo Studio, there will be a pole. Climb to the top of it, and obtain the comic strip. Get back down from the pole, and head to the right. At Big Nate’s school, head inside the clubhouse. The clubhouse is labeled, “Kids Only”. Play the hangman game that says “JAIL”. There will be a different word to figure out each try. Once you figure out the game, you will receive a pack of Peanut Butter Crackers.
4. Go outside. Head right until you run into a lighthouse. Climb up the ladder to the top of the lighthouse. There will be a comic strip once you reach the top, obtain it.
5. Go back down. Keep heading left until you reach Big Nate’s school again. Go upstairs to reach the Science Lab. There will be a comic strip on the broken speaker, which is located on your way up. Go past Francis, to the left, until you reach a model of the Solar System.
6. Jump on the skeleton to retrieve another comic strip located on the Solar System model. Go to the right, stop once you find a chemistry model. The chemistry model is located to the right of Francis. Your job at this model is to make a stink bomb. Pour half of the beaker with blue liquid, and half of the beaker with yellow liquid. The beaker should turn green. Leave the Science Lab and the school.
9. On the right of the school, there should be wood scaffolding. Climb up until you find the last piece of the comic strip. Below is a chart on how to sort the comic strips.
New Kid: Umm excuse me. Nate: Hm? New Kid: I’m new here and I’m new here, and…um..I’m sort of lost. Nate: Ah, Nate Wright at your service, dude! Where do you need to go? New Kid: I’m trying to find the Art Room. Nate: Art Room! Gotcha! Stand here! New Kid: Uh here? Nate: Right there! And don’t move! New Kid: But! / Klik! FOOOMM Nate: Well? Teddy: He overshot. He reached the nurse’s office. Nate: Dang! Teddy: Which is probably a good place for him to end up
10. Go to the “Klassic Komix” shop and hand the comics to the guy. He will give you a pack of stale gum and let you keep the comments for future reference.
11. Exit the building and head right to the lighthouse. Climb up and talk to Mr. Rosa, Nate’s Art Teacher. Go ahead and ask him if you can look through the telescope. Exit the telescope after you look through it. On the right of the lighthouse, you will see a picture floating with the wind. Go on the ladder and jump off to grab it. This may be a tricky puzzle, but eventually, you will obtain it.
12. Once you have obtained the picture, go to the Photo Studio and find the guy that manages School Pictures. Trade in the photo that you obtained, and he will give you scuba gear. Leave the Photo Studio and enter the school. Go to Nate’s locker. His locker is the one spilling with papers. The combination is 9305.
13. Once you open it, the papers will all fall out. Click on the pile of papers. You will discover a school blueprint. Look through the blueprint. You will find out that there is a secret room. Close the locker and go down to the detention room. Do not enter the room, but stay outside. The Social Studies teacher will take you inside for detention.
14. You can access the secret room by opening the cabinets, but the teacher won’t let you touch it. Use your stink bomb. Once she leaves the room, click on the cabinets. There will be a ladder. Climb down.
15. Keep doing right until you reach a table with some DIY tools. Jump, and you will receive a Bell Clapper. Climb back up the ladder, and you will be in the detention room again. You can leave the room since the teacher is not watching.
16. Exit the school and go right. Go past the lighthouse until you see a man. His name is Cap n’ Salty. He wants you to rescue a lobster trap underwater. Put on your scuba gear and dive in! Obtain the trap and swim back up before your oxygen tank is empty. Give the trap to Cap n’ Salty, and he will give you a lobster with keys to the jet skis.
17. Climb all the way up to the top of the lighthouse. You will need a wrench. Unfortunately, you do not have a wrench but you can use the lobster Cap n’ Salty gave you. The lobster will scare the birds away. Head back down and get on the jet skis!
18. Nate will also come and challenge you to a race. Keep your cursor to the far right side of the page, watch out for the birds, and the obstacles too! In the end of this little game, you will win the competition. When you arrive to the rocks, jump on the huge, tilting rock, as well as push the two seals aside. You will then see the scroll. Obtain it. It is the map for the capsule Nate has lost.
19. Ride to the Puffin’ Point and go left. Go to the top of the school and use the Bell Clapper, which is in your inventory. Then, the girls will leave the playground.
20. Go to the playground and stand between the two posts. There is a spot below the ladder. Use the Peanut Butter Crackers. Spitsy, which is a dog, will dig a hole in the spot. Click on the hole the dog made. The capsule will come out. Click on the lock to open the capsule.
21. The Detention Teacher will come and give you a medallion.
Astro Knights
1. Go right until you reach a fountain. It’s also shown in the picture above. Pick up the golden coin. Head left and enter the Museum, it’s the first building.
2. Once you have entered the building, find the man in purple. Talk to him. He will say to you that museum access will only be available with the golden coin. You can see the Museum Pamphlet for free. Go into your inventory and click “Use” on the golden coin.
3. The man in purple will now let you look around. Go to the green chair, and click the books on it. The man in purple will tell you that the books can’t be touched, but he will give you a Library Book Slip.
4. Go outside of this building. Go right. You will see a UFO that has crashed. Keep going right until you reach a castle. Enter the castle. Go right until you reach a door. Enter through the door. Go left and pick up the items.
5. Go right until you reach some stairs. Take the stairs to the first floor, and go left and pick up a book. Go right, click on the gold flashing brick. The ground will open and you will see some stairs. Walk up to the entrance and go down. Once you are underground, go right and pick up the Moldy Cheese. Keep on going right once you find a switch. Click it.
6. Now, go back upstairs. Three men will come up to you and greet you. One of the men will say that you had no business snooping down in the underground center. Jump over the men, and go out the door on the right.
7. Go left until you reach the main gate. Stop when you see the wooden door after that. Enter the door, walk up to the bed. Now, go in your inventory and select the Moldy Cheese item. There will be a mouse that appears, and it will eat the cheese. The mouse is mechanical, and it is now in your inventory.
8. Walk past the bed and grap the Secret Message. It is located on the Treasure Box. Go left, and exit the room through the door. Once you are in the main hall of the castle, go left and climb the stairs that you see.
9. Go right until you reach a wooden door. Enter the door, go right until you reach three people. Click on the queen, and select option. She will hand you some coordinates. Go left and exit this room.
10. Go down to the first floor of the castle. Exit the building. Go right until you reach some people near a fireplace. Speak with the man in the hood, and he will give you a bag. Go right again, until you reach a building with a wooden door, named “Olde Rumour Mille”. Enter the building through the door, and go left. Climb to the platforms, and jump on the rope. There will be a lady there.
11. Speak with the lady. She will ask you to share your secret with her, and she will share her secret with you. Go into your inventory and click “Use” under the Secret Message item. She will give you some Cosmic Symbols. Jump down and exit the building.
12. When you are outside of the building, click it by jumping onto the parts of the windmill. You will need to push the windmill until the top of the building opens. When the top has opened, click “Enter”. You will be in the attic, go to your inventory and click “Use” on the item, “Bag of Manure”. A piece will float up. Go back up through the attic. Jump down, and go right. Pick up the Coil of Rope right above the floating piece. Go left until you reach the entrance of the castle.
13. Avoid entering the castle. Jump on the stairs. Jump from the stairs to the window ledge. The window ledge is located on the left. Jump from the ledge to the roof of the building. Go right until you are at the middle of the roof. Go into your inventory and press “Use” on the “Coil Of Rope” item. Your arrow will work. Point it at the broken hole in the wall, and then shoot. It will fly over the door, and then smash it.
14. Jump on the door, and walk across. Click “Enter”. Go left and pick up the Princess Note. Exit the room, and jump to the ground. Go right until you find the statue in which you found the Gold Coin in the start of the mission. Click on the base of the statue, and examine it. You need to click the planets, but also in a certain order. The correct order is moon, planet with the ring, star, and sun.
15. You now have access to the secret room. Click “Go Down”. Climb down the rope and go right until you reach the last person in purple. Talk to him and he’ll mention that he found a key but doesn’t know what it is used for. He will hand you the key.
16. Go left, climb the rope, and exit the room. Go left and enter the Museum. When you are in the museum, go left climb up to the second floor. Walk right until you reach the bed. Click under the bed, and you will revel a missing page from Mordred’s Journal. Go down and exit this building.
17. Go right until you reach a haystack. Jump on the haystack, and walk in the middle of it. You will split the haystack in half. Push the haystack on the left side the farthest it can go. You will reveal a secret entrance in the ground. One problem, the entrance is locked. Go into your inventory and click “Use” enter the Small Key item. The entrance will open. Click “Go Down”
18. An item will fly away. Climb back up the rope. When you get to the surface, go in your inventory and click “Use” enter Mechanical Mouse. The Mechanical Bird will eat the mouse. Then, the bird will become your friends. Go down the secret entrance again. When you are in the underground level, walk left until you reach a purple book sitting on a green chair. Pick it up, the item is Mordred’s Journal.
19. Keep going left. Run into the block and break it. Keep going left until you hit a wall. Click “Enter”. You will be in the prison that you saw a while back. The robot will self destruct. Walk up to the prison gate. You will notice a Fuel Rod on the floor outside. Click on the Mechanical Bird, and then click on the Fuel Rod. The bird will fly over and pick it up. Now, click on the bird and click on yourself. You will now have the Fuel Rod.
20. Go right and enter the cell. Go all the way right, climb up the rope, and exit the secret room. Go right until you reach a red-flying-item. Hop on it and guide to the right. Soon enough, you will reach a broken down UFO. Stop there, and hop off. You will now be in the UFO System. To complete this game, replace the broken Fuel Rod with the new one in the bottom left corner. Twist the X Axis nob all the way to 56. Twist the Y Axis Nob all the way to 52. Click “LAUNCH”.
21. The UFO will take off and land in the room. When you are on the moon, go right and jump on he blue & floating platform. Wait for it to reach the top, and click “Enter”. You will now be in Astrozone. Go left until you reach a green alien. Talk to him and select option. Go right and exit the building. Go down and walk left until you reach the “Create your own Rocket” booth. Click it. You want a good rocket, so keep clicking random until you find one that suits your needs.
22. Go left and enter the rocket. When you are inside, click the “Launch” lever and push down. You will now be driving the rocket. The first step is to arrive at Jungle Planet. The coordinates of Jungle Planet are 15, 15. When you get near the planet, and alien spaceship will attack you so click it as fast as you can.
23. When you are on Jungle Planet, exit the spaceship. Jump to the ground and pick up the Laser Lance. Jump back onto the spaceship platforms via the flowers. Jump on the moving platform. Wait for the moving platform to reach the highest point, then jump onto the next one. Repeat this until you reach the end, and click “Go Right”. You will notice a Green Knight. Talk to him and select option.
24. He will say that someone is being held in a cage, and that it could the the princess. Go right and jump across the eggs without being hit by the chicken. You need to jump from the last egg to the cage. The cage does not contain the princess, but a horse. Click on the center of the cage, and break it. The main in green will tell you to watch out as the Monster Phoenix is coming.
25. You will now be riding the horse. This isn’t just a regular horse, it can fly. Fly your horse, dodging all the objects that come at it. You may use the Fuel Rod to eliminate enemies. Soon, you will reach the Monster Phoenix. To eliminate it, charge your fuel rod at the max and then shoot. Sometimes, the monster will come behind you, so make sure to doge it. The Monster Phoenix requires three maximum charged Fuel Rod gun shots to be taken down.
26. Once you have defeated the monster, the Green Knight will say that it was a trick by the Binary Bird and that the princess is not here. He will also mention that he help you on your journal for the princess. You will be teleported to your Rocket Ship.
27. Click the rocket, and take off. This time, you want to go to Lava Planet, the coordinates are 83, 20. When you have landed on Lava Planet, exit your rocket ship. The next challenge requires perfect timing. You will need to jump from platform to platform, however, the platforms are moving up and down. If you fail you make it to a platform, you will land in lava and start over. When you have reached the last platform, jump on the volcano and click “Go Down”.
28. The challenge also requires perfect timing. Every few seconds, a string of lava from the volcano will appear and push anything in it’s way. That being said, you need to move up the volcano’s path in a very timely manner. To avoid the sting of lava, stay out of reach from path. Every time the sting disappears, you need to move quickly and get in the next hiding place. It is not too hard to do, however, the wrong timing can make you start all over.
29. Near the end, you will actually see the root of the lava string. If you pas the root, you will no longer be affected. Kee descending until you reach the bottom. You will see a mechanical robot. It will execute a bunch of moves to keep you away from proceeding to the other side. The trick ere is to jump over it when it is in the rolling position.
30. After proceeding past the robot, you will come across a Red Knight. He will say that he thinks the princess is located in the cave with the giant monster. He will also give you an Ice Arrow to aid you with defeating the monster. Enter the cave.
31. Defeating this monster will not be as hard as the last one. To defeat it, do the following:
32. Climb up the first chain, and traverse all the way to the last chain.
When you have reached the last chain, descend to the ground. If all is done correctly thus you will be located behind the monster.
You will see a ball bounced up and down. When the ball is up, quickly run run and jump to the monster.
33.Click on the lever located on the monster. The monster will open its mouth, allowing you to shoot the Ice Arrow.
Shoot the Ice Arrow into the monster’s mouth.
34. To defeat the monster, you will need to execute the above steps three times. When you have done so, the monster will jump so hard and heavily hat the ground will break, allowing him to fall in the process.
35. You have defeated the monster! But, it turns out that it was just another trick. The Red Knight will aid you on your journey to find the princess. You will be teleported to the Rocket Ship.
36. Go to the control panel, and click on the lever. This time you will need to go to Ice Planet. The coordinates are 73, 83. This one is a bit tricky, you will need to take out three sharks before you gain access to his planet. There is an easy way to get rid of these sharks. You will need to execute the following to get rid of the sharks.
Attract the shark’s attention by shooting it.
37. Lead it to the Black Hole. Coordinates 88, 46.) Trick the shark by attempting to go in the hole but quickly flying out. You can also fly in the Black Hole, but then you will have to fly all the way back to Ice Planet.
38. Do the steps above to eliminate the sharks. When you have done so, you have access to Ice Planet. Fly to the planet and land.
39. Exit the rocket ship. To start off Ice Planet, you will need to jump over all Ice Boulders until you reach the end. This is not as easy as it sounds, a weird looking fish will try and knock you down.
40. Make it to the end and click “Go Right”. When you are in the next room, go all the way up to the top of the mountain. When you have reached the top, you will see a Blue Knight.
41. Talk to the Blue Knight and select option. He will mention that he saw a beast and that you will need to defeat it to find the princess. He will hand you a Force Shield. The beast will uncover itself by flying up above the mountain. To defeat this beast, you will need to do the following:
Reflect the boulders so it shoots with your Force Shield.
You must dodge all other objects this beast shoots at you except for the boulders.
You need to reflect three boulders at the beast.
42. Again, it was another trick. You will be teleported to the rocket.
43. This is where most people get stuck. You don’t know where to go next. We have the answer. Click on the lever, and take off. Go to the secret planet, coordinates 10, 80. Land on the planet, and exit the rocket ship.
44. Climb up all of the stones until you reach the top. There will be writing on the wall. It will say that the four knights have gathered, the chosen one may pull the key from the stone. You are the chosen one, so click the key. A vortex will reveal, click “Enter”.
45. You will now be in Binary Bard’s castle. Climb down all the way to the bottom and walk up to the main entrance. Click on the princess, and talk to her. She will need the three mystical weapons to destroy the evil place. You will end up giving her the three weapons. She will then reveal herself as Binary Bard. Binary Bard will explain to you his plans on universal take over. After that the will disappear.
46. The main entrance will be located right next to you. Click on it, and solve the puzzle. When you click on a square, it will stay the same but flip over the adjacent squares. It may take a while to solve this, but with some practice and experimenting, you will eventually get it.
47. The door will open. Click “Enter”. Welcome to the final battle against Modred. There are two part to this battle. For the first part, you will be against the robot owl, Merlin. This is the easiest of the two parts and here is what you have to do to complete the first battle.
Wait for Modred to drop explosives on the ground.l
48. Fly over to them, and click them, allowing you to pick them up.
Carry the above Modred’s head until it starts to beed red.
Drop the explosive on to Modred’s head.
Repeat the steps two times and the first part of the battle will be complete. Remember that the health bar does not reset for the second part, so you do not want to lose much health in the first part.
49. You are now on the second part. To beat this part, you must do the following.
50. Climb up n to the top of the robot. Jump from the robot to the platform in which the princess sits. Now, jump on either the left or right chandelier.
51. Wait for Modred to stand directly below the chandelier. Modred will zap the chandelier and it will fall on the robot’s head. Do the steps above twice without loosing all of your health. You have completed the second battle.
52. After you have defeat Modred, the king will request your presence. Your excellence in defeating Modred will be rewarded with the Astro Knight’s Island Medallion and 100 credits.
Counterfeit Island
1. Just go to the Web Browser Internet Cafe and go left. You should see a big blue book on the table.
2. Click on it and there should be a loose page from it with some French. Go outside and go right to the Moldy Baguette Inn. Go up and on one of the windowsills, there will be a piece of paper. Pick it up and jump down.
3. Go outside. Go right and enter the Bobo’s Clown Store. Click on the green balloon. Otherwise, it will not work. Head outside of the store, go right, into the countryside. You will see a little boy crying and his mom holding a red balloon. The kid wanted a green balloon, not a red.
4. Give the balloon to the kid. He will start to float up in the air. That is how he got nicknamed ” Balloon Boy”. Go downtown and go left until you reach a bunch of trash cans. Click on the open one. You have to sort through all the trash to find Underground Tunnel Tour tickets.
5. Go back on Main Street and go to the Web Browser Internet Cafe. Go right until you reach a tourist looking guy. Use the Underground Tunnel Tour tickets on him. He will thank you and say that you can take one for yourself!
6. Exit the cage and go downtown to the underground tour. Use the ticket. Walk right in. Just go along until you reach some skulls. Jump on the light and retrieve another piece of paper. Go back down tot he exit. You will end up at the docks.
7. Talk to the man wearing a brown suit and a scar. Talk to him. he will tell you to get the job and then meet him when night falls. Go right. There will be a rock with a piece of paper on it.
8. Go right and jump on the mainland, and go left until you reach a man with a pipe in his mouth and a boat. Jump on the boat and go left then jump up to retrieve another piece of paper.
9. Go to Main Street again. Jump on the windows of the museum, onto the green roof piece. There will be a piece of paper. Pick it up.
10. Go inside the museum. Talk to the guard at the entrance and select the third chat option. In response he will tell you to talk to the assistant curator.
11. Go left, and go up the stairs and talk to the guy wearing the brown suit and glasses. Select the third option and he will tell you that four paintings have been placed in the wrong winds. You have to find them and return them in the correct spot.
12. Go to the top left wing and click on the middle painting. Replace the third painting in the top left wing. Take that third painting to the bottom left wing and replace it with the third painting. Take the middle painting and take it to the top right wing. The assistant curator will hire you for a job. Go inside the forgery detection lab. Select any station you like.
13. For the first one you have to scan every painting until you find the real one, the one with the drawings on it. For the second one you have to use the magnifying glass to determine which painting is fake. Examine the corner for their signatures. The middle one’s signature is different so therefore it is fake. For the third one you have the scroll around the photo and click it on the area that proves it is not real. The dark side of the moon should block the view of the stars. However, you can see the starts so it is fake. After you have completed, it is now time to move onto the chemicals section.
14. Simply when the read meter reaches a box, you have the click on the color that it turns into. You have to do that for each of the three paint samples. After you finished the stations, he will give you a supply room key.
15. Leave the lab. Go right to the area with two signs. Go past the sculptures and enter the security room. Go to the left and use the supply room key for the locked door. There will be the final piece of torn paper.
16. Leave the museum. It is now right. Go to the docks and talk to that main again. He will say that the thief is about to strike again. Go into the tunnel. Make your way backwards. Only there is some object blocking the exit. Click on the object and you have to make the scary looking creature look like the torn bits of paper you found. Click on the button to confirm it. You are now in the supply closet.
17. Use the key to pen the door and get carefully past the office. There will be lasers around you. Hide behind statues and plants to safely make your way past the room to the main hall.
18. Find “The Scream”. Click on it and you will jump above it. A red alarm siren will go off and you will see that below the floor you are in, there are policemen ready to arrest you. A newspaper will come up with the headline “Scream Thief Busted- Screams I’m Innocent”. You can read it if you want. Close it.
19. You will find yourself in jail. The girl will say that the door is unlocked and that it is time for you to come out. You will now have to answer some questions. A lie detector will pop up.
20. Answer the questions and the girl will congratulate you for passing the test and she will tell you that she knew you were innocent. Head out the police station and go inside the clown shop. There will be a security guard. Talk to him and click on the third option. He will give you his time card because he does not remember what time he left his post.
21. Go to the museum and into the office. Go on the computer. Click on it and a video will start playing. It will pause when you guys met on the docks. Print screen it and you will get a screen print. Go downtown and show the screen to the mime girl. Some music notes will come out. This indicates that you have to go to the “All that jazz cafe”.
22. You will find the thief. He will take off. Exit through the back door, on the right hand side. Jump down from the balcony and you will find a green scooter. Let the scooter chase commence!
23. Dodge the obstacles but do not ignore the ramps. It will get you further in the chase. When the chase is finished, you will see the guy taking off in a speedboat. Pick up the red key card he dropped. Go inside the museum. The assistant curator will hand you a package of Van Gogh’s Starry Nights. Scan the painting.
24. You will see a message that tells you to go to the museum in Early Poptropica. Ride the blimp to Early Poptropica and go to the art museum. You will meet the curator and she will tell you that someone that you trust is watching you very closely. She will also give you a key.
25. Go back to Counterfeit Island and go downtown. Then go right to the countryside. Go right until you see a cottage. Reach the door and use the key the curator gave you. It fits!
26. Go inside and go left. Jump on the furnace and jump onto the platform. There will be a painting with a bit peeling off. Click on that and the painting will stript off to reveal “The Scream”. The lights will go out and someone will beat you up. In the next scene you will be tied to a chair.
27. You and the Black Widow will have a nice chat. The man with the scar you met on the docks will tell you to scoot over to him. He will untie you. Do that. This bit gets quite tricky as if you fall over, you have to start all over again but you will do it. Just move backward and forward.
28. Moments later, after you have reached the man, both of you will be standing up, untied. Go to the right, where you should find the exit. Go to the left and jump on the boxes onto the right platform.
29. Jump on to boxes and wait until the man turns to walk to the right. Jump on that platform and carefully sneak past to the right until you reach a couch. Bounce onto the next platform, the one with the big door. Use your key card and enter.
30. There will be the Black Widow and she will start to throw valuable pieces of art. In his part, you have to help raise the man high in order for him to take the Black Widow out. If one million dollars of art gets destroyed, you have to start all over. Do the following:
Catch the pieces of art.
31. When you save for pieces, the Black Widow will get mad and you will receive a few seconds for you to turn up the crank. She will try and bomb you. Avoid it. Repeat.
32. When the man reaches high enough to reach the Black Widow, he will take her out a newspaper will appear on the screen. Close it. You will be in the Web Browser Cafe and the curator will tell you to meet her at the museum.
33. Go to the museum. When you arrive there, the curator will thank you for your help and she will tell you that the world’s top art is behind the walls. The grey walls will be replaced with red ones and very famous pieces of art will be on the walls, including the Mona Lisa. You will receive the medallion and 100 credits.
Reaility TV Island
1. To start off this Reality TV Island, you have to open up your map and go to the island. When it has loaded, go to the right of the island, and go into the store ‘ TV World ‘. When you get into the store, go up to the top floor and speak with the person with the white and black sailor shirt. He’ll tell you to flick through the channels on that TV screen to the right of that person. While you are flicking across the channels, there should be a screen saying ‘Send your Application To 123 Star Avenue, Hollywood.
You should now go out of the store and go to the left. You should now approach ‘Mikes Market’.
2. Go into this store. When you finally get into the store, go to the right and head towards the ‘Fresh Donuts’ stand. There should be a person standing saying ‘Reality TV Island is on in less than 24 hours, I gotta go!’ He then leaves and accidentally drops a Tabloid on the ground. Now click examine, then go to your ‘Items’ on the top right of the screen. Now read this tabloid, and go to page where the ‘Reality TV Island’ application is and examine that page.
3. Now go outside of the market, and go to the far left of the island. You should now reach the ‘Motel Office’ . Open that door and go in. Now go to the far right of the room and pick up the ‘Cheap Pen’ which is on the mans desk and examine it. Now open your items and get out the Tabloid and go to the page with the ‘Pizza Advertisement’ at the bottom right of the page. Now, close the tabloid and there should be a cell phone on the desk and click the numbers ’555-7383′. Now click ‘Call’. Now order a small Plain Pizza, and have it delivered to the ‘Motel Room 4B’.
4. Now go outside of the Motel Room, and there outside the house, should be a Pizza delivery man/woman. Take the pizza off of her, and go and take it to the ‘Motel Room 4B’ which is directly above the other Motel Room. They will now let you enter the room, go inside of it. Go to the far right of the room, and there should be a man with Black hair. He’ll now speak to you. When it tells you to respond, respond saying ‘I could really use that Grand Prize’. He’ll now reply saying ‘Money and fame aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, but if you really want to do this, use this stamp to mail your application’. He should now give you his stamp.
5. Now open it up in items and click ‘Use’. Now go back to your items and click on the application and write whatever you’d like. Now go out of the Motel and go as far right as possible. When you reach ‘TV World’ go abit further then that, and there should be a letter box. Put your application in there. It should now say ‘The Next Day’ and it’ll load, the next day. You’ll now be just at the far left of teh Motel. You’ll see a helicopter and your person should say ‘I Can’t believe it, I made it, I’m on the show!’. Now go to the top of the Motel and onto the roof. There is where the helicopter is located.
6. Speak to the man just to the right of the helicopter. He should tell you everything about it and he’ll congratulate you. Now, you can go inside the helicopter and start the show. Now begin today’s challenge. The aim of the first game is to be the last person standing on one of the ledges. Now it’ll be the second challenge. This one is all about clicking as fast as you can to get to the finish line, as you’ve got to push the rock. Now, go to the next day. this’ll be called the ‘Coconut Catch’. You have to be the first player to catch twenty coconuts.. but beware, there are bombs!
7. You’ll now have your first eviction, If you did well in the other tasks, you’ll be safe and go to day 4. This game today is called ‘Shuffle Board’. The aim of it, is to click and drag the puck and then release it into a target to get the best score. There will be many rounds. We then move on to Day 5′s challenge. This one is called ‘Shot Put’ and the aim of the game is to throw your rock the furthest. You can select your power and angle.
8. I would say the best angle is 45%. Now lets go onto ‘Day 6′. This challenge is called ‘Water Run’ and you have to be the first to fill your large jug by collection water from the waterfall, but remember, watch out for the boar as it’ll try to make you spill your water!
9. You’ll now have your second eviction, this one will send out quite a few people. These people will now leave this camp. You’ll now be heading up for the final, as there is only two of you left. This final challenge will be called ‘Pole Climb’. It’s very simple for the objective, all you have to do is reach the top before your opponent but object will be fired at you, so move to poll, to poll by moving right or left. When you have won this, a huge board sign will come up saying ‘REALITY TV CONGRATULATIONS’ with a notice on the board and confetti around it. When you have read the message, you should now click ‘Return Home’. You’ll now be back at the roof top of the Motel and you will speak to the man on the right of the helicopter. He’ll congratulate you and will give you a medallion and 100 Poptropica credits.
Mythlogy Island
1. Go to Mythology Island if you’re not already there yet. Hop off the blimp and head to your right and enter the Museum, which is the brown building. Go through the dialogue between Zeus, Poseidon and Hades and then go over to the statues. Find Poseidon’s statue and there, a starfish will be clinging onto his face. Grab it.
2. Exit the museum and go over to the Tree of Immortality. Head a tiny bit to the left and climb up the steps. Then you have to climb up the tree. It may take some time to find the satyr but you’ll find him, eventually. When you do, he will say that the nymphs had stolen and hidden his honey. You will have 60 seconds to find all ten honey pots so you better be quick. When you have done that, talk to the satyr again and he will give you a secret path to the golden apple. Climb up the new path and get to the tip of the branch. Tip the branch off and the golden apple will fall off. Jump down to retrieve it.
3. Suddenly, Zeus will descend from some dark clouds and it all gets kind of dramatic. Anyways, you and Zeus will have a little conversation and when he leaves, there will be a scroll floating in midair. Pounce on it and it will go into your inventory. So inside the scroll, it will tell you what you need to get for Zeus to gain immortality. Jump down the trees and go down the steps and you will see Athena. Talk to her and she will tell you to look for the olive trees for her help.
4. Afterwards, go right, right, right, until you reach the Grove of Temples. Enter the first building you see and go over to the right hand side of the room. Pick up one of the reed pipes and then go and find the statue you need. She will be holding a reed pipe. Ask her to teach you a song to play on your reed pipe. She will put you to the test and you will have to do a memory game that is kind of like Simon Says. Once you have done the test, she will give you a pipe tune for you to play later on in the island.
5. Exit the building and jump off the cliff over to the temple. Here, you have to clean up the graffiti with your mouse for a drachma from the guy in front of the temple. After that, go on the second rising platform and jump up to reach Poseidon’s temple. Go inside and place the starfish from your inventory as an offering. Go inside and you’ll be in a beach. So nice! Go to the left until you find Aphrodite and talk to her. She will give you a test to see how smart you are. It’s just a test on Greek Gods. If you’re a total smarty-pants and you know every single Greek god, then you should ace this test quite easily without my help. If you’re not like that, then here are the answers:
1) ARES.
6. When you have finished the test, she will give you a touch screen mirror which makes life a little bit more easier, shall we say? Go to the left and dive into the water. You’ll have to go through the underwater maze. Do collect bubbles along the way for more oxygen because if you run out of oxygen, then you have to go right back to the start.
7. You should eventually end up at the entrance of a cave. Enter it and go fight the Hydra. You will be faced with an ugly and quite scary looking creature with five heads. You have to wait and then jump on one of the Hydra’s heads to knock it out. Try and time your jumps for when the Hydra is about to strike.
8. Click on the Hydra, now knocked out, and you will obtain a Hydra’s scale. Now, go back to the Underwater Maze and you should find near the cave, a huge clam which opens and closes its mouth which has a pearl in it. Wait for the clam to open and just swim in to snatch the pearl.
9. Go to the Garden of Sphinx and talk to the Sphinx there. She has a short mission for you. She will let you take the flower if you manage to water it. So here, you basically have to pull levers to activate the aqueducts and lower the bridges to get all the water flowing out. Once you have finished, take the flower and go to the pomegranate tree above the Sphinx and take a pomegranate.You will need it later on.
10. Go to the left hand side of the Garden of Sphinx. You will find an entrance which leads to the Minotaur’s maze. Use your pipe to play the tune to match the corresponding colors on the door. Enter when the door opens and go down the steps. Go left until you find the Minotaur. Go inside the maze. When you get inside, Athena will give you some magic string so if you are lost, you can make your way back.
11. As you go along the maze, you will bump into someone known as Pan. He will tell you that there is more than one way to read the bones. Jump up on the platform above him and click on the pillar. The riddle tells you to take six bones away but still leave ten. To do so, just remove six of the bones so the bones spell out the word TEN.
12. The pillar will rise up and you can go down the chain. Go through the maze until you reach the big poster of the Minotaur with holes on them. You have to click on the RED EYED SNAKE three times for you to progress. This one will take you some time.
13. The easiest thing to do is to choose a hole and click when the red swirly eyed snake comes up. Once you’ve done that, go through the exit. You’ll be with the Minotaur. Talk to him and select the second option. He will give you the ring.
14. Head over to the Grove of Temples again. Go to Hades temple and go inside. Use the pomegranates as an offering and enter through the door. Now jump down, down, down into deep dark. You’ll end up at the River Styx. Talk to the guy on the boat to begin your journey across the dangerous, River Styx. You have to dodge the obstacles.
15. First, avoid the spot the falling stalactites are heading at. Then crouch down to make sure the skulls avoid contact with you. Keep on doing this until you reach the end of the journey. Once you reach the end of the River Styx, you will see the Cerberus, a three-headed, growling dog. Play the tune that the statue gave you on your reed pipe. Once the Cerberus falls asleep, click on it to receive a whisker and go back on the boat.
16. Go to the Tree of Immortality. There, Athena will be waiting for you and she’ll tell you to look closely at the five objects you collected. Apparently, they are dangerous! Assemble the five clues so it would end up looking like this: Whoever wields the five sacred objects will rule all of Poptropica!
17. Then Zeus will steal the five sacred objects from you. That traitor! Go back to Mainland and go inside the Hero Hut. Go and find Hercules. He’ll be standing around, being lazy. Talk him up until the third option and Hercules will finally agree. Use the Touch screen Mirror to transport to Poseidon’s Realm. You are now in underwater. There will be a stone blocking your way to Poseidon’s throne room.
18. Hercules will stamp his foot onto the stone and it will fall off. Enter the throne room and ask Poseidon for his help. He will give you his trident. Go back to the underwater maze and speak to Hercules again. Teleport yourself using the mirror, select Hades’ Realm.
19. Click on the stone blocking the entrance to Hades’ throne room, and Hercules will push it away for you with his ‘mighty muscles’. Go inside and ask Hades for his help. He will give you his crown. Teleport yourself back to mainland and you’ll end up outside the gates. It’s locked and that’s one hefty padlock. Hercules will smash through it and you can go inside.
20. You’ll see a snake and you’ll start to panic over it. Hercules will try and deal with it, saying that it’s just a pesky snake. But Medusa pops up and turns him into stone. Then she’ll vanish. R.I.P Hercules. Go to the mountainous area and talk to the blue guy next to the wind wagon. Use your drachma on him and he’ll give you a wind bag. You’ll rise up onto a platform. Climb up the mountains until you reach the somewhat empowering statue of Zeus. Climb up on it and go right to the top. Go up the steps.
21. Get ready for the big one! Inside the throne room, walk to the right and light up all four statues of Zeus. You now have to battle Zeus!
Do not touch him, he will hurt you in a way if you do.
If he throws his mini clouds, fly around the screen.
If he throws his lightning bolts, dodge past them
Collect pink clouds to regain energy
Shoot, shoot, shoot! (apart from when he has the electrifying power on him)
When you have defeated Zeus, Athena will reward you with your medallion and 100 credits.
Skullduggery Island
1. Ride your blimp over to what’s soon to be your next Poptropica adventure, Skullduggery Island. When you’ve arrived, head right until you reach a large mansion. Enter the mansion. When you’re inside the mansion, go right until you reach two men standing at the end. He will mention that he’s come across an important document, however, some of the text is rather absent.
2. When you’re done reading the document, exit the mansion. Proceed to go left, down in to the lake. Click GO LEFT. When you reach the other side, you’ll spot a Doubloon. Pick it up. Go back right. This time, climb up on to the bridge and proceed left. Go left until you reach the General Store, enter.
3. When you’re in the General Store, walk up to the lady. Talk to her and select option 3. She’ll tell you to find a way to get merchants back to her port. Go in to your inventory, and select USE under your Doubloon. She’ll then hand you a Bag of Feed. Walk past the lady and click on the broken mirror. She’ll mention that the mirror is broken and that you can have it.
4. Exit the General Store. Go left until you see a man with two chickens. Go in to your inventory, and select USE under your Bag of Feed. In return, the man will give you a Chicken. Go right until you see a man in a yellow hat beside a corn field. Go in to your inventory, and select USE under your Chicken. The man will then reward you with a Blue Candle.
5. Proceed right and enter the mansion again. When you’re in the mansion, walk right until you reach the two men at the end. Go in to your inventory and select USE under your Blue Candle. The ink (text) that was absent earlier is visible under the Blue Light.
6. The men will request that you start looking for pieces of the map. Exit the mansion, and proceed to go all the way left until you reach a wooden lookout tower in which a man in a black pirate hat is standing on. Climb all the way to the top. When you’ve reached the top, go in to your inventory and select USE under your Broken Mirror.
7. Look through the telescope until you see a raft. When you’ve spotted the raft, click on your Broken Mirror in the bottom left-hand corner. You will signal the raft, and it will start heading towards you. A man will get out of the ship and thank you for signalling him out of the lost. He will then proceed to offer you what’s left of his ship (raft), and will wish you better luck than he had.
8. A brown piece of paper will pop up and state the following steps that you’ll need to complete:
Visit the trading-posts of the different islands. Compare their prices and trade wisely to amass great wealth!
Head to the shipyards at Dragon Cove to upgrade your ship and dominate the seas. And remember, only a powerful, warship can defeat the vile Captain Crawfish!
Keep an eye out for talent. Hiring new crew members is well worth the price!
Need a loan? Visit the Golden Harbor Bank.
9. Go left and hop on to the raft. Click EMBARK to start your journey. Keep this in mind when sailing: Use the SPACEBAR to raise and lower your anchor. You’ll see a map in the upper-right corner. Your first stop will be Bouffant Bay, the island at the very top-right corner of the map.
10. When you arrive at Bouffant Bay, go right until you reach a man wearing a red bandanna. He’ll say that the map piece is located on 312 Hanging Fern Way, when there’s really no such street on that island. However, keep these numbers in mind: 3-1-2. Go right a bit more, until you reach someone who would like to trade.
11. It’s always good to sell all of your cargo at each port as you need to make at least 3,000 coins to buy the next ship. So, sell all of your cargo to the man. Keep going right until you reach three plants hanging from a building. You must remember, 3-1-2. So, jump up and hit the 3rd plant first. Next, jump up and hit the first plant. Lastly, jump up and hit the 2nd plant. A map piece will fall from the second (middle plant). Pick up the Skullduggery Archipelago Map. When the entire map is assembled, it will reveal a secret island.
12. Go left all the way back to your raft (ship) and get in (by clicking EMBARK). When you exit Bouffant Bay, you’ll notice cargo floating on the water right in front of you. Sail over cargo pieces floating in the water to get more coins. Now, go to your next destination: Parrot Port, located just below Bouffant Bay and on the right side of the map.
13. Dock your ship at Parrot Port. Head right until you reach a lady who wants to trade. Trade all of your cargo, and continue right until you reach a Pirate building. Enter the building, and go left. Climb up all of the floors until you reach the highest top-left point. You’ll see a cracker, pick it up.
14. Go back down and exit the store. When you’ve exited the store, go left until you see a parrot standing on a barrel. The parrot will fly up. Go left until you reach the dock. Jump on to the barrel next to the sign that says ‘Parrot Port’. Jump from the barrel on to the platform. On the platform, go right and jump on to the roof of the next house. Continue to jump roof-to-roof until you see the parrot.
15. The parrot will fly away. Continue to jump roof-to-roof until you reach a roof that contains a chimney. Stand on the chimney for about 5 seconds (to clog the vent), and proceed to go right. Jump from the roof on to the top of the tree.
16. You’ll see the parrot. Click on the parrot, and it will fly again once again. Go back left, jumping roof-to-roof, until you reach the first platform. Climb up the tower. You’ll see a man, talk to him. He’ll say that if you bring his parrot back to him you’ll be rewarded. Go in to your inventory and select USE under your Cracker. This will attract the parrot. When the parrot is flying above your heads, click on the man and he’ll reward you with a piece of the Skullduggery Archipelago Map.
17. Head left back to your raft (ship) and click EMBARK. Your next stop is going to be Golden Harbor, located bottom-right on your map. Make sure to sail over any cargo you find on the way as this will help you.
18. When you’ve docked at Golden Harbor, head right until you reach the Trading Post. Trade all of your cargo to the lady. To get the map piece for this island, you’ll need to turn on the first, second, and fourth lights. However, there’s a very specific way you need to do this.
First, you’ll need to light up the fourth lamp. This lamp is located just right of the Trading Post.
Next, you’ll have to light up the second lamp. This lamp is located left of the Trading Post, above a box of axes.
Finally, you’ll have to light up the first lamp. This is the first lamp on the island, so just go left a bit further until you notice it.
When all three lamps are turned on, a piece from the Skullduggery Archipelago Map will descend. Walk up to it, and pick it up.
19. Before you leave the Golden Harbor, make sure to visit the bank to get a loan. The bank is located right next to the area where you received the piece of the map. Just walk right a bit further, and enter the building. When you’re in the bank, go right and climb up to the second floor. When you’re on the second floor, talk to the lady and ask her for a loan. Enter 1047 for the loan amount, and head back to your raft (ship).
20. Your next stop will be the Pirate Outpost, located bottom-left of your map. Don’t forget to sail over any cargo you manage to find on the way. Dock at Pirate Outpost, go left until you reach the Trading Post. Trade all of your cargo. Keep heading left until you reach a cannon. Climb up on to the cannon, and jump up on to the hanging platform. Jump from the hanging platform on to the solid platform and continue right.
21. Jump on to the next cannon, and hop up on to the next ledge. Jump up to Corsair Cannonry. Climb to the top of the building and grab the Cannon Starter Kit located beside the black flag. Climb down the building and go left until you see an Explosive Barrel. Push it until it falls. Jump down with the barrel, and push it right until you reach the fourth tooth of the skull-ish looking rock.
22. Go back left until you reach the cannon. Click it, and it’ll fire at the Explosive Barrel. The tooth will fall and will reveal a piece of the Skullduggery Archipelago Map. Head on over to it and pick it up. Now, head back to your raft (ship) and embark.
23. Your next and last stop is Dragon Cove, located top-left of your map. Make sure to dodge any pirates and monsters on the way. Also, don’t forget to sail over any cargo you may find. When you’ve docked at Dragon Cove, go right until you reach a statue afloat in the water. Jump on to it, and it will reveal a Mallet. Proceed right and push the guy sitting on a box until he reaches a barrel. Now, walk up to the bell. Go in to your inventory and select USE under your Mallet. You will hit the bell, and the man will catch a fish.
24. He will mention that there’s something in the fish’s mouth. He gives it to you as a reward. It turns out that it’s the last piece of the Skullduggery Archipelago Map! Go in to your inventory and select EXAMINE under your Skullduggery Archipelago Map. It will reveal the secret Skullduggery Island.
25. Unfortunately, before you can attend Skullduggery Island, you’ll need a bigger boat. So, you’ll need to continue trading at the Trading Posts located on all islands. The best way to trade is to go clockwise through every island. Simply follow these instructions.
Bouffant Bay
Sell Silk.
Buy Medicine.
Parrot Port
Sell Medicine.
Buy Spice or Silk.
Golden Harbor
Sell Spice/Silk. Whatever you bought at Parrot Port.
Buy Grain.
Pirate Outpost
Sell Grain.
Buy Spice.
Dragon Cove
Sell Spice.
Buy Silk.
26. Now, we need to begin to hire our crew. Here are all of the crew members you’re going to need to hire.
Cargo Master
Located inside Willard’s Warehouse in Bouffant Bay. Enter the Warehouse, and head left. Climb up to floor two and talk to the guy. Select option 3.
27. After you’ve hired the Cargo Master, you’ll need to keep trading in the clockwise cycle shown in step 25 until you can upgrade your ship from the merchant in Dragon Cove. When you have gotten more money and bigger ships, it’s time to gather the rest of our crew.
Located inside the Pirate’s building in Parrot Port. When you’ve arrived, go right and climb up to the second floor. Talk to the lady and select option 3.
Located in the Corsair Cannonry on Pirate Outpost. When you’re in the Corsair Cannonry, walk left until you reach a guy in a red/white striped shirt. Talk to him and select option 3.
Expert Shipwright
The Expert Shipwright is located in the first building on Dragon Cove. When you’re in the building, go left until you reach a man. Talk to him and select option 3.
28. If you don’t have a Warship yet, keep trading in the clockwise cycle demonstrated in step 25. Otherwise, head on over to Skullduggery Island and face Captain Crawfish! This fight should be easy if you have all of your crew.
29. When you’ve defeated Captain Crawfish, head back to Fort Ridley and hand the Skullduggery Archipelago Map to the governor (located in the mansion). He will give you a Treasure Map along with a Bone Shovel. Go back to your ship and embark. Head down to the bottom left-corner of your map. The secret island should be located around that area. If you can’t find it, keep looking!
30. When you’ve arrived on the secret island, go right until you reach a flag. Go in to your inventory and select EXAMINE under your Treasure Map. It will instruct you to take 6 paces further. Take 6 paces. Go in to your inventory, and select USE under your Bone Shovel.
31. 2 hours and 4 feet later, you’ll uncover the treasure. Captain Crawfish will appear. Your crew will attack the captain’s ship and Crawfish, along with his crew, will run away. It’s time for you to load the treasure on to the ship. The governor will thank you and reward you with the Island Medallion and 100 credits.
Great Pumpkin Island
1. Ride the blimp to Great Pumpkin Island if you’re not already there yet. Go all the way to the right, over to the pumpkin patch. Linus will say that his sister, Lucy wants the biggest and heaviest pumpkin. To do so, choose any two pumpkins and put the lighter ones to the side. Keep on doing so until you find the heaviest pumpkin and hand it off to Lucy.
2. After that, Lucy will ask you to roll the pumpkin back to their house. Basically, you have to roll the pumpkin along hills, obstacles and stuff like that. Once you get to the rabbits, you have to wait until they go back down and roll. This bit is quite frustrating, especially when you get to the kids swinging.
3. Try placing the pumpkin next to the first kid swinging and when the kids swing, push as fast as you can for dear life. When you have done that, Lucy will be there waiting for you. Then you’ll end up in their house. Linus will give you the trick or treat bag he promised you.
4. Lucy will cut the pumpkin. You can watch the quick dialogue after that. Leave the house and go talk to the guy who looks like he sweeps chimneys for a living like those kids in Victorian times used to.
5. Give him the trick or treat bag and he will give you a lemon-flavored sucker in return. Linus’ favorite. Go back inside the house and give Linus the sucker. He will give you his Halloween party invitation. Pick up the pen he left and make an exit.
6. Go all the way left, left, and left. When you reach a place with leaves scattered on the ground, go a bit to the left until you reach a boy in yellow and black. His name is Charlie Brown. You are in his backyard. He will ask Snoopy to put the falling leaves into a pile. You will have to play as Snoopy – you have to use the dog’s breath to guide the leaf over to the pile.
7. Do this for five leaves. When you’re finished, Linus will charge in and fly into the pile. Go to the Main Street and Linus will wonder where he put his blanket. Click on the pile of leaves and sort through the leaves until you find a blue blanket that belongs to no other than Linus. Go back to the Main Street and give Linus the blanket back. He will use the blanket to mail his letter to the Great Pumpkin.
8. Go back to Charlie Brown’s backyard and you’ll see Lucy trying to talk Charlie into letting her teach him a football trick. She even offers him a document for him to sign. But Charlie doesn’t have a pen. Give him the pen and Charlie will sign the contract. Charlie will then run up to kick the ball and will land flat on his face. So Lucy tricked him anyways. Plus, the contract was never notarized.
9. Scoop up the football and go over to Snoopy. Go inside your inventory and select the football. Throw it in the air and an aviator cap in the tree will get knocked off. It will land on Snoopy’s head. You are now the World War I flying ace. Your mission is to infiltrate the enemy’s territory. All you have to do is fly around and avoid the bombs the enemy plane are dropping.
10. You will have to last 60 seconds to win. Now in this next part, you are in the enemy’s territory. You have to avoid being spotted by the yellow light. First hide behind the first rock you see. Then you have to go and hide in a trench. Then hide behind another rock. After that, hide behind some tall grass. Hide behind a haystack. Then hide behind a road marker. Hide in the stream and then finally behind a chimney.
11. Now go right until you reach the scarecrow. Click on the mask it’s wearing and put it on. Enter the farmhouse. A voice will welcome you with a ‘Come on in and enjoy the party!’. The party is going strong. First click on the bobbing for apples game. You have to bite six apples and you are not allowed to miss any.
12. For the Jack O Lantern, you have to carve any face onto the pumpkin, by drawing on Charlie Brown. Then you can play Pin the Face on the Pumpkin. In this game, you have to put each of the five features where they belong – in the dark. If you get more than 85% accuracy, you pass.
13. After that, you have to play the piano. You have to press the keys below each of the falling circles when it enters a box in the row above the keys. You have to play accurately to keep Snoopy dancing. This part is really annoying but you’ll manage.
14. Once you have finished that, you can now go trick or treating! You have to knock on a door and some candy will fly out. You have to get four different types of candy when you have finished the trick or treating. Charlie will always get a rock.
15. You’ll then receive the bag of candy and you can go back to the pumpkin patch to share your candies with Sally. Do that. After that, you can watch the hilarious dialogue where Sally storms off because she had been cheated out of trick or treating. Then Lucy will come along and thank you for looking after her brother. She will give you the 100 credits and the island medallion.
Cryptids Island
1. Hover your blimp over to what is soon to be your next Poptropica adventure, Cryptids Island! To start, go right until you see a man with a beard. He’ll ask if you’ve seen a flyer. In detail, the flyer explains that there’s a reward of $1,000,000 – but we don’t know for what yet.
2. Head all the way right until you reach a large tree next to a bench. Jump on to the tree, and pick up the five-dollar bill. Jump down from the tree and go left until you reach the General Store. Enter, and talk to the guy in the store. Select the second option: ‘Can I buy something?’. The guy will allow you, but only if you have cash. Go in to your inventory and select USE under the five-dollar bill you found in the tree earlier. Select the third option: ‘Fine, I’ll take a sports drink’.
3. Exit the store. Go right until you reach a guy in green beside a rake and a barrel. Go in to your inventory, and select USE under your Sports Drink. He will thank you, and ask that you hold his Gardening Shears while he takes a break. Go back left until you reach a person that’s flying in a balloon. Proceed left until you reach a girl. She’ll ask if you can give her a push. Go back, and then run towards her as fast as you can. Now, climb up the building until you reach the top where a man will ask that you cut his balloon lose so that he can fly.
4. Go in to your inventory and select USE under your Gardening Shears. You will now be handed a Nylon Rope. Go back right until you reach Kitty’s Kites on Main Street. Enter the building, and talk to Kitty. Select the second option: ‘Can I try out one of these kites?’. She will tell you that you need a strong rope in order to try out the Kitesurfer x250. Go in to your inventory, and select USE under the Nylon Rope.
5. Exit the building. Go left until you reach the place where you gave the girl a push. Jump down in to the water, and go left until you reach an animal sitting on a rock. Go in to your inventory, and select USE under the Kitesurfer x250. You’re now surfing, be careful! To surf, you need to bounce up and down in the air. Make sure to bounce very carefully, and follow the kites every move. You will eventually reach a girl in a pink boat that claims the prize money will soon be hers. Unfortunately, she throws fire at your kite and you begin to drown.
6. Fortunately, a helicopter made it in time to save your life. You’re now in a mansion. You now find out the girl’s name: Gretchen Grimlock. Click on the cup of water next to your bed. Drink it, ang get out of bed.Walk up to the door and exit the room. Proceed downstairs, passed the main entrance and in to the museum. Go down the stairs once more. Walk in to the room with all of the experiments. Click the big green ‘Play’ button on all 5 of the expirements.
7. Mr Mews will show up. Select the third option: ‘I’ll do it’. Mr Mews will tell you that the helicopter awaits outside. Go up the stairs, and exit the room. Go to the Main Entrance, and exit the building. Head right until you see the helicopter. Get in the helicopter, and select Himalayrs. Your helicopter will bring you there.
8. Get out of your helicopter and climb up the mountain. When you’re at the very top, go left until you reach a cliff. Jump as high as you can and land on a mini-cliff. Now, jump on to the other side. You will meet a sherpa. Talk to him and select option 2: ‘Can you guide me to the top of the mountain?’.
9. He will explain to you that you need to be tied to the ring at all times to avoid the risk of getting blown off. To climb the mountain, you need to time right. This being said, never jump when the wind heavy. Everytime you successfully jump on to another platform, simply tie your rope to the metal ring.
10. When you reach the top of the mountain, select GO LEFT. Head right until you reach a huge building. Go up to the door and enter. Head right until you reach a man guarding the Yeti’s Scalp. Select the third option, and the man will hand you an Unlit Camping Lantern.
11. Go left and exit the building. Proceed left, and climb back down the mountain until you reach your helicopter. In your helicopter, select PUERTO RICO as your next destination.
12. You will then take off, and land in Puerto Rico. The first thing you’ll see is a person that crash landed in to a tree. Go right until you reach two men standing outside of a house. Talk to them, and select option 2. The man will lend you his jeep.
13. Walk up to the jeep and get in. Drive the jeep to the star in the top-right corner. Click EXIT JEEP. You will automatically be brought to a man who thanks you for delivering to him the seeds. Talk to him and select option 2. The man will ask you to go look at the fence. Go left until you reach a piece of fur on the fence.
14. Get back in to your jeep and drive back to the star in the bottom-right corner. Get out, and walk left until you reach your helicopter. In your helicopter, select ‘Mews Mansion’. Your helicopter will take you directly to the mansion. Get out, and go left. Walk in to the mansion via the main entrance.
15. Go right, and head down to the basement where Mews is located. When you get close to Mews, go in to your inventory and select USE under the Unidentified Fur. You must now extract the DNA. To extract the DNA, follow these instructions:
Pour ENZYME #2 into BREAKER.
Once finished, press the DEVELOP button on the DEVLOPER.
16. Mews will say that it’s just Coyote Fur. Head back upstairs, exit the mansion and get back into the helicopter. Select ‘Puerto Rico’. Get back into the jeep. This time drive up to the star located top-left of the map. When you get there, click EXIT JEEP.
17. You will see a man standing there. Talk to him, and select option 2. The man mention that the Chupacabra only attacks goats with spots. Go right until you reach a tree. Bounce on the branches until you reach the top. When you’re at the top, grab the Bolt Cutters. Jump back down and get into your jeep.
18. Drive down to the star located right below you, on the left. Climb up the rocks until you reach the top of the tree. Proceed left until you reach a man. Talk to him, and select option 2. He will mention that the Chupacabra only attacks goats in groups of three or more.
19. Go back down and enter your jeep. Drive up to the star located in the middle of the map. Do not get out. You’ll see a bunch of goats around the area. You’ll need to herd three goats into a spot. After you’ve done so, exit your jeep by clicking EXIT JEEP.
20. You will find the jeep owner. He’ll say he’s come to help you. When you’re done talking to him, follow him until you are hiding behind a rock. You will hear a thump. Head on over to the locked box. Start pushing it, and the Chupacabra will break free. He will run away, however, he leaves his tooth behind. Pick it up, and go back into your jeep.
21. Drive all the way back to the star located bottom-right of the map. Click EXIT JEEP. Go back into your helicopter, and head back to Mews Mansion. Go left, enter the mansion, and head to the basement. Walk up to Mews. Go into your inventory, and select USE under Chupacabra Tooth. The Chupacabra will now be confirmed real.
22. Exit the mansion, and go back to the helicopter. Enter the helicopter, and select ‘Loch Ness’. When you’ve reached Loch Ness, go right until you reach the Pub. Enter the Pub, and pick up the Matches located on the bar.
23. Exit the Pub, and go left back to your helicopter. When you’re in your helicopter, select ‘New Jersey’. When you’re in New Jersey, head right until you reach a garbage dump. Go into your inventory, and select USE under your Bolt Cutters.
24. Using your mouse, move all of the trash out of the way and grab the Bathroom Stall Door at the bottom. Go into the washroom right next to you. Walk over to the bathroom stalls. You’ll find another stall with directions on it. You’ll write the directions down on a piece of paper.
25. Hop on to the motorcycle located right next to the washroom. Using the directions, make your way through the path. When you reach the end, click the ‘Look Around’ button. It will be pitch black. Go into your inventory, and select USE under your Match. You’ll now be using your lantern. You should now be able to see. Enter the gate. Using your lantern, guide yourself right until you reach a house. Enter it.
26. In the house, go right and climb up the stairs. You’ll hear thumps. Push the clothing case until you reach the end. Jump on to it, and click GO UP. Go right, you’ll heard more thumps. The barrel will start to shake, turns out it’s just a raccoon. Proceed right and grab the Grappling Hook. Go down to the bottom floor. You’ll spot something in the window. Proceed left and exit the house.
27. Go right and you’ll see the monster flying. It will fly away, but you’ll notice something in the tree. Use your Grappling Hook to get to the top of the tree. In the tree, you’ll find Broken Egg Shells. Pick them up, and head all the way back to the garbage dump. Climb up on to the garbage dump, and hop on to the roof of the building.
28. Select USE under your Gardening Shears to help the girl down. Head back to your helicopter, and select Mews Mansion. Go left, enter the mansion, and head to the basement. Walk up to Mews, and select USE under your Broken Egg Shells. You’ll need to extract DNA, follow the instructions in step 15.
29. Go back upstairs, and exit the mansion. Head on over to your helicopter and enter. Select ‘Loch Ness’. When you’ve arrived in Loch Ness, go right until you see an old man standing in front of an old truck. Talk to him, and select option 2. He will ask that you help get his truck out from being stuck under the bridge. Click the tire on the truck, and fix it by quickly moving your mouse back and forth.
30. The man will thank you for saving his track, and will therefore reward you with a Rugged Camera. Go right and enter the Pub. When you’ve entered the Pub, go left until you reach the man with the orange hair at the back. He will mention that he knows a little something about Nessie, but that you’ll have to beat him in a game of darts prior to the explanation. He also throws in a boat ticket if you win.
31. To play darts, just hold your mouse very still. Make sure that you aim correctly and precisely or else you won’t hit the middle. When you win, you’ll receive Osprey-feathered Darts. You’ll also recieve a Rowboat Ticket. Exit the Pub, and head left all the way back to the helicopter. Proceed right and you’ll see a Rowboat. Get in, and hand the man your Rowboat Ticket.
32. The man will start rowing the boat. You’ll eventually stop, and the man will tell you to look closely. A moving thing in the water will pop up. You’ll have to take a picture of it. Simply go in to your inventory, and select USE under your Rugged Camera.
33. Go right all the way back to your helicopter, and enter. Go back to Mews Mansion. As usual, go left and enter the mansion. Make your way down to the basement and talk to Mews. It turns out you were tricked, and that the Loch Ness monster located at sea were just a bunch of Truck Tires. Head back outside and in to your helicopter. Go back to Loch Ness.
34. Go back to the Rowboat and speak the man who tricked you. You’ll threaten him with the police, and he’ll mention he’s on vacation and will run away. Continue to go right and enter the Pub. Go left until you reach a man in blue. The man will mention things about the Loch Ness monster. The man across will start laughing as if it’s a joke, when it’s really not. They will then mention a Submarine Ticket, which you’ll need to earn by winning a game of darts.
35. Win the game of darts, and the man will hand you the Submarine Ticket. Exit the Pub, and go left until you reach the Submarine located right next to your helicopter. Hand the man your ticket, and control the submarine straight down in to the water until you reach what seems to be a Loch Ness monster. Take out your Rugged Camera and take a picture.
36. You will now have a Loch Ness Monster Photo. Take this picture back to the Pub and show it to the man who doubted you earlier. He’ll say that it’s a bunch of bunk, and asks you to take a look at the newspaper clip on the wall. Turns out it is fake, as a Movie Prop sank a while back.
37. He’ll thank you for the laugh and give you Peregrine-feathered Darts. Go right and exit the Pub. Before you exit, the man you faced earlier in darts will want a rematch. He will also throw in something that’ll help you find Nessie – guaranteed. Win the game of darts. When you win, the man will accuse you of cheating and will leave without giving you what he had promised.
38. The man on the left will give you a Penny Whistle as a replacement reward, something that’s supposed to attract Nessie’s attention. Exit the Pub, and go left until you reach the Rowboat. Proceed left and click GO LEFT. In the next room, click GO LEFT again. Now, take out your Penny Whistle by going in to your inventory and selecting USE under it. Nessie will pop out right in front of you.
39. Take out your Rugged Camera and snap a picture of Nessie. Go right, back to your helicopter and select Mews Mansion. When you arrive, go left and enter the mansion. Go in to the basmeent and talk to mews. Show him the Nessie photo by going in to your inventory and selecting USE under the Loch Ness Monster Photo.
40. You’ve just proven the existence of Nessie. Go back upstairs and enter your helicopter. This time, select ‘Himalayrs’. When your helicopter arrives at Himalayrs, climb up the mountain until you reach a rope. Climb up the rope, go across the bridge, and climb up another rope. When you reach the top, go right a bit and then climb up the mountain wall. When you reach the top, you’ll see a woman in red.
41. To get passed, you need to beat her in a game. To win, follow this guide:
Move your piece up one space.
Move your piece up one space.
Move your piece diagonally right or left, depending on where she moves.
Move your piece to the end.
42. When you have beaten her, proceed right and climb up on to the roof of the building. Jump from the roof on to the snow platform located on the left. Go left until you reach a Yeti Footprint. Go in to your inventory and select USE under your Rugged Camera. Snap a picture of the footprint. Go all the way back to your helicopter. Head on over to Mews Mansion.
43. Go left and enter the mansion. Go down in to the basement and talk to Mews. Hand him the photo of the ‘Yeti Footprint’ by going in to your inventory and selecting USE under Photo of Snow Track. He will tell you that it’s just an ordinary footprint, and that the Himalayrs isn’t worth revisiting. He then mentions that he’s just received report of a Big Foot sighting, and that the location has been added to the helicopter computer.
44. Exit the mansion and return to your helicopter. This time, select ‘Pacific Northwest’. You’ve spotted Big Foot. Just follow him around for a bit until you find out where he lives – make sure not to lose him. When the Big Foot enters his cave, your helicopter comm system will turn on and you’ll be speaking with Mews and Gretchen. You’ll now need to chase after Gretchen. When you bump in to her helicopter, you’ve caught her.
45. You’re now standing on your helicopter. Walk forward, and jump on to Gretchen’s helicopter. Walk up to the gas tank, and click it. Now, jump on to Big Foot’s cage and release him by using your Gardening Shears (go in to your inventory and select USE).You and Big Foot will land safely with the aid of a parachute.
46. Walk up to Mews. He will say that he has spent most of his fortune on finding the Cryptids, and that he wouldn’t be able to afford a safe habitat for Big Foot. You’ll mention that you do not need the million bucks, and that he can have it. He will reward you with 50 credits and the Cryptids Island Medallion.
Wild West Island
1. Head to Wild West Island. That is, if you’re not already there yet. Go right until you reach a horse stable and a cowboy trying to control your soon to be new horse, Elmer.
2. Talk to the cowboy. You will now have to tame it. This gets a bit frustrating but you’ll get it eventually. Just keep your cursor over the white one. When you have successfully tamed Elmer, you will get a horse whistle incase you and Elmer get separated.
3. Go left until you reach a lady with a blue costume on another horse. Talk to her and then she’ll give you a letter for you to give to the Marshal located in the Diamond Plains. You can now leave town.
4. When you have left town, make sure you pull down that map on the top right hand corner to see the Diamond Plains. When you have arrived there, go all the way right until you reach the saloon.
5. Go a bit to the right and there you’ll see two bearded guys who are throwing gum. Click on them and you’ll ask them where Marshal Taylor is. They’ll tell you that they are in the middle of a game. Join in the game. The deal is, if you win, they’ll tell you where the Marshal is.
6. Throw your gum and aim for the pot. If you’re not so good at those kind of aim and throw games, it may take a couple of tries but you’ll win eventually. When you do win, the guy in blue will tell you that the Marshal is the snoring dude at the end of the saloon.
7. Tell him that you have a letter for him. He’ll wake up but apparently he’s drunk and/or lazy so you’ll have to read it. Unfortunately, he cannot help you, so now you’re the new Marshal. He’ll give you his badge and now it’s up to you to face the El Mustachio Gang.
8. Put the badge on and leave Diamond Plains. Go back to Dusty Gulch and go get your picture taken. The cameras are old so you’ll have to hold the camera still until the picture develops. You’ll get your portrait.
9. Go right, all the way back to Diamond Plains and enter the Marshal Building. Click on the guy near the door and talk to him. Use your portrait and then the guy will give you a pea-shooter. As soon as you receive it, you’ll notice that the building is shaking. Uh-oh, it’s a jail break! The El Mustachio Gang is rescuing the jailed person. You have to go after them.
10. Get out of the building and follow the Mustachio Gang’s horses until they just go off free in the train entering tunnel. They manage to get away. Go to Dos Cactos. Enter it by the shooting contest side. Go right until you reach the shooting contest. Enter the shooting contest. You’ll face a few contestants.
11. When you win, go up the hill to the Casino, where you’ll soon be playing a little fun game of SLAP JACK. Go up the stairs and talk to the guy with the ridiculous glasses. Basically, in this game, you just place a card in the middle of the pile. If it’s a Jack, then place it on and quickly slap it. You’ll get all the cards from that pile. Be careful though, some opponents like to trick you so they move the Jack. Make sure that the Jack is properly placed on the pile. Otherwise you lose a card.
12. When you win, you’ll get a map for gold. Leave the town and head over to Rock Ridge. Talk to the cowgirl with the red hair. She’s distressed. She had lost her cow. When you are done talking to her, she’ll give you a lasso.
13. Leave the town and activate the lasso by pressing the spacebar, like you do with store items. Follow the trail of hoof prints and you’ll find the cow. As soon as your lasso is aimed at the cow, press the spacebar. You have caught the cow. Take her to the Ranch.
14. After you’ve done that, go back to Rock Ridge and talk to the ginger cowgirl. You’ll receive an ‘Old Saddle’. She’ll say something about five more cows. Just ignore her and go right over to R.J Earls. You’ll see him giving someone a potion which made him look like air.
15. Innocently turn back and leave town to lasso those five cows the cowgirl was talking about. MAKE SURE TO LEAVE THEM IN THE RANCH! When you’re done with that job, you can go back to the Rock Ridge and talk to the girl again. She’ll give you a Rattlesnake Wrangler.
16. Go to the Dusty Gulch and head to the Trading Post. Ask the trader what you could trade for the old saddle. He’ll offer you the gold pan or the oil can. Take the gold pan. Go to the star that has no name. You have to examine it. You now have to pan for gold. The location that twinkles is most likely the spot where you’ll find the gold. When you locate and find the gold, you’ll receive a gold nugget in your inventory. Much better than a chicken nugget!
17. Go to the Dusty Gulch and trade again. Now you have to trade your pan for the oil. Go to Diamond Plains. Find the guy with the dungarees and orange facial hair. Go inside. When you enter, you have to pull levers, push boxes and jump on platforms. Make sure you get to the top. When you do, you’ll see a big circle with gears and other mechanical objects. Use the oil. You’ll get a closer look at the machinery.
18. You have to do is spray the gears that connect from one big silver gear to the other. Leave that place and go to Rock Ridge. Go to R.J Earls and use the gold nugget to purchase the elixirs. He’ll give you one of everything. Go to Diamond Plains (right star) and dismount off Elmer. Ride the train to Dos Cactos.
19. The train is being robbed! Just shoot, shoot, and shoot. You can use the concentration carbonate to make them freeze but use it wisely as the supply is limited. You have to shoot each person three times.
20. When you have gotten past the train robbery part, get off the train and talk to the guy with the weird head. He wants a blue tulip. Go on the train to Rock Ridge. When you have arrived there, go past the coal and go right until you reach a bit of rope. Climb up and go left. There will be a canary with a key. Shoot it to make it drop its keys. Pick it up as you go right. Keep on walking to the right until you reach a door. Open it up with the key and go inside.
21. When you’re inside, go right a little bit. Rocks will fall. Jump on to the mining cart and off you go. You have to shoot at the targets as you go along. You’ll stop. Now go up and pluck out the blue tulip. Rocks will fall again and you’ll end up in a place where there’s a rope. Go up. There’s a cow as you go up. When you have finished going up, go right. Stop when you see a crying person. He will say that you are too late and that the Mustachio Gang had already taken everything. Take the piece of map above the poor guy’s head.
22. Now go back to Dos Cactos. Give the blue tulip to the guy with the weird head. His head will shrink back to it’s normal size. He’ll give you the other piece of the map. Leave Dos Cactos and go to the un-named star on the left hand side of the map (not the right hand side). Go to the right. A few members of the Mustachio Gang have detected something! Use the transparency tonic to make yourself less noticeable and sneak past them.
23. You will now have to face the El Mustachio Gang. Get ready, as this will be the biggest part of the island. Go inside the cabin. You will have to eliminate every one apart from the boss, El Mustachio Grande. We have constructed a nifty guide to help you eliminate everyone. You can find the guide below.
Girl In Purple – Shoot at the bags of money above her. When they spill, use the Concentration Carbonate and shoot her.
Guy In Blue - Shoot at the candle wick, which will cause the candle to burn and put the rope on fire. Use the Concentration Carbonate to eliminate him.
Orange Bearded Guy – Shoot the gun on the stone mantelpiece. Use CC.
Sombrero Dude – Hit the root beer, which will topple off and fall onto the wheel. Take him out using CC.
24. El Mustachio Grande will run away on his horse. Chase him quickly, then lasso him. Take him to Diamond Plains. El Mustachio Grande will be sent to jail for good.
Wimpy Wonderland
1. Hover your Poptropica blimp over to your newest adventure, Wimpy Wonderland. When you land on the island, hop off and go left until you see Greg Heffley. You will find out that Manny’s missing. Talk to him, and select ‘Where do you think he might be?’. Greg will mention that you should go to his house and look for clues.
2. Follow Greg by going left, passed Surrey Street. Greg should be standing outside of his house. Greg will say that Manny is not in the house. Go in to the house anyways. You will see Greg once again. This time he will encourage you to look for clues. Go left until you reach a locked door. Greg will say that you need a credit card or something like it to unlock it.
3. Go right until you reach the stairs. Climb up the stairs, go in to the right room and pick up the Address Book. Now, go all the way left in to the other room and pick up the page from Greg’s journal. After you’ve picked that up, go right until you reach Manny’s room. Enter the room, and go left until you reach the window. Click EXIT.
4. Now go all the way left until you reach Rowley. Talk to Rowley, and select the third option: ‘Which way did they go?’. You will see Manny speed down on a bicycle, running you over. Continue going left until you reach the last house. Click ENTER, and talk to the lady inside. Select the third option: ‘Can you help me look for him?’. She will mention that she can drive you around and help you look for him if you can shovel her driveway.
5. Exit the house, and go all the way right passing Greg’s house. You will notice a Rumble Bike near the Fast Mart, pick it up. Continue further, and you will see Manny! Chase him up the tree by jumping branch-to-branch. When you guys reach the top, he will jump and escape. Now, jump down like Manny and pick up the Carrot beside the kid and his mom. The mom will let you have it.
6. Go right until you reach a school. You’ll see Manny once again! He’ll climb up the school and jump into the top window. Continue right until you see a Garbage Can. Push it on to the sea-saw, and hop on to the other side. Climb up the tree. You’ll notice a piece of paper, pick it up. It’s the Locker Combination that we’ll need in a bit. Continue climbing the tree until you reach the highest you can go. Jump down on to the opposite end of the sea-saw in which you placed the Garbage Can.
7. The Garbage Can will fling up on to the school. Go left until you reach the trash bin located right beside the school. Jump on to it, then jump on to the school. Go right and hop on to the other side of the Garbage Can that you just launched. Push it left until you reach the window in which Manny climbed in to. Hop on to the Garbage Can, and jump on to the window ledge. Enter the window.
8. You’re now inside of the school. Go left until you see Manny. Chase him until he leaves the school and escapes once again. Go back left until you reach the locker that you can click (the lightest locker). Click it, and crack the combination! The locker combination is: 9, 37, 19.
9. When you’ve cracked it, you’ll find the Twisted Wizard Game Guide. Go right and leave the school. Go left until you reach Greg’s house. Walk up to Greg. Go in to your inventory, and select EXAMINE under the Twisted Wizard Game Guide. Play the game. Greg will thank you for helping him beat that level, and will ask you to return the game to Rowley.
10. Greg will give you the Twisted Wizard Game. Exit Greg’s house. Go left until you reach Rowley’s house (you will see Rowley through the window). Knock on the door. Rowley’s dad will say that he can’t come out to play. Go right, and jump on to the car in the driveway. Quickly run back and hide in the bush located left of the door. When Rowley’s dad walks out to see what happened, enter the house.
11. Go right and enter Rowley’s bedroom. Hand Rowley the Twisted Wizard Game. He will give you a Joshie Fan Club Membership Card. Exit Rowley’s house, and head right all the way back to Greg’s house. Enter Greg’s house. Go left until you reach the door that you can only unlock using a credit card. Go in to your inventory, and click USE under the Joshie Fan Club Membership Card.
12. You’ll open the door. Enter, and click EXAMINE on the power switch (located on the wall). Click Rodrick’s Room. The power will get cut off and Rodrick will walk out mad. Go in to Rodrick’s room and pick up the Dog Dish. Go back up, and exit the house. Go in to the garage and pick up the Leaf Blower.
13. Exit the garage, and go left until you reach a snowman. Go in to your inventory and select USE under your Carrot. The snowman will then ask if you can ‘him’ out of there. Go back in to your inventory and select USE under your Leaf Blower. He will give you a Bingo Troll.
14. Go all the way right until you reach the Leisure Towers. Proceed right until you reach the second tree. Hop on to the tree, and bounce up on to the Leisure Towers. Click GO UP. Climb up all of the windows without getting hit back down! When you reach the second stage of windows, they will start throwing stuff at you so be extra careful. On the third stage of windows, they will start throwing things faster. Climb all the way to the top of the third stage and enter the top-right window.
15. Talk to the old man and select option three: ‘Where is Manny?’. The old man tells you that he’ll discuss it over lunch. This game is a bit tricky. You need to click as fast as you can, and when I say that, I mean literally – as FAST as possible.
16. The old man will show you security camera footage of Manny passing on a scooter at the front of the Leisure Towers. Go right and exit the old man’s apartment. Go left and enter the elevator. On the list of floors, click the L in the bottom left corner. Go left and exit the building.
17. Go right until you reach the Whirley Street Kids. They will be throwing snowballs at you, so watch out! Dodge the snowballs, and pick up the Snow Shovel. Go left and get out of there! Proceed left, passing the Leisure Towers, all the way to the Old Lady’s house (other side of the island). Walk up on to her driveway. Go in to your inventory, and select USE under your Snow Shovel. This game is pretty straight forward, all you have to do is shovel all of the snow off of the driveway.
18. The old lady will thank you for shoveling her driveway. She will tell you that she’s going to play bingo at the Leisure Towers before helping you look for Manny. Go right all the way back to the Leisure Towers. Enter the Leisure Towers, and walk right. Click GO RIGHT when you reach the entrance to the other room, and enter. Walk up to the Old Lady. She’ll tell you that you’re welcome to be her guest, but you’ll need to find your own Blotter as she needs hers to play.
19. Go in to your inventory and select USE under your Bingo Troll. This will be used as your Blotter. This game is fairly easy. You have three bingo cards. The numbers will float across the screen, giving you enough time to find the match on any of your three cards. First to get a bingo wins, so make sure not to miss any!
20. When you win, the Old Lady will hand you a Classical Music CD. Head left and exit the Leisure Towers. Proceed left, passing the school all the way to the Fast Mart. Enter the Fast Mart. Go in to your inventory and select USE under your Classical Music CD. You will enter the Classical Music in to the radio. Click the radio, and increase the volume to the max.
21. The person at the store will give you a No-Freez Wiper Fluid. Exit the Fast Mart, and head right all the way passed the school. Stop at a guy standing beside a truck. Talk to him. Go in to your inventory, and select USE under your No-Freez Wiper Fluid. He will tell you that he needs exactly four liters of Wiper Fluid – so make sure you use the exact amount. First, pour the No-Freez Wiper Fluid in to the Dog Dish. Now, pour the Dog Dish in to the cup. Finally, pour No-Freez in to the Dog Dish once again. This should leave you with four liters of Wiper-Fluid.
22. Head left back to Greg’s house. Enter the house, and walk up to Greg. Click the curtains and open them. He will mention that Manny was probably looking for his blanket, Tingy. Exit the house. Manny will pass you, driving a big truck. Chase after him!
23. Head left until you reach the Quik-Spin Laundromat. Enter the building. Head left until you reach Manny. Click on Manny. He will say ‘Tingy!’. Greg will come in and say that we need to get Manny home before his mom gets back from work.
24. Exit the building. You will see the Whirley Street Kids. Help Greg push the snowball. Just walk up to it, and it will do it automatically from there.
25. This is my favorite part of the island. Simply sled down the hill until you reach Greg’s house. Collect the medal and finish Poptropica Wimpy Wonderland Island.
Magic Tree House Red Dragon
1. Hover your blimp over to your newest adventure, Red Dragon Island. When you arrive, head all of the way to the right until you see a swinging tire. Move your mouse towards it and click ENTER. You’ll see a bunch of stars fly through the air, and eventually you’ll see Jack and Annie.
2. Jack and Annie will leave the area. Head over to the swinging tire, and jump on it until it snaps. Roll the tire all the way to the left and click GO LEFT. You’ll notice the tire came along with you. Roll it all the way to the right until you reach the end, and once again click GO LEFT.
3. Roll your tire over the green hills until you reach a ladder hanging down from a tree. Before you climb up, pick up the red sunglasses. Now, hop on to the black tire and bounce on to the ladder. Climb up the ladder, and meet Jack and Annie.
4. Annie will explain that Jack is cranky because he lost his sunglasses. Go in to your inventory, and hand him over the red sunglasses that you had picked up earlier prior to climbing up the ladder.
5. Jack will thank you for handing him back his glasses. Now, walk to the very left side of the tree house and pick up the green book entitled ‘Frog Creek Pennsylvania: Home Town USA’. Now, walk up to Annie and select ‘How does it work?’. She will then lead you to a red book entitled ‘A Journey to Old Japan’. Pick it up. Now, go to your inventory and select USE.
6. Your tree house will start shaking, and then after a while will actually start moving. After a couple of seconds, you’ll be in Ol’ Ancient Japan! Exit the tree house. Jack and Annie will give you a Magic Amulet that transports you back to the tree house whenever needed. Now, walk all the way to the left until you see two security guards. They will throw you in to prison for not having a passport.
7. Talk to the old guy in the prison. He’ll explain to you that you cannot get out as the security is very tight. Go in to your inventory, and select USE on the Magic Amulet that was given to you by Jack and Annie.
8. Exit the tree house. This time, go all the way to the left until you reach a red bridge. The gate will be open, so ENTER. Talk to the lady inside the building until she offers you a Kimono. Choose whatever color you’d like, and then go in to your inventory. Select COSTUMIZE under the Kimono, and put on all of the clothing. After you’ve done so, you’ll find a passport hidden in one of the pockets. Exit the building.
9. Go all the way left towards the security guards again. This time, since you have a passport, they’ll let you proceed. When you enter the next room, you’ll witness Jack and Annie getting caught with no passport. They’ll be taken away by security guards.
10. Go across the red bridge, and enter the next room. Walk all the way left until you spot a rotten green fish sitting on a large staircase. Pick it up, and head right towards the bridge again. Walk all the way across the bridge again, until you reach the other side. You’ll notice a stairway that goes lower in to the ground.
11. Go down to the water. There, you’ll notice a boat. Hop on to the boat, and select USE under your Rotten Fish. The guy on the boat with encourage you to capture the Kappa. This game is a bit tricky, as it differentiates. What I did was shoot the bees from the beehive toward the tree. After that, I pushed the big rock on to the hole. I then lit the wood on fire. Place the frog in the middle, and point the beehive down at the net. This should catch the Kappa.
12. The man on the boat then takes credit for it. Head on over to the hill where you came from (to the right), and climb up to the bridge again. Walk across the bridge, and in to the room again. This time walk passed the staircase in which you found the Rotten Fish. Walk all the way to the end, and click GO LEFT. Walk left until you pick up the Bag of Mortar. Head all the way back to the red bridge.
13. Walk up to the person on the bridge. Go in to your inventory, and click USE under the Bag of Mortar. You will now be required to fix the bridge. Place the pieces on the bridge until they are all in the correct position. After you fix the bridge, you’ll notice sumo wrestlers beginning to walk across it.
14. Walk left back to where you came from. Head all the way to the left until you’ve reached the staircase in which you found the Green Rotten Fish. Head up the staircase, and talk to the girl. She’ll explain that no one has seen the Ninja Master in a long time. Go to the right until you reach the rock wall. A Parchment will fall. Pick it up. Go to your inventory, and click EXAMINE under the Parchment.
15. The Parchment will say that the Ninja Master’s name is Basho, and that he is most likely to be located on the West side of the island. Close your inventory, and go back down the rock staircase. Head left all the way towards the location in which you found the Bag of Mortar. Enter the house again, and speak to the old man. He’ll tell you that Basho was last located in the market buying some eggs.
16. Head back to the market. Go right until you locate a security guard. Walk up to the security guard and ask to help. In this game, you’ll need to find the guilty one by using what they say as clues. The order that they should go in is as follows (from first to last):
1. The person that claims he/she was not next to anyone with a hat.
2. The person that claims he/she was not next to anyone with glasses or a mustache.
3. The person that claims he/she was next to somebody with a mustache.
4. The person that claims he/she was next to the person in the middle.
5. The person that claims he/she was behind someone with a hat.
The fifth person is claimed guilty and taken away by the security guards. Before leaving, the security guard asks you to bring his betting slip to the sumo match.
17. Head right and go across the red bridge again. Pick up the Bonsai Sissors located in the middle of the bridge. Keep walking right and click GO RIGHT. Head right until you reach the building in which you got the Kimono suit. Talk to the lady again, she’ll mention that her Bonsai Trees need trimming. Go in to your inventory, and click USE under your Bonsai Sissors.
18. This game is tricky. You’ll need to trim the leaves off of the Bonsai to match the example picture exactly! One mistake will cost you a loss. After successfully trimming the Bonsai Tree, a man in a black suit will walk in and ask how much the Bonsai are. The lady will sell them for 100 Yen, and he’ll walk away.
19. Head right all the way to the market. Keep heading right until you reach the sumo match. Walk up the staircase. This time the gate will be open, walk in. Walk right until you reach the sumo-wrestler and the guy in the black suit. He’ll ask you to copy notations for him. This game isn’t difficult, just match the picture on the left. This doesn’t have to be exact, but if you’re to far off it won’t count. There’s several notations that you need to do before proceeding on with the island.
20. When you’re done copying notations, head all the way right until you meet the other sumo-wrestler. This sumo-wrestler is too scared to be in the ring with Yokozuna. Select ‘Is there anything I can do to help?’, and take his place in the ring. Facing Yokozuna is quite easy, just keep avoiding his attacks. Eventually, his face will turn red and he’ll charge towards you. Avoid this, and he should miss you, resulting with him falling out of the ring. You must time this right, however!
21. When you beat Yokozuna, security guards will come and ask to see your passport. The old man you saw earlier, Basho, will come and defend you. The security guards asked that it don’t happen again, and they walk off.
22. Basho asks that you meet him at his house. Descend from the sumo area, and head left until you get to his house. He’ll be standing at the front door. Your ninja training will begin.
23. First, he’ll ask that you put on your ninja clothing. Click COSTUMIZE under the Ninja Outfit in the bottom right corner, and put all of the clothing on. He’ll first explain to you the Shuko. This can be used for climbing walls. Now, you need to reach the red ribbon. Walk up to the second tree, climb up and then jump on to the first branch. From there, getting the red ribbon is a piece of cake! Just do a slight jump from the branch up to the ribbon.
24. Next, he’ll explain to you the Throwing Stars. To bring down the bag, simply point your arrow to the support string and click space. To bring out the candle, point your arrow at the flame and click space. Now, he’ll explain the Smoke Bombs. These can be used for temporarily blinding guards, which you’ll need later on in this island. Climb up the second tree, and jump on to the first branch once again. From here, this should be fairly easy. Just point your arrow at the dumby and click space.
25. Second to last, he’ll explain the Bo Staff. Jump down from the branch, making sure you are on the ground. Tap the space bar and defend yourself from all of the objects he throws your way. The run and tap objective is a bit tricky. Simply go all the way to the right. Now, tap space bar and run towards the blue ribbon. Release space bar right before you reach the first tree. This should launch you up to the blue ribbon. Lastly, he’ll tell you about the Grappling Hook. This is by far the easiest to use. While on the branch that holds the blue ribbon, click the metal ring on the branch above.
26. Your training is complete. Head on outside, until you reach Basho. He’ll ask you to fix his wall as your final training exercise. Just place the pieces on the wall correctly, and exit. This wasn’t really a training exercise, he just wanted his wall fixed!
27. Basho will ask that you bring him the Shogun as the two have unfinished business with eachother. Head right, back to the staircase in which you found the Green Rotten Fish. Head back up, and go right until you reach the rock wall. You can now climb it, so hop on and climb up!
28. When you’re at the top, click GO RIGHT. Climb up the walls. This could get tricky, so don’t get fustrated if you can’t seem to pull it off — keep trying! When you reach the top of the first set of climbing, jump to the other side and climb up the rope. When you’re at the top of the rope, slide to the right and fall on to the climbing wall. Climb up some more. At a certain point you’ll have to dodge moving logs. This can be very hard, so make sure your timing it right.
29. When you reach the top, click GO LEFT. This room is very easy. Walk forward and drop. Take out your Smoke Bomb and blind the security guard. Run past him, and climb up the back wall. At the top of the wall, jump on to the window ledge and then enter the window.
30. You’re now at Level 1. Walk up to the blocking green obstacle, and throw a Spike at the support rope by pointing your arrow at it and clicking the space bar.
31. Proceed further until you reach the first security guard. You’ll need to use your Grappling Hook in this situation. Simply click the metal ring. When you’ve reached the other side, keep going left until you reach a piece of paper on the ground. Pick it up, and turn back. Go towards the security guard again. This time, you’ll need to knock him out with a Smoke Bomb. When he’s blinded, descend. You’ll be on a lower support panel. Throw a Smoke Bomb at the security guard in the long hall, and run towards the other side. Climb up the wall, and grab the key. Head back, blinding the security guard once again, until you reach the low support panel. Throw a Spike at the support string holding up the giant barrel. Jump on to the barrel. Now, click the metal ring and use your grappling hook to get to the other side. Climb up the wall and enter the gate.
32. You’re now at Level 2. In this level, you’ll need to throw Spikes at the lighting objects to put out the light. Put out the most light possible, avoiding all security guards. Make it to the bottom. Blind the last security guard and head right until you reach the little hole. Go down the hole, and use your Grappling Hook by clicking the metal ring. Grapple across the room and grab the key. Grapple back, and descend to the guard. Blind him with a Smoke Bomb and run past him. Climb up the panels, and grab on to the rope. Make sure to pick up the piece of paper on the ground located on the right panel. Grab it, and head back on to the rope. Go all the way up, and blind the security guard using your Smoke Bomb. Run quickly past him, and climb up the wall. Grapple by clicking the metal ring, and hop off when you’re body is the farthest left it can go. Go down the hall, and enter the gate.
33. You’re now at Level 3. Blind the first security guard, and put out the first light using a Spike. Go right and down the hole. Blind the second security guard, and go all the way left, grab hold of the wall, and jump over and land on the ground. Walk up the ramp (make sure to avoid the spikes from the machine), and throw a spike at the green obstacle’s support rope. Blind the security guard located right past the green obstacle, and proceed. Blind the next security guard, and run past (grabbing the piece of paper on the ground). Climb up the wall, and throw a Spike at the support rope of the large crate. This will block the path of you and the security guard. Climb up, jump on the support panel and grab the key. Hop back on to the wall and climb all of the way up. Blind the security guard at the top, and throw a Spike at the support rope of the green obstacle (this may take a couple of tries as you can’t really see it). When successful, move across to the open hole. Go down the hole, and land on the wall that shoots out spikes. Grapple by clicking the metal ring. While you’re in the air, throw a Spike at the support rope of the green obstacle blocking you and the gate’s way. When successful, hop off of the rope and enter the gate.
34. You will now meet Shogun. He will tell you not to touch him or Jack and Annie will be locked up forever. Simply throw a spike at the support rope of the cage in which they are trapped. The cage will fall, allowing them to escape. Shogun will attempt to use the magic wand to his advantages, but fails by getting the Red Dragon’s attention.
35. Climb up the mountain until you reach the top. Climb up on to the Blue Dragon, and defeat the Red Dragon. To defeat the Red Dragon, click and hold your mouse button down while moving until he dies. Make sure he doesn’t destroy all of the buildings first!
36. Shogun and Basho will be talking. Go in to your inventory, and click USE under your Medallion. Transport back to the tree house and finish Poptropica Red Dragon Island.
S.O.S Island
1. Go to the right of the ship and jump down into the gap between the iceberg and the edge of the ship. Swim over to the left until you see pieces of the broken boat. Jump on each piece from right to left until you get to the top one. Then jump onto the ship. Go right until you see the large pile of ice.
2. Jump up on top of it and then jump onto the ledge above it. You will see a big ice rock. Click on it to push it off. The rock will fall down and destroy the ice that is blocking the entrance to the ship.
3. Jump down and go inside of the entrance. Once you do, go left and go up the green set of stairs. Click on the door that says Bridge. Go left and up the wooden stairs. Jump onto the next level and find the captain to talk to him. Once you talk to him, look at the control station behind you. There will be a green and red button. Click on the lever that is under the buttons.
4. Now, go back down and exit the front of the ship. Walk down the green steps then go left to room 6. Click on the survivor that is crying and talk to them. She will bring you up to the ice berg and give you a Whale Song Gadget. You will see the ship starting to sink now. Walk lefton the ice berg and keep going left. Swim in the water and then jump on the ship. Go inside the entrance. Go left and find the door that says Ballroom. Once you’re in there, jump to the bottom where the water is. Find the brown glass bottle and click on it to pick it up.
5. Now swim up and find the girl trapped in the water. There will be white floating objects on each side of her. Jump on top of one and click on the bottle on the bottom left corner of your screen. Aim the bottle at the cracked part of the ship window and shoot it. The glass will crack and let water inside of the ship. Do the same thing with the object on the left of the girl.
6. Stay to the right of her but swim left to move her to safety. When you get her out, you will be on the ice berg again. The ship will flip over and continue to sink. Go back to the ship again by going left. You will need to find your way up the ship to get inside of it. Jump to the top of the ice rocks and then on top of the green piece of the ship. It’s shaped sort of like a parachute. Then jump to the left on top of the ice. This is where you keep jumping up on metal and snowy platforms to make your way up the ship. It might take a while to find your way up. Once you’re up, enter the hole in the back of the ship.
7. Jump all the way down until you get in the water. You will see a large box. Swim under the box to move it, and find the small entrance behind it. Go inside and swim upwards. Jump on top of as many things as you can until you get all the way to the top. You will see a set of pipes that need to be fixed. To fix them, click on them to change the flow of the water. Set the pipes so that the water leads to the red tube. It will burst, causing items to fall down.
8. Jump on top of the items and find the entrance. Go up the entrance and start swimming to the right when you’re there. Now, jump up on top of all of the objects until you get to the top. There will be a survivor trapped behind the steam. He will tell you to find the other valve. Jump left and find the wheel for the green valve. Click on it and keep doing the same thing for each colored valve. Once you fix all of the valves, go back up and talk to the girl. You will be back at the ice berg, and receive a free Pipe Wrench.
9. Head bak to the ship by going left again on the ice berg. To get all the way up the ship, this time start by jumping on top of the red umbrella. Make your way up again and find the entrance. Once you find it, click on it and you will be in a room with broken pipes. Avoid the pipes when they are blowing steam. Go up and push the pile of metal down all the way to the bottom right of the room. Now swim left and go down until you see the fan that just fell. Push the fan down into the entrance, and then go down once the entrance appears.
10. Swim right and find the entrance that looks like a door. Go inside and start swimming up. You will be able to jump up on top of objects to go through another entrance. Now go down and find the door labeled Freezer. Once you’re inside, go left and start clicking on all of the boxes until they disappear. You will see a block of ice. Push the block of ice to the right until it goes over the lettuce box. It will drop down out of the freezer room.
11. Keep pushing the man in the block of ice down the pathways. You will need to use the wooden crates to push away from the pathways. Once you make your way all the way to the bottom, there will be a heater that will melt the man out of the ice. You will then be on the ice berg again. Go back to the ship by going left again. This time, you’ll be able to get inside of it easier since it’s all the way upside down. When you’re in there, follow the paths and make your way to the left. Pick up air bubbles along the way to boost your oxygen.
12. Avoid sharks or any other animals. Once you’ve made it all the way to the left, click on go left. Sink to the bottom of this room and continue left. Pick up more oxygen bubbles and go near pipes that are shooting out bubbles. Now go to the upper left until you find an entrance that looks like a window. Click on it. Swim all the way to the right until you find another metal window. Go through it. This is a really hard part. Swim through the path as fast as you can, but avoid all of the obstacles that get in your way! Pick up every single air bubble that you find.
13. When you make your way through it, go through the exit. Swim all the way left and then swim down to the room where the captain is. While you’re talking to him, you will be able to use your whale song gadget. The whale will then break through the ship and bring you and the captain back to shore. The island is now complete. You will receive 100 credits and an S.O.S. Island medallion.
Ghost Story
1. Start off by going to your left and look in front of the Gingerbread House. Find the man and talk to him. He will give you salt. Now, keep going left until you arrive in the Hemlock Cemetery. A person will arrive and talk to you. He will leave a pamphlet. Then, talk to the man in the suit. Once he has finished talking, go to the left and talk to the kid. Ask him
2. “Can I help?”. Go back to Main Street and go inside the Hemlock Herald. Go to the right of the room and talk to the lady. You will now be able to examine archives by going down into the archive room.
Once you’re down there, look to the right of the furnace. You will see a box with folders inside. Click on the box. When the folder appears, flip to the fourth page and Silas Moon will be highlighted on the list. Now, close out and exit the archive room. Exit the Herald and go back to Main Street. Now go all the way back to the Cemetery again. It will be all the way to the left. Once you’re there, find the kid again and talk to him. The kid will give you a key. When you have the key, go back to Main Street and keep going right.
3. Pass all of the advertisement rooms until you get to the Hemlock Inn. Enter the Inn, and go to the right and talk to the lady. Now go to the left and up the staircase. Enter room 2B. Click on the bed to take a nap. Wake up, and everything will start moving. When you can see your player again, click on the cabinet that is being blocked by the chair. Once the people pop out and talk to you, exit the room and go back downstairs. Go to the right until you see the piano. Next to the piano, you will see the violin. Click on it to put it into your backpack. Exit the Hemlock Inn and go to the right. Talk to the man with the beard. Once he leaves with the other man, click on his binoculars (in front of his tent.)
4. Now, go into your backpack and use the violin. Play it by moving your mouse left to right. When the progress level is full, you will notice activity going on in the attic of the building! Use your binoculars in your backpack and click on the top window. Jump on top of the tent, and then jump on the grassy rock to the right. Now go up and you will see an entrance door on the ground. Click on it, and then go down the set of stairs. Go left and climb the other stairs. The bottom half will fall into pieces. Go to the left and get next to the smallest box that you see.
5. Push the boxed to the right until the large box is under the upper half of the stair case. You will now be able to jump from the boxed to the upper half of the staircase. Once you get up, go to the right and click on the telescope. close out of it, and a lady will appear! When you’re done talking to her, exit the abandoned building by going out the same way that you came in. Now, go left all the way back to Main Street. Go inside the Gingerbread House and talk to the lady. Say “Fiona sent me.” You will now receive a thermal scanner, an EMF detector, a thermometer, and a camera.
6. Look to the table on the right and click on the plate with food. You will now have the Hot Cross Buns. Exit the Gingerbread House and go the left, all the way to the Cemetery again. Click on the gates with the letters “H” on them. You will now have to go through a maze. Use the map at the top right corner of your screen to direct yourself. The place you will need to be is near the upper left of your map. The gates will be lettered “A”. Go through the gates and go to the right. Jump on top of the large grave and get up on the hill. You will see a lady that will tell you to hide. A man will appear, and you will have to use your camera when the icon flashes on your screen.
7.To use the camera, move your mouse around until you see the man. A picture will be taken of him. When you have the picture, go back to the gates and click on the orange “H” icon on your map. Go back through the H gates to exit the Cemetery. Now go right to Main Street and go inside of the Herald. Talk to the lady, and then use the picture that you just took with your camera to show her proof. She will reward you with fifty dollars.
8. Now, you need to deposit it. Exit the Herald and go to the left.
Enter the Bank. Go right and talk to the receptionist behind the counter. Now keep going right and go down into the bank vault. You will see a police officer. Talk to him and use the fifty dollar bill. Once the money is deposited, you will notice something going on under the floor! Use your thermal scanner and look underground. You will see a ghost. Exit the bank vault and the bank. Go right until you are in front of the Herald. Talk to the people that are holding newspapers.
9. Click on the stack of newspapers to read it. Close out and let the man in the suit talk to you.
10. Keep going right until you find the shore that the ship just appeared on. Talk to the man on the shore, and give him the Room B Key. Get on his boat and enter the door. You will be able to use the boat to move places.
11. Go to the upper right and find the abandoned prison. Click on the Dock so that you can go inside of it. Walk up the stairs and enter. Use your EMF detector and go to the right until you find the elevator. Use the elevator to go to the H level. Now go right until you find Warden’s Office.
Go inside of the office and use your hot cross buns. Talk to the ghost that appears next to you. When he’s done talking, exit the office and go to the right and use the elevator again. This time, go to the D level and head right until you find the cell with the number 8 above it. Click on the cell. You will be locked in. Push his bed to the right to unveil an escape.
12. Enter the escape hole and equip your thermal scanner when you are in the tunnel. Move your mouse to the upper right until you see the ghost.
Follow the path through the tunnel, and pick up the sardines, pickaxe, and note to prisoner along the way. Find the prisoner and click on him to start talking. Now, go back the way you came through the tunnel. When you arrive back in the cell, use for pickaxe to escape his cell. When you’re out, use the elevator to go back to level A. Exit through the doors and go back to the boat. Guide your boat to the lighthouse, which is to the mid left of the ocean. Dock the boat and head up to the entrance of the lighthouse. You will get a torch.
13. Enter into the house and equip your torch. You will now have to get through one of the hardest parts of this island. Carefully walk up the stairs, and crouch after each move. There will be gusts of wind that can knock you off the stairs if you are not crouched. The trick is to make small moves right after the wind has passed, and stay crouched. Keep using this method as you go up the stairs. There will be openings as you move along, so make sure that you jump. When you get to the top, you will see a rope. Climb up the rope and click on the platform to the right.
Equip your EMF detector and then use your thermometer. You will notice damaged pipes against the wall. Climb up then and exit up to the rooftop.
14. Go to the right on the rooftop and click on the search light. Direct it towards the abandoned prison. Now, jump off the rooftop of the lighthouse and return to the boat. Use the boat to go back to the shore that you started off at. It is at the bottom. When you arrive, your thermal scanners will go off. Return to your boat and go back to the lighthouse. Go inside, and you will see a floating torch moving up the stairs! Don’t worry, this time you won’t have to crouch or worry about gusts of wind knocking you down.
15. Go up the rope again and get on the platform to the right. You will see a ghost! Click on him and he will talk. Exit the lighthouse and go back to your boat again. Guide your boat all the way north (up) and look for the sunken boat. Examine the wreckage, and you will receive a locket. Use your boat to go back to the main shore. Jump on top of the tent and rock again to get to the abandoned building again. Use the ground entrance and make your way up to the attic again. You will have to move the boxes again to jump up onto the staircase.
16. Get all the way up to the attic, and go left. You will notice a bedroom. Jump on the platform and talk to the lady. When you give her the items, jump down from the platform and pick up the scrapbook. Exit the building the same way you came in. Head left to Main Street and go past the Herald. You will see a fountain with a bird at the top. Click on the bird, and then use your sardines. The bird will fly away. Jump to the top of the fountain and click on the nest. You will find a ring. Go left to the Cemetery and enter through the H gate. Use your map to navigate to the top right corner of the cemetery. A new B gate will open up. Go through the new gate and go right until you see the wooden doors.
17. When you’re in there, talk to the older man. Use the ring. He will tell you about it. Now, exit the room and go back to the gates. Exit the B gate and click on the H gate on your map. When you’re back at the Cemetery, go right to Main Street and enter the Herald. Go right and enter the room with the archives. Past the furnace, there will be a computer. Click on it to use it. You will need to click on the handles and spin them until the display year changes to 1929.
18. A newspaper will appear, and will inform you to go to Lot A of the Cemetery. Exit the archive room and go back to Main Street. Go left to the Cemetery again and go through the gates. Click on the A gate on your map. Go through the gate, and when you arrive in the room, make your way to the upper left by jumping on the graves and grass hills. You will see a large grave and casket.
19. The top of the casket will not be sealed, and you will go down a ladder. Another maze will have to be solved. To solve it, use your map and go down, left, and up. Most of this will have to be done on your own, because it is difficult to explain. You will know when you solved the maze when you find the secret ladder! This ladder will be in a different location than the one you came down with. Go up the new ladder, and hide so that the “ghost” doesn’t see you. Surprise the ghost and follow him down the ladder. When you get to the room again, jump up to the upper right. You will see him next to a grave.
20. Talk to him, and the whole mystery of the island will unveil! You will get your Ghost Story Island Meddlion.
Mystery Train
1. Hover your blimp over to what will soon be your next Poptropica Adventure, Mystery Train island! When you’ve arrived, you’ll find yourself standing on grass next to a woman dressed in green.
2. Head left and descend from the grass. Proceed left until you reach Thomas Edison, who will be trying to lift his briefcase on to the train. Click on him, and he’ll ask you to help him get his luggage on to the train.
3. You’ll need to create a ramp in order to slide Edison’s luggage up and into the train. Therefore, you will need to place the items in order from largest to smallest (largest on the right, smallest on the left). Tip: The big blue box should be on the far right and the little green box should be on the far left. When you’re done placing the items into the correct positions, select the brown board located below the items to test your ramp.
4. If all was successful, you should now be able to board the Mystery Train. Thomas Edison will hand you a John Bull train ticket and tell you to meet him at his cabin once you’ve boarded the train. Head right and enter the train.
5. When you’re in the train, head left. Talk to every person on board the train until you reach Thomas Edison’s cabin. This includes people in the main cars and people in the reserved cabins. You’ll need to do this before you can speak with Thomas Edison. When you have covered every reserved cabin, you should have a Pamphlet (from S.B. Anthony), a Telegram, and a Le Monde newspaper (from Le Monde Reporter). Head left all the way until you reach a Pencil. Pick up the Pencil, and proceed left until you reach Thomas Edison’s cabin.
6. Enter Edison’s cabin and talk to him. He’ll say that he’s going to unveil a new device that captures moving pictures. Next, he’ll say that his machine is working and that he needs to go get the New York Times reporter. You’re now left responsible for whatever happens to the device.
7. A cut-scene of the Mystery Train heading into a tunnel will appear. All of a sudden, the screen will turn pitch-black. When the light comes back on, Edison’s device will have vanished! You’re now on the case – you must prove that you’re not the real thief by uncovering the real criminal. You must find clues and ask witnesses what they might know regarding the crime. Everyone aboard the Mystery Train is a suspect.
8. Walk up to the New York Times Reporter and click on him. In the “clues” section, select Thomas Edison’s missing device. The New York Times Reporter will mention that he saw Mark Twain hiding something inside of a secret compartment – perhaps even the missing device.
9. Exit Thomas Edison’s cabin. Proceed to go right until you reach Mark Twain’s cabin. Enter Twain’s cabin and click on him. In the “clues” section, select the image of Mark Twain. Twain will deny having any secret compartment hidden inside of his cabin. On the wall, select the square that’s located 1 down, 2 left. You’ll hear a large “THUMP”. The compartment will reveal itself. It turns out that nothing in relation to Thomas Edison’s lost device is hidden inside of the compartment, but rather the Manuscript of a book that Mark Twain had been working on.
10. After speaking to Mark Twain, the train will suddenly come to an unexpected stop. You’ll find yourself on the outside of the Mystery Train. Speak to the three people standing near you, including the Train Conductor, the New York Times Reporter and George Ferris. The New York Times Reporter will mention that he had heard somebody running passed his cabin (from the direction of Thomas Edison’s room) at the time of the thieft. When you’ve spoken to all three, you will board once again and the train will continue on its scheduled path towards the Chicago Fair.
11. When you’re back on board the Mystery Train, head left until you reach the Luggage Room. You’ll notice a coal smudge on one of the Luggage Bags. Click on it with your magnifying glass. Out of no where, a pair of Scissors will be thrown at you. You’ll now have the Scissors placed into your inventory for future use.
12. You now have another clue to throw at suspects on board the train – the coal smudges. Continue left until you reach Thomas Edison’s cabin. Located right outside of his cabin should be Prune Juice stains left on the floor. Click on the stains with your magnifying glass. You now have another clue to investigate suspects on board the Mystery Train with – the Prune Juice stains.
13. You now need to find out who ordered Prune Juice, as this could lead to the thief. Proceed left until you reach Susan B. Anthony (she will be located in the bar). Click on her and select the Missing Device under the “clues” section. She’ll mention that Nikola Tesla has been locked in his cabin since the theft. Nikola Tesla is now a clue that you need to investigate people on board the Mystery Train with.
14. Proceed left and click on the Porter. Under the “clues” section, select the Prune Juice stains. He’ll say that orders made on the Mystery Train are confidential and are to be kept that way. The Porter will throw the order sheet and walk away. Pick up the Porter’s Notepad. Go into your inventory and select USE under your Pencil. Write on the Porter’s Notepad with your Pencil until the orders are made visible enough. Nikola Tesla had ordered Prune Juice.
15. Nikola Tesla’s order is now a clue that needs to be investigate. Go back right until you reach the Coal Room. Talk to the Coal Man, and select the Coal Smudges under the “clues” section. He’ll mention that left go get a snack at the time of the unexpected train stop – but that he was not near the luggage. The Coal Man is now a clue that needs investigation.
16. Go back left until you reach the Porter (next to Thomas Edison’s cabin). Click on the Porter, and select the Coal Man under the “clues” section. The Porter will mention that the Coal Man was indeed getting something to eat at the time of the train stop.
17. Head back right until you reach the Luggage Car. You’ll notice La Monde Reporter snooping around. Talk to her and select option three. She’ll say that you should dress up as the Porter, then serve Nikola Tesla a drink. Head over to the Porter Closet (located just right of La Monde Reporter, in the Luggage Car). In the Porter Closet, there should be a Porter Outfit. Walk over to it and pick it up. Go into your inventory and select CUSTUMIZE under your Porter Outfit.
18. Put on the entire Porter Outfit and exit the Porter Closet. Go right until you reach Nikola Tesla’s cabin. Click on Tesla’s cabin door. He’ll let you in and say that he wants a refill on Prune Juice. Select the Prune Juice glass located on the desk. Go back and click on Nikola Tesla. He’ll ask for Prune Juice, and more Prune Juice, and even more Prune Juice! Eventually, he’ll need to go to the bathroom. This is your chance to locate the Luggage Key, act fast!
19. The Luggage Key is hidden in a different location every time, so it varies for everyone. You’ll need to click on all of the objects in Nikola Tesla’s room until you locate it. However, there is a catch: You’ll need to locate the key before Nikola Tesla gets back from the bathroom!
20. When Tesla gets back from the bathroom, he’ll ask you to leave him in peace. Exit Nikola Tesla’s cabin and head left towards the Luggage Car. When you reach the Luggage Bag with the Coal Smudges, go into your inventory and select USE under your Luggage Key. The Luggage Bag will open.
21. Woo-hoo, you’ve located Thomas Edison’s device inside of Nikola Tesla’s Luggage Bag! La Monde Reporter will go alert security and Nikola Tesla will be taken into custody. You’ll now return the device to Thomas Edison. Thomas will mention that the device had been running at the time of the theft and that maybe it captured the thief’s image.
22. The device will clearly show Nikola Tesla sitting inside of his cabin – not even close to Thomas Edison and his device at the time of the theft. You’ll now have that Grainy Picture of evidence inside of your inventory. The thief is still on the loose, and it’s up to you to catch him!
23. Thomas Edison will direct you to talk to Nikola Tesla, however he’s being heavily guarded by security. Exit Edison’s cabin and head right towards the Luggage Car. There will be an opening to the roof located inside of the Luggage Car. Climb up on to the Luggage and click “Go Up” when you’ve reached the top.
24. The top of the Mystery Train isn’t an easy task. You’ll need to dodge objects that will be coming towards you. To dodge the large brick wall, you’ll need to duck. To dodge the bag, jump. You’ll need to dodge objects and proceed right until you reach the car with the opening on top of it. When you’ve reached the opening, click “Enter”.
25. You’ll be in the same car as Nikola Tesla. Walk up to Nikola, talk to him and select option three: “Can I help?”. He’ll say yes, but only if you have something to write with. Go into your inventory and select USE under your Pencil. Nikola Tesla will draw a sketch of what his room looked like before he was arrested. It’s up to you to notice the difference between now and then.
26. Head left until you reach Nikola Tesla’s cabin. Go into your inventory and select EXAMINE under your Sketch of Tesla’s Cabin. After you’ve selected EXAMINE, select USE. Click on the Pencil and circle the Briefcase located next to the bed.
27. Exit the cabin and head left until you reach the Luggage Car. Head to the top of the train once again and jump cars (right) until you reach the opening. Select ENTER when you’ve reached the opening and talk to Nikola Tesla. You’ll ask how somebody managed to open his Briefcase. Tesla is just as clueless as you are, as the key is still wrapped around his neck!
28. Head back left until you reach the cabin of Erik Weisz. Click on him and select the Briefcase under the “clues” section. He’ll mention that the Briefcase could have only been picked by an expert – perhaps even himself. That being said, Erik Weisz is now under our clues list and needs to be investigated!
29. Exit Erik Weisz’s cabin and head left until you reach the New York Times Reporter. The New York Times Reporter will notice something suspicious about Erik, and hands you an article from the New York Times that proves he may be Harry Houdini.
30. Head right, back to Erik Weisz’s cabin. You’ll notice that Erik is no longer there, however, there will be a Lock Pick Bag in the middle of the floor. Pick up the Lock Pick Bag and Erik Weisz will show up. He’ll mention that you’ve found his identity, but you’ll need to catch him to find answers.
31. Erik Weisz will jump up and head through an opening that leads to the top of the Mystery Train. Follow him up quickly and continue the chase. Suddenly, a cut-scene of him travelling the train will appear. He’ll eventually fall through an opening in one of the train cars. Simply jump train cars until you reach the car in which he fell through an opening, dodging all objects in the process.
32. When you’ve reached the train car with the opening, you’ll automatically be taken through the opening and down into the train. Erik Weisz will be trapped in a tank full of water. Go into your inventory and select USE under your Scissors. Erik Weisz will ask you to help him out of the tank. You’ll need to use the Lock Pick Bag to pick the locks off of the tank.
33. Use his Lock Picks to lift each pin to the red line. This game varies for everyone, so you’ll need to try your best! If you still don’t understand how to pick the locks off of the tank, please refer to the video tutorials found below.
34. When you’ve picked all four locks off of the Water Tank, Erik Weisz will mention that he’s not actually the thief – but rather trying to solve the case himself. You’ll need proof that he’s not the thief, though. Erik will say that he couldn’t escape the Water Tank because somebody had stole one of his Lock Picks, perhaps the same person who stole Thomas Edison’s device. Erik Weisz directs you to talk to Nikola Tesla and ask what he may have been hiding.
35. Go back right to the Luggage Car. Enter through the opening and on to the top of the Mystery Train. Proceed right until you reach Nikola’s car. Go down through the opening once again and ask what he’s been hiding. Nikola will ask you to pick the locks off of him, and then he’ll talk. Go into your inventory and select USE under your Lock Pick Bag. Play the Lock Pick game once again.
36. Nikola Tesla will talk, and then hand you the Transformer Sketch. When you’ve received the Sketch, head left until you reach Mark Twain’s cabin. Enter it and talk to Mark Twain. Select the Transformer Sketch under the “clues” section. He’ll say that you’ve spoken to everyone on board except for the Mysterious Fellow on the last car of the train. This Mysterious Fellow is now a clue that needs investigation.
37. Exit Mark Twain’s cabin and head left towards the Dining Car. When you’ve reached the Dining Car, click on Susan B. Anthony and select the Mysterious Fellow under the “clues” section. She’ll mention that she saw the security/pinkerton guard (who was protecting the last car) taking a nap. This is your chance to sneak right by.
38. Proceed left until you reach the train car that was previously heavily guarded by security. You’ll need to make it passed this car without waking up the guard! You cannot fall for the trap. To get passed the trap, jump on to the crate. Jump from the crate on to the to the wooden platform. To get passed the can attached to string, you’ll need to jump right over it. This can be a bit tricky so if you ever need extra assistance please refer to our video tutorial below. The rest is pretty straight forward – simply go down to the middle wooden platform and walk right on by. Enter the next train car.
39. You’ve reached the last wooden car, the one in which the Mysterious Fellow resides. Walk up to the Mysterious Fellow and talk to him. Select option two, and the Mysterious Fellow will say that you have enough evidence to collar together a suspect. Let’s get down to business!
40. You’ll need to put the evidence together in the following order:
Prune Juice
Coal Smudges
Luggage Key
Transformer Sketch
After putting all of the evidence together, you’ll need to take a closer look at the Luggage Bag that contained Thomas Edison’s device.
41. Head right all the way back to the Luggage Car. When you’ve reached the Luggage Car, go into your inventory and select USE under your Luggage Key. The Luggage Bag will open and you’ll need to take a closer look at everything inside. After looking a bit, you’ll uncover the top of the bag and discover several items that are from France. We now know that thief must be from France.
42. Head right until you reach Gustave Eiffel. Click on him and select the French Items in Trunk under the “clues” section. He’ll admit that he’s french, however, the Luggage Bag is actually a lady’s handkerchief. The thief is La Monde Reporter. The train has arrived at the fair.
43. When you exit the train, go left until you reach La Monde Reporter. She’ll start running away, you’ll need to chase her. La Monde Reporter will start to get the guard’s assitance. You’ll need to stay out of reach. Climb up the ladder, and jump from lion to lion (make sure their mouths are closed before you jump) until you reach the platform at the end.
44. When you’ve reached the platform, you’ll need to jump and bounce on several more platforms until you reach the next stable platform. Jump up on to the snake that’s moving up and down, and jump from the snake to the higher platform.
45. Proceed left until you reach La Monde Reporter once again. She’ll get more guards to assist her. You’ll need to jump from statue, to the green light, to the statue, to the green light, until you reach the very end. When you’ve reached the very last statue, you’ll automatically be taken to the top when the guards will tip it over. Quickly proceed left into the Ferris Wheel room.
46. La Monde Reporter won’t be running for much longer. Climb up the Ferris Wheel using the ropes. When you approach La Monde Reporter, she’ll push a crate on to you. Jump on to the broken rope, and it’ll swing you across the entire Ferris Wheel. Climb up some more until you reach the very top. La Monde Reporter will throw the Transformer. You’ll need to jump on to the broken rope (labelled in red) very quickly if you want to save the Transformer before it hits the ground!
47. The swinging rope will take you all the way to the other side of the Ferris Wheel. Climb up to the top and click on La Monde Reporter. She’ll fall from the Ferris Wheel and land in the tank. Jump down from the Ferris Wheel and walk up to the tank. Go into your inventory and select USE under your Transformer. Now, walk up to the Mysterious Fellow. He’ll reward you with the Mystery Train Island Medallion and 50 credits.
Shrink Ray
1. Hover your blimp over to what is soon going to be your next Poptropica adventure, Shrink Ray Island. When you’ve arrived on Shrink Ray, you’ll slide down and jump on to a tire-swing. Walk right until you reach the Science Fair.
2. Walk all the way to the end. Talk to the last man, and select option 3. He’ll ask you to go check on CJ. CJ will most likely be located in her apartment on Avenue A. Exit the science fair, and proceed right on Main Street. Go into Avenue A, and head right until you see a door with an orange cat.
3. Walk up to the door, and click ENTER. You’ll now be in CJ’s apartment. Oops! You’ve accidentally let the orange cat into the house, you will now have to get him out. Walk up to the orange cat. He’ll run into the bathroom. Continue to chase him into the bathroom. He’ll run away again, but this time vanishing in the process.
4. Now that the cat is gone, we can look around for some clues. Go left until you reach CJ’s computer. Click on the note located beside the computer. A man will now enter the room and tell you that you’ve been snooping around long enough. He’ll take out his Shrink Ray and shrink you, into a tiny Poptropican.
5. You’re now little. Walk right until you reach a garbage can. Jump over the garbage can, and push it until it falls over. When you have done so, proceed right into CJ’s bedroom. When you’re in CJ’s bedroom, climb up the bookshelf until you reach the top. Walk over to the book entitled “Tesse Tree”. Push it left until it falls off of the bookshelf.
6. It will fall to the ground and form a ramp, in which will be used later on. Go right and exit CJ’s bedroom. Head right, and you’ll see a toy truck. You won’t be able to control it until you find the controller. Proceed right into the next room. You’ll see the controller on top of the fridge. You won’t be able to get this controller until completing the next room, though.
7. Continue right into the next room. Your Poptropican will notice a sheet of paper laying on the kitchen counter. To retrieve this piece of paper, you’ll need to do the following.
Push the first object in front of you until it hits the larger fusing object.
Go to the end of the kitchen counter and jump off. Move the cat dish left, to just below the edge of the counter.
Climb back up, and jump on the cat food. Make sure the cat dish is loaded with a decent amount of cat food before continuing.
Now, jump on to the fuse that the fusing object is causing. It will shoot you up on to a ledge above. You’ll see a bottle of oil. Walk up to it, and tip it over from the left side. The oil will start dripping on to the floor, making it possible for you to move the dish.
8. Push the cat dish (full of cat food) right until you’re right below the piece of paper. Jump on to the cat food, and then jump and grab the paper. Grab a purple grape as well, located right beside the piece of paper. This will aid you in retrieving the toy truck controller.
9. Head back to the room with the fridge and the controller. Before you climb up, locate and pick up the Screwdriver located on top of the junk inside the second cabinet. Now, climb up on to the kitchen counter, and head on over to the toaster. Plug in the toaster by first clicking the plug, then following up by clicking the wall. With the purple grape in your hands, jump on to the toaster lever. Wait a few seconds, and it will launch you up on to the next platform.
10. When you’re on the next platform, push the salt left until it’s sitting on the left-hand side of the spatula. Now, with your Poptropican, jump on to the opposite end of the spatula. The salt will then launch you up on to the fridge. When you’re on top of the fridge, grab the controller.
11. Go back left and locate the toy truck. Get in it, and drive. Head back right and enter the room in which you found the controller. Keep going right until you see a garbage can. Get out of the toy truck, and jump on top of it. Now, jump from the toy truck into the garbage. You’ll now be inside the garbage can. To get to the other side, you’ll need to move blocks until you can make it to the note and back. For guidance on this, please see our video tutorials below. With a lot of practice and experiments, you’ll eventually get it.
12. When you have gotten the note and have exited the trash can, it’s time to locate the Diary Key. Get back into your toy truck, and go back left until you reach a TV. Get out of your toy truck. Go into your inventory and select USE under your Screwdriver. You will unbolt the battery container of the truck. Click on the battery inside. You’ll now have the battery. Now, climb up on to the table that contains the television remote. Stand next to the remote. Now, go into your inventory and select USE under your Battery.
13. The remote will now work. Jump on to the big green button. The television screen will turn on. Now, jump over to the TV. Climb up to the top, where the two antenna’s are located. Rub your Poptropican on one of the antenna’s until you see waves of electricity all over your body.
14. Now, climb down from the antenna and on to the top platform of the TV. Next, jump at the green balloon. You’ll stick to it, and it’ll bring you over to a portrait. When you’re on the portrait, go left until you reach the fish food. Push the fish food left until it reaches the end. Tip it more, and you’ll notice little bits of the food dropping into the fish tank below. Jump down into the fish tank while the fish are eating, and grab the Diary Key located in the treasure chest.
15. Go back to CJ’s room. Climb up to CJ’s Diary. Go into your inventory and select USE under your Diary Key. It will unlock itself, only to reveal a page and a half! Do not fear, Poptropicans! We’ve already got the missing piece of the page in our inventory. Simply go in to your inventory and select USE under your Torn Page (found in the garbage can).
16. Now you can see the full two pages. The pages will contain a special message. Climb down from the Diary, and walk over to under the lamp. Go into your inventory and select USE under your Piece of Paper. When you’ve placed the Piece of Paper under the lamp, climb up and jump on to the lamp. Turn it on via its switch, and keep jumping on it until its reached its lowest point. It will reveal a message on the Piece of Paper.
17. Go left and into the first room. Continue left until you reach a shelf in which an action figure of Shark Boy sits. Climb up on to it, and jump on to the silver fan. Stay on the fan until it has reached its lowest point. Now, click the button to turn it on. The fan will reveal CJ’s pink thumb drive. Head on over and pick it up.
18. Go back to CJ’s room. You’ll now need to access her computer. The computer will ask you for a password. The password to CJ’s computer is: M4r13 Cur13. Enter that password into the computer, and click “Login”. You’ll see a message regarding CJ’s Shrink Ray project, close it. Go into your inventory, and select USE under your Thumb Drive. It will upload its contents to the computer.
19. Go right until you reach a bathroom. Enter the bathroom, and climb up on to the counter. Now, jump up on to the pink hairdryer from the toothbrushes. Click the red button, and tip the hairdryer down to its lowest point. Now, run and jump! You should have made it into the bathtub. If not, try a couple of more times or watch the video tutorial below.
20. You’ll land on a pink bar of soap. Push the bar of soap into the bathtub. Now, climb up to the tap of the bathtub. Twist the tap until the bathtub turns on. Next, push the pink soap bar left until it reaches a floating, yellow rubber ducky. Jump on to your soap bar, and then on to the rubber ducky. Next, jump from the rubber ducky to the other side of the bathtub. Climb up to the toilet seat. Go into your inventory and select USE under your Thumb Drive. You’ll need to flush this quickly, so jump up on to the flush lever.
21. Go right and exit the bathtub. Now, exit the bathroom completely. Head back to CJ’s room. Climb up until you reach the the white, round thermometer. Click it, and turn it to hot (anywhere in the red zone). Now, jump down and go left into the first room. You’ll notice that the trash you tipped over at the beginning is now floating. If you didn’t tip it over in the beginning, simply tip it over now.
22. Climb up the floating trash, and jump on to the bed. You’ll pick up a Morse Code Key. Now, proceed all the way to the telescope. When you’re on top of the telescope, put in these coordinates:
X = 87
Y = 16
23. You’ll see CJ! You will now have to solve what she’s saying via Morse Code. To make this easier, the outcome of the phrase is:
Theif is Mr Silva
Basically, you don’t even need to pay attention to CJ. Just type the letters in order when you get the chance to spell out the phrase above. Now, you’ll need to escape the apartment.
24. Head back to wherever you parked your truck. Get into it, and drive it into CJ’s room (if not already). Now, drive as fast as you can into the ramp. It will jump to a cut scene, and then into an obstacle game. If you’d like aid on how to complete this racing/obstacle game, simply view the video tutorial below. Otherwise, you just can’t hit to many things while you’re driving your toy truck over to Mr Silva’s.
25. Eventually, you’ll reach Mr Silva’s. When you’re in Mr Silva’s office, walk left until you see CJ. She’ll say that she’s fine, but that Mr Silva cannot see you two. Unfortunately, Mr Silva catches you and threatens to shrink you even smaller. This is probably the funnest part of the island. You’ll need to hide behind objects when Mr Silva shoots the shrink ray, and run when he is not. For extra guidance on how to complete this, have a look at the video tutorials below.
26. Eventually you’ll hit a mirror. When Mr Silva shoots the mirror, it will deflect his ray and will go back at him. It will shrink Mr Silva, and he’ll be trapped inside a glass of ants.
27. Now, you’ll need to switch the shrink ray from SHRINK, to GROW. Simply click on the arrow located on the gun. You will be zapped back into normal size. You will then be teleported back to the science fair, where you will be rewarded with the island medallion and 100 credits.
Game Show
1. When you arrived on to the island, go left until you reach the Robo-Bling Boutique. Climb up the building and grab the red toolkit. Jump down from the building, and proceed left to the Factory.
2. Keep heading left and enter the Factory. When you’re in the Factory, go left and jump on to the slanted conveyer belt. Jump from the conveyer belt on to the green platform. Jump from platform to platform, and go right until you see Crane switches. Jump on to the Crane, and click the green “Up” button on the Crane control panel. It should raise you into the air. Stop the Crane when you notice another platform just left of you. Hop off the Crane and on to the platform. Continue left until you reach a computer.
3. Click on the computer. It should open up a passage way that’ll lead to the conveyer belt control panel. Go back right and jump on to the Crane. Click the green “Up” button once again until you reach the top-right platform. Hop off the Crane when you’re close enough. Head right until you reach the control panel for the conveyer belt. Click on it, you’ll need to use your toolkit. Go into your inventory and select USE under your toolkit.
4. You’ll need to unscrew the screws with your screwdriver. When all screws have been unscrewed, the top will come off and you will see a bunch of switches. Select the “Robot Factory” switch. Congratulations, you’ve fixed the conveyer belt! You’ll automatically jump down from the control panel and start talking to one of the employees of the Factory. She’ll give you a fan in reward for your excellent work.
5. Exit the Factory and go right all the way passed the Robo-Bling Boutique until you reach the Club Nouveau Riche. The huge yellow robot direct you to enter the club and fix the air conditioner. Enter the club and go right until you reach the club owner. Go into your inventory and select EQUIP on your fan. Use your fan to blow air at the club owner until he is satisfied. When he’s been cooled down, he’ll hand you a Nickel. Exit the club and go all the way back to the Factory. This time, don’t enter the Factory. Go passed the Factory doors until you reach a Poptropican.
6. Hand him the Nickel. In reward, he’ll give you a pair of Heat Goggles that he had found. Head back right to the Club Nouveau Riche. Enter the club, and select USE under your Heat Goggles. You’ll see everything in a new light! Wave your screen around until you spot an unknown man hiding in an air vent.
7. Exit the club and locate the orange window. Go into your inventory and select EQUIP under your fan. Point the fan to the ground and use it. It will blow you all the way up into the air, but make sure to land on the orange window. When you’re up there, you’ll need to get the door open somehow. Simply go into your inventory and select USE under your toolkit. Unscrew the screws and enter the door.
8. Upon arriving into the attic of the club, you’ll notice The Inventor climb up from the air vent. He’ll think you’re one of Holmes men in disguise, so he’ll make a run for it. Chase after him. If you don’t know the direct way to go when chasing The Inventor, do the following: jump on the second platform, push the piano on to the broken elevator, and make your way to The Inventor. It’s not so easy though, because The Inventor drops a ball on to your head during the process. It’s not hard to keep up with him though, simply go right and climb up the rope. Now go left, climb the mini ladder and enter the door. You’ll need the passcode to enter this door, so go into your inventory and select USE under your Heat Vision Goggles. The passcode to the door is: 2014.
9. You and The Inventor will now be on the rooftop of the club. The Inventor will proceed to show you his side of the story. He’ll then give you a remote control to the Jet that will take you from Game Show to Game Show.
10. When you receive the Jet, go directly to Istanbul. Talk to the crane operator to learn about his problem.
11. Move the pedestal from the 2nd column to the 4th. You can only put smaller pieces on top of bigger pieces, or the column will crumble. Complete the Crane Puzzle to earn a ticket to compete on Scaredy Pants.
12. Scaredy Pants will present you with three games. In the first one, swim to the bottom right of the maze and pick up the glowstick. Return to the landing pad in the upper left. The path through the maze is like a backwards letter S. In the second game, click and drag each of the three creepy crawlies into the correct bin. From left to right: Mice, Spiders and Snakes. In the third one, move across the tightrope without losing your balance. Push hard against the gusts from the fans, but watch out – you’ll need to counterbalance once you’re past the airflow.
13. When you’ve finished Scaredy Pants, call in your Jet and head on over to Miami. Tak to the Spin for Riches host to learn about his problem.
14. Stand on the edge of each awning until you have created a safe path for each prize to roll down, with the show’s host at the bottom. Solve the Fire Escapes Puzzle, and the grateful host will reward you with a ticket to compete on Spin for Riches.
15. In Spin for Riches, you need to spin the wheel to randomly pick a letter in the phrase. Kind of like Wheel of Fortune, but in Poptropica. When you know the answer, click “solve”, and drag the letters to their correct spots. You can always click the “clue” button for help.
16. When you’re done with Spin for Riches, call in your Jet and head on over to Buenos Aires. Go left until you spot a clock tower. Click on the rings at the bottom of the clock tower to enlist the muscular robot’s help.
17. Click on each ring to turn it. But be careful — each ring causes the others to turn, as well. Your goal is to connect all of the pipe segments in a straight line across. Complete the Clock Tower Puzzle to earn a ticket to compete on Kerplunk.
18. Kerplunk will present you with three levels. In the first one, avoid the boots that kick from each doorway. Jump between the falling barrels. Swing across on the light pole, and jump between the red springs.Finally, jump across the slippery platforms. In stage 2 of Kerplunk, cross the wheels, remembering that they will move you in the direction they spin. Next, step on the red button and stand on the X to be launched in to the air. Finally, jump across the red platforms to the exit. On the last level of Kerplunk, jump from platform to platform, watching for the telltale to wobble (that means they’re about to drop). Avoid the roller, which will push you to the side.
19. When you’ve successfully finished Kerplunk, call in your Jet and head on over to Moscow. Talk to the security robot to learn about his problem.
20. You will begin the Windows Puzzle. Click on each window to change its color. Then press the dial. The security robot will tell you which window is the correct color, and which colors are correct but in the wrong place. You have 10 tries. Complete the Windows Puzzle to earn a ticket to compete on Brainiacs.
21. Brainiacs is a Poptropica-version of the real-life game show entitled “Jeopardy”. It’s a general knowledge quiz game. Choose the correct answer to each question before your opponents do. In the final round, you can wager part of your winnings in order to increase your score.
22. When you’ve completed Brainiacs, call in your Jet and head on over to Tokyo. Enter the service entrance to try to fix the video monitor. You will begin the Circuit Puzzle. Click on a tile to rotate it. Build a continuous path from the beginning of the circuit to the end. Complete the Circuit Puzzle to earn a chance to compete on Mr. Yoshi’s Super Terrific Challenge.
23. Mr. Yoshi’s Super Terrific Challenge will present you with three stages. In stage 1, turn the blocks until you see the letters Y-O-S-H-I, and stack them in the middle of the room. Remember that a single block may have more than one correct letter. In stage 2, click as fast as you can until your character breaks through the eggshell. In stage 3, run around the room and make contact with all 10 bowling pins.
24. When you have won all 5 game shows, return to Main Street for a message from Holmes, the robot mastermind. Enter the sewers and talk to the Inventor. He will give you a Thumb Drive. Proceed left until you reach a machine. Slide the tiles until you have rewired all four of Holmes’ circuits. The edges of each piece are color-coded to help you match them together.
25. Use the Thumb Drive to re-program Holmes and finish the island. You will be rewarded with the Game Show Island Medallion along with 100 credits.
Vampire's Curse
1. You land in Vampire’s Curse Island and you are immediately greeted by some grim-looking citizens who are very upset at the fact that there are two missing teenagers. They are frightened that the two teenagers may have gone up to Bram the vampire’s castle and we are the only Poptropican that can save them!
2. Run all the way to your right and continue to the right and you’ll find the boy teenager waiting for you. He’ll tell you what happened to his girlfriend and that he’s not going to save her from Bram the vampire. We’re her only hope!
3. Jump up a few times and you will get scared and be attacked by a wolf. He’ll knock you back, but continue to your right until you see a tree with a hole in it. Hide inside the hole in the tree, and when the wolf comes back, click on the lowest branch on the left of the tree to knock him away so you can continue making your way up to the castle.
4. Jump up the stairs to your right, jump to the platform to your left, as the doorway on the upper-right is too small for you to enter. Jump up to the vine on the left, climb to the top of the vine to the bottom of the bridge and then fall off to your left. Move to your left and try to jump on the vine. You’ll get attached by a wolf again and you’ll pick up a log. Make your way back to the vines and use them to make your way to the left.
5. Jump up onto the rocks and make your way to the right, where you’ll be attacked by the wolf again. Once you can control your avatar again, make your way to the right and click on the post connecting the bridge to the cliff. You will cut the bridge and it will fall down with the wolf on it. Then, jump across and you’ll see that the bridge now makes a ladder that you can use to jump to the top! Jump up the ladder and continue to the right.
6. Continue to your right and go into the first doorway you come to, which is called a mausoleum. Inside the mausoleum, pick up the Teen Vampire Novel and the Crow Bar. Exit the mausoleum and continue to the right. Stop on the right hand side of the boarded up building and click on the metal gutter on the right of the building to pull it off. Carry it over to the right a few steps and then click to set it down. Then, jump on the handle to start the water pump that should go into the gutter and direct the water to fill up the spike pit with water. Adjust the position of the gutter as needed until the water goes into it. Swim across the pit now and enter the archway!
7. Once you come through the doorway, head to your left and jump over the first boulder. Once you’re on the left side of it, run up against it and push it to the right until it falls into the first fountain. Run to your left again and you’ll see a boulder trapped in some rocks. Use your crowbar to pry it loose and then push it to the right just like you did with the earlier boulder until it falls into the second fountain.
8. Run to your right and jump up the tower a few times until you see a third boulder. Get on the right side of it and push it to your left and it will fall on to another fountain. Now, the third fountain is shooting higher than ever! Fall down and get on top of the third fountain and it will push you up to a platform above the locked gate. Jump to your left and enter the broken window.
The Dark Room / Lighting the Chandeliers
9. As soon as you land in the room, you’ll be in front of the fireplace. Use the log and the Teen Vampire Novel on the fireplace and then jump on the bellows to the left 3 times. The fireplace will light up the room so you can see a bit more and you’ll see some purple candles to the right. Grab a candle and then use the fireplace to light the candle. Run to your right and you’ll see a bookcase ladder.
10. Jump past it to get on the right of it and then push it all the way to the left hand side. Don’t worry about lighting another candle, you’ll know when you are at the end.
11. Run back to the fireplace and grab another candle and light it. Run to your left quickly and jump up the bookcase ladder to the platform above it. Stay all the way to the left and jump on the tiny platform above you. Then, jump to your upper-right and you’ll light the chandelier! There are 4 chandeliers up here, so you have 3 more to light up.
12. Fall back down and grab a candle, but don’t light it with the fireplace! Run to your left and jump up the ladder and get on the first chandelier that you already lit.
13. Click the chandelier to light the candle and then jump to your upper right to the second chandelier and you’ll light it when you land on it. Drop back down and grab another candle, taking care not to light it with the fireplace again. Get back up to the second chandelier, then use it to light the candle. Jump to your right and you’ll land on the third chandelier and light it. One more to go! Fall back down one last time and grab a candle.
14. Jump across to the third chandelier and light the candle. Then jump over to your right and you’ll land on a platform exactly like the one on the left side above the ladder. Run all the way to the wall on the right and jump up on the small ledge. Then, jump to your upper left and light the final chandelier. That’s better, now we can really see!
15. Jump down and run to your left and pick up the glass eye on the floor next to the knight. Continue to your left and pull the lever to close the small door. Jump up the ladder that is all the way on the left and get on the platform. Jump to your right and land on the first bookcase. Notice how the tiger is missing an eye? You have one! Use your glass eye and the tiger will open its mouth to reveal a key! Take the key and run to the left. Use the key to unlock the door next to your ladder and enter the next room.
16. Enter the Armory and grab the crossbow from the wall, you’ll need it a few times during the Vampire’s Curse Island, but not just yet! Run to your left until you see the cannon. Grab one of the cannon balls below and you will put it into the cannon. Run to your right to go back into the room with the fireplace, grab a candle, light it with the fireplace and run quickly into the armory and touch the candle to the fuse on the cannon to make it go off. Repeat this process for the other two cannon balls and the cannon will shoot a cannon ball back into the fireplace room, which you’ll need later. The third cannon ball will blow the ceiling out.
17. Jump up into the hole in the ceiling and grab the water bucket. Drop down and run to your right back into the fireplace room. Run all the way to your right until you see the chained door. Use your crowbar to pry open the door and go through the door. You’ll be back where you entered the castle with the fountain! Use the bucket to collect the water from the fountain and re-enter the door. Head back to the armory and jump above the cannon.
18. Equip your crossbow and press the spacebar to shoot your arrows into the left wall, building a ladder of arrows that you can use to jump up to the level above. This will take a few tries, so don’t get frustrated, just keep trying and you’ll get there! Once you are up, use the bucket of water to water the small plant and then use the crowbar to break open the boards in front of the window. The plant will grow very quickly into a huge beanstalk, and you can jump out of the window.
19. Run to your right and go up the stairs and climb the beanstalk to the first doorway. Enter the doorway and you’ll be in the laboratory. You’ll be visiting this place a few more times throughout this island! Run to your right and pick up Count Bram’s Notebook and then click the tomato in the container so that your head turns into a flying tomato and float up to the top of the bookcase on your left and get the Garlic hidden behind the jug on the upper right of the bookcase.
20. Exit the lab through the wooden door below the bookcase and run across the bridge to enter the next room. You’ll enter the room and notice that the girl teenager that you are trying to rescue is locked in a cage, hanging high above the top of the room. Talk to the teenager (Katya) and make sure to ask her all 3 questions.
21. Katya tells you that we need to cure Count Bram’s vampirism and that the Root Causes book will help us find all the ingredients for the cure. Head out of her room to the left and back into the laboratory. Head outside on the left and then drop all the way down to the bottom of the castle. Run to your right and go in the main doors back into the room with the fireplace and chandeliers.
22. You’ll need to move the ladder over to the right, in front of the fireplace, if it is still along side the left wall. Jump up to the top of the ladder and then over to your right on top of the bookshelf. Click the green book on the right at the top of the book shelf to get the Root Causes book. You can examine the book to see what you’ll need, but you don’t have to. Jump down from the bookshelf and head back through the main doors on your right outside.
23. Run to your left and go through the archway. From the platform you are on, take out your crossbow and shoot 3-4 arrows into the wall on your right so you can use the arrows as a stepladder to climb up to the top where you’ll see a platform containing the mandrake root. This will take a few tries because the arrows keep falling out quickly, but you’ll get it if you keep trying! A hint is to start with the bottom arrow and then move up, since the first arrow will fall out first.
Heating the Cannonball
24. Now that you have the mandrake root, head back through the archway and run to your right and enter the castle through the main entrance again. Run to your left and jump over the cannonball. Then, push the cannonball to your right until it reaches the fireplace. You will notice that the cannonball will heat up and you won’t be able to touch it without being burned. Pick up the fire poker just on the right of the fireplace and use it to push the cannonball to your left. It will roll into the dummy elevator (small box to the left of the suit of armor) just under the lever.
25. Go through the door on the left and enter the Armory. Make your way up to the top of the armory and through the hole in the ceiling and out the window, back to the laboratory. Run to your right and pull the lever to bring the red-hot cannonball up in the dummy elevator. It will roll out underneath the beaker containing Wolfsbane and begin to heat it, which will create the melted Wolfsbane that you need to complete the serum!
26. Now that you have all the ingredients, you can complete the serum and cure Count Bram’s vampirism! Click the microscope and use your syringe on the ingredients in this exact recipe:
▪ 1 click Mandrake Root
▪ 3 clicks Wilted Wolfsbane
▪ 3 clicks Garlic Extract
27. Once you have completed the recipe, it will give you a syringe containing the serum for Count Bram. Head through the door just to your left and go into the room containing the locked-up teenager. Jump up to her cage and she’ll realize you have the serum and give you a hint about the key in the room. Drop down to your right and you’ll notice a sparkly wand, click on it and click the bars and then use the stick to pull the key out of the locked area. Jump up to Katya’s cage and use the key to unlock her and let her out.
28. Once she gets out, Count Bram the Vampire comes and threatens you both. You will jump out of the window and the teenager will tell you to follow her. Open up your inventory and equip the garlic so that you can keep Count Bram away from her. Try your best to keep up and follow all of her jumps as you make your way across and to the top of the tower.
29. Now that you are at the top of the tower, Bram will turn into a bat and try his best to foil your plan to help her escape. Aim the syringe at the bat and fire! Be careful, some Poptropicans report that you only get one shot with the syringe, so make it count or you may have to start this part over!
30. Once you have hit him with the serum, he will turn back into his human form and be reunited with his sweetheart.
Twisted Thicket
1. When you drop out of the Poptropica blimp, you’ll land in a cute little Scandanavian Town. You’ll notice that Bjorn’s Smorgasbord from the Twisted Thicket Sneak Peeks is the common room for this island. There are a few Poptropicans here that you can talk to, but you don’t have to in order to complete the island.
2. Continue running to your right and enter the construction area until you come across the foreman for the construction project. He’s the leader of the project and will be holding blueprints and have a hard hat on. Don’t worry, the game won’t let you miss him! He’ll explain to you that his construction project is being held up by creatures from the forest and he asks for your help to get things moving again. Accept the mission to journey into the woods and stop the threat and continue to your right.
3. You’ll run into the side of a building that’s under construction and notice what looks like a plastic hamster tunnel just above you. Jump up into the tunnel and stay toward the right and you will be able to make your way to the top and into the unfinished building. Head through the building to the right, drop down and head to the left, and drop down and run to your right, out of the building and enter the forest.
4. You’ll enter the forest and see a ghost-like acorn in the center of the first tree that you see. Click the acorn and you’ll realize that it is something for you to collect, the Lesovyk Rune. Once you get the rune, you will let out a group of dryads that will try to keep you from getting through this part of the forest.
5. The dryads or, as some call them, “flies”, are one of the more frustrating puzzles on Twisted Thicket Island. What you’ll need to do is let a few of them latch on to you, somewhere in the range of 4-6, which should be just enough to get you up to the first platform. From there, keep moving and jumping to make sure not too many of them latch on. As more latch on, you’ll go slower and eventually they will overwhelm you and take you away.
6. There’s no perfect system for getting past the flies/dryads, but we do know that while you are in the air, the dryads cannot latch on to you. They can only latch on when you’re on the ground. So, in the beginning, constantly jump up and down until you get the right number on you and then make your way quickly to the right! Don’t worry, it took us many, many times to get through it!
7. Head to the right and jump up through the small area, eventually exiting on the top-left.
8. Now that you’ve made it past the Dryads, you’ll encounter another forest creature trying to keep you from getting through the forest. This creature lives on the vines and, if they’re above you, will cut the vine so you fall. If they’re below you, they’ll climb the vine and knock you off.
9. Make your way to the left and jump up to the fourth vine on the left. Make your way up the vine quickly and jump over to the next one on the left. Climb quickly and jump to your left onto the tree branches. Walk to your left and climb up the third rope on your left. Climb all the way to the top and carefully jump up to the short vine just to the left of it.
10. You have two choices and you’ll need to make your decision quickly, as the creature will be cutting your rope. You can climb up your current vine and, if you’re fast enough, get up high enough to jump off the vine to the upper tree branch. Your second option is to climb up a bit and then jump to the next vine to the left. You’ll need to jump left twice more, with the first jump having a creature on it, so be quick. Climb up to the top and jump to your right to land on the same tree branch as you would have if you were quick enough for the first option.
11. Climb up the vine hanging above you and jump to your right. Drop down and click on the Kobold Rune that is embedded in the stone, it looks like a ghost of a small twig or plant. Jump on top of the stone and use the vines above you to make your way up and to the right to the exit. The first vine has a creature, vines 2 & 3 have no creature, vine 4 has a creature, and vine 5 has no creature. Just make sure to climb all the way to the top of each one before jumping to the next one and you should be fine!
12. This area was one of the easiest to get through in Twisted Thicket Island. There are 4 very long vines and you just need to make it to the top. You can start on any vine you want and you just need to keep jumping back and forth from vine to vine as the creatures try to bump you off or cut the rope above you. It’s okay to make a few mistakes because you will usually catch another vine and be able to continue moving up.
13. Yep, there’s more Dryads / flies in the next area that will try and stop you from getting through, but it is much easier this time around. This level will give you 3 strikes or lives to make it through to the end. Run to your right and make it through each swarm of Dryads. They follow a pattern and there are 8 swarms to get through. In fact, it’s really just two groups of 4 with a repeating pattern.
The pattern is:
- Jump over the first group
- Duck under the second group
- Enter and exit through hole in the third group large circle
- Enter and exit through hole in the fourth group small circle
14. Just follow that pattern twice (and be careful with the circle swarms, they move left and right a little bit as they circle around) and you’re on to the next area!
15. In the next area, you’ll immediately be shown that there’s a very large rock man to the right and he’s aiming a boulder right at you! Quickly run to the right and jump up on the small platform to avoid the boulder. As soon as it passes you, run to your right and get up to the edge of the screen on the right. Duck down while he throws his next boulder.
16. Immediately after he throws the boulder, jump onto his back, where it is covered with grass and then jump up again to make it to the level above you. There’s another Rock Man on this level, and he’s got boulders with your name on them too!
17. Repeat the same strategy as the earlier Rock Man for the second one, but be careful not to fall through the hole. You’ll get to a third Rock Man as you now make your way right on the next level, so repeat the process one more time.
18. Now you’ll be up to the final one and you’ll notice that the next level up is too high if you try to use the same strategy as the previous 3! You’ll have to do something different to get past this Rock Man, but what? You’ll notice that, instead of one platform to avoid the boulder, there are two! Be careful, because these don’t really protect you from the boulder unless you jump.
19. Jump up to the first platform and then jump left to the higher second platform. Quickly make your way to the left edge of the second platform before the Rock Man throws his boulder and something will happen — he’ll drop the boulder on his own head! Now jump on top of the boulder and up to the next level and run to the right. You’ll notice a tall green stone with pink flowers growing on it as you head right. Click the ghosted tree icon near the bottom of it to get the Jotunn Rune. Continue to the right for your next challenge.
20. There is a little bit you can do to make sure that you get past the Nokken in a number of spots, and it ended up being pure luck for us when we made it through! Watch the red footprints, they give you an idea of where the Nokken just went and where he’s probably hiding.
21. Make your way to the right and avoid the Nokken with the following steps. Jump over the open tree stump just to the right of the “Beware the Nokken” sign. You’ll come to a wall, jump up quickly through the trees, making sure to stay all the way left for the first jump! Head to the right and go under the water. As soon as you get out, jump from the first platform to your right very quickly to avoid the next Nokken attack. Head to your right, but do not use the vine to go down, just drop down to the left without touching the vine! Swim down and to your right and when you come out, jump on the bank to your left and click on the Nackrosor Rune just above you. Jump up and to the right and head out of the room.
22. In the next level, you’ll instantly be chased by a bunch of angry goblins wielding spears! Don’t worry, the spears can’t hurt you, and all you have to do is stay ahead of the pack. As you run, you’ll encounter obstacles that will slow you down, so you need to run at top speed, but also need to know what obstacle is coming next. Fortunately, there’s a repeating pattern that will make it easy for you!
- Short mushroom (jump)
- Tall mushroom (big jump)
- Overhead spikes (keep running)
- House with spears (big jump)
- Mushroom with spears (jump quickly after previous house)
- Mud (big jump)
23. This pattern will repeat 3 times, and on the 4th time, when you jump over the house with spears (#4), you will get the Dokkalfar Rune. That’s the final rune! You’ll automatically get on a platform and use a zipline to get down to the next level.
24. Head to your right and you’ll see a tree with some platforms on it. You’ll notice that there are holes in the tree that are in the shape of your runes. Put them into the tree in order from left to right, also in the same order you collected them: Acorn (Lesovyk Rune), Sapling (Kobold Rune), Tree (Jotunn Rune), Fruit Tree (Nakrosor Rune), Tree Stump (Dokkalfar Rune).
25. When you put them in, you’ll open a secret passageway below you to the center of the forest!
26. Now you are in the heart of the forest, jump up to the middle of the screen and speak with the Queen of the Forest. She will tell you that the construction is trying to destroy the forest and all its creatures and that the magic of the forest is dying. On queue, the foreman and his construction works will arrive on vines and thank you for helping them get to the center of the forest so they can destroy it! Oh no, we don’t want that, do we? They leave to get the construction equipment and the Queen tells you that you are the only chance for their survival! She gives you an amulet and sends you off to stop the bulldozers!
27. You automatically be transported to where the bulldozer, dumptruck, and crane are making their way to the forest. We have to save the creatures and there’s no time to lose! Put on the amulet immediately and make your way to the crane. If its gotten ahead of you, click the green icon in the lower left to run fast and catch up with it.
28. Jump up on to the crane and get on the roof. Click the orange button on the lower left to become big and strong and then push the boom of the crane so it is tilted down. Click the blue button on the lower left to fly and fly up to the top of the crane and land on the crank. Click the crank to make the wrecking ball drop onto the top of the bulldozer.. Now what?
29. Drop straight down to the bulldozer and, once you are standing on it, click the orange button in the lower right to make yourself strong again. Click the wrecking ball and you will throw it into the back of the dump truck, which will knock one of the men off of the truck! You’ve almost done it, just one more step to go!
30. Click the green button on your lower left to make yourself run fast and run up to the dump truck and jump up on the small box between the two tires. Click the orange button on your lower left one more time and then click the fuse box. This will cause the dump truck to stop and all the other construction vehicles will crash into the back of it! You’ve done it, you stopped them from destroying the forest and beaten Twisted Thicket Island. Congratulations on earning the medal!
Poptropolis Games
Poptropolis games is pretty straightforward as far as puzzles go for a Poptropica Island. In fact, there are no puzzles to solve in Poptropolis Games — it is just a collection of olympic-themed minigames that you must do well in to earn the Poptropolis Games medallion. There are a total of 9 events, with 1 bonus event. The events are: Archery, Diving, Hurdles, Javelin, Long Jump, Pole Vault, Power Lifting, Shot Put and Triple Jump. The member’s only bonus event is Wrestling.
When you land on the island, you’ll need to choose your tribe. Which tribe you choose doesn’t have any effect on how to beat Poptropolis Games, so choose which tribe you like the best! We’ll organize our cheats in the order the events are listed in Poptropica, but you can complete them in any order you like.
Our best advice for how to come in first for Poptropolis Games is to figure out which event you do the worst at and do it first. If you don’t do well or completely fail, just bring up the map and click “Restart Island” and start again until you get a good result (first, second or third place) in that event and then continue. That way, you won’t keep wasting all of your time!
Getting the gold medal in Archery by coming in first is very difficult. Sometimes the other players will score a perfect 100/100, which really gives you no chance. In order to get first place in Archery, you need to score at least 96 or higher, which means you have to get 9 arrows into the center bullseye for 10 points each and can only get a couple of 8s or 9s.
The key to doing well in Archery is to watch the wind speed. You’ll see a flag on the upper right and you’ll see the wind speed as a number on the upper left. The speed of the wind will change between 3-7 miles per hour and you will need to adjust your aim to compensate for it.
If the flag is pointing to the left, then you need to aim your arrow to the right of the bullseye, and the opposite if the flag is pointing right. If it’s only 3mph, you only need to aim right a little bit, if it’s 7mph, you’ll need to aim a bit further to the right. Keep in mind that when you are aiming to compensate for the wind, you don’t want to aim any further out than the blue ring.
Now that you have your aim set where you want it, just wait until the power meter is nearest to the bar in the middle and click your mouse to let the arrow fly! Once you have started hitting the bullseye, keep your mouse very still and make sure that the wind speed number is the same each time that you shoot the arrow and you should be able to hit a good number of bullseyes, getting you a high score in Archery!
In order to beat Poptropolis Games, this is an event that you need a first place finish in because it is one of the easiest. When you attempt the diving event, you will have to complete three dives of increasing difficulty. Each dive will have a series of flips, either front flips or back flips, and you get +5 points for each flip in the dive.
The first dive has 2 flips, the second dive has 3 flips and the third dive has 4 flips. Adding all the points together, you can get a total of 45 points, which you’ll need to come first in diving. All you have to do is put your mouse on the right side of your Poptropican to do a front flip and on the left side to do a backflip. Keep an eye on the lower left, which will tell you what flips have been completed so you can switch directions quickly if you need to.
While the instructions say that you need to click at the end to enter the water perfectly, it doesn’t affect your score, so don’t worry about it if you just manage to finish that last 4 flips dive and can’t click, you’ll still get all 20 points!
As many times as I tried the hurdles, I always missed one or two of them and was never able to win first place in the hurdles event! However, no matter how badly I timed all my jumps, I never placed worse than third place.
In the Hurdles event, your Poptropican will take off in a race and you need to click to jump over the hurdles. If you jump too early or too late, you will get caught on the hurdle and it will slow you down. Try your best to time the jumps as perfectly as possible, but a few stumbles is ok. If you can place second in the race, you have done well and can move on to the next event!
In the Javelin event, you have to set the angle and power of the Javelin as you throw it, with the goal being to throw it as far as possible. You get 3 attempts and Poptropica will take the highest score and use it to compare against the other tribes. This means all you need is one good throw!
When you start playing, you will see the angle of your javelin going up and down. Try your best to get click once to set the angle right in the “green” range for the javelin. As soon as you click, it will start the power gauge, which only goes up once, so you must be ready to click again immediately! Try to let the power go all the way to the end of the green part and let the Javelin fly.
If you click too early on the power gauge, you will not throw the javelin very far, but if you let the power gauge go into the red, it doesn’t mean max power, it means you will fall off of the platform and fault! In order to win the Javelin event and get first place, you need to get a near-perfect throw of 195 meters or better. In fact, if you throw it just right, you can throw it all the way off the course into the bushes at over 200 meters!
Long Jump
If you want to place first in the long jump, you’ll need perfect timing on your clicks to get the longest jump out of all the tribes. You get 3 attempts, just like with the Javelin and the game will use your longest jump as your score.
You need to hold down your mouse button until you get to the fault line, and then let go of the button to make your jump. You can get a little help by watching the numbers on the floor, they count down from 10 down to 1. Make sure to jump before the line, or else you will fault.
Once you are flying through the air, you have one more thing to do. When you are at the very top of your jump, about to start heading down, click your mouse one more time to give yourself a boost in the air and launch yourself further. If you time it just right, you should be able to win the long jump and get the gold medal for the event.
Pole Vault
The Pole Vault was the hardest event for me to master — I just didn’t have the coordination for it. The first thing you need to know about the pole vault is that you are pole vaulting for distance over the bar, not actually for higher and higher bars!
The event starts with a countdown and your Poptropican will automatically start running. When you get into the vaulting area, where it turns to sand and you see a word written on the ground, click to plant your pole. Wait a short time until your Poptropican seems to be launching off the pole and then click your mouse again to launch your Poptropican off of the pole and over the bar!
If you do it right and get over the bar, you nearly always come in first for the Pole Vault!
Power Lifting
The Power Lifting / Weight Lifting event takes the longest of any of the other events in the Poptropolis Games. In the event, your Poptropican lifts varying weights from 100kg up to 500kg against the clock and you control them by clicking on a small button above you that slides back and forth in an arc.
The button is programmed to avoid your mouse, so you’ll have to chase it around and click on it as much as possible when you “catch” it. Each time you click, you will see the button turn green and have an up arrow, which will cause your Poptropican to lift the weight higher. Be sure not to click unless you are on the button and be quick, because if you wait too long between pressing the button or miss it, the button will turn red and have a down arrow, and your Poptropican will start dropping the weight.
As the weight goes up, the button moves faster and faster and the time you are given to complete the task decreases. If you can manage to lift the 500kg weight, you will get first place in Power Lifting. If you lift the 400kg weight and almost get the 500kg weight, you can salvage 2nd place.
Shot Put
The Shot Put Event is somewhat similar to the Javelin event, as you are setting your angle and power once again to throw an object the farthest distance. The first thing you do is set the angle, try your best to get each of the 3 arrows for angle in the green zone. Each arrow will move faster than the previous one. If you accidentally set your trajectory too low or high, just use the next arrow to set it a bit higher or lower. Just try your best to make sure the final angle of throw (dotted line) is in the green zone.
Next, you’ll have to set the power, and Poptropica is trying to trick you here with various power rings spinning at different speeds. You’ll go crazy if you try and keep track of all of them, so the best strategy is to watch the outer ring. It’s the slowest one and also makes it easy to track as every 2nd revolution of the outer ring, all 3 of the power rings line up! Take your time and watch it and you’ll see the pattern. Click when all the rings line up and you should get a great shot put throw. It only takes one good Shot Put throw to get first place!
Triple Jump
The Triple Jump is like the long jump, with perfect timing you can get a nice long triple jump and win the Popotropolis Medallion! The timing for the triple jump is much trickier than the long jump though.
Start the triple jump by clicking and holding your mouse button. Let go of the mouse button when you get to the first white line and you’ll jump into the air. Get ready to click again as soon as you land on the next platform and then be ready to click again even quicker when you land on the final jumping platform! If you time it right, you’ll make a huge jump to the last platform and hopefully have a great triple jump. Be careful, if you mis-time your jumps, you’ll fall down and fault (you don’t die, don’t worry!).
If you place 1-3 in all the events (and even 1-2 fourth place finishes), you will win the Poptropolis Games Medallion!
Bonus Quest
If you’re a member, you get to play one more event. Suddenly, Poptropolis begins shaking and no one knows why! The toughest Poptropolis Games Champion ever appears out of nowhere and challenges you to a wrestling match!
The wrestling event is quite easy, he will try moves on you and you just need to counter them 4 times and you’ll beat him. Move your mouse to the left side of the screen and be ready. The move that he plans to try will flash on the upper right. All you need to remember is the outer shape of the tile — square, octagon, circle. A few seconds later, 3 shapes with the moves will appear on your left. VERY Quickly click the shape that matched the move he was going to use on you.
Once you beat the Ancient Warrior, you will win the Ancient Warrior Outfit! Congratulations!
Wimpy Boardwalk
While the map for Wimpy Boardwalk doesn’t look very big, there’s more than you might think in this island! You’ll drop out of the blimp into the Boardwalk Games area and you’ll see Greg get frustrated with one of the Boardwalk games and drop a $20 bill. Greg’s money will float away with the wind to the right and some teenagers grab the money and run away with it.
Greg chases after them and you’re left on the boardwalk to help him. Run to your right and follow Greg and the teenagers. You’ll enter the Boardwalk Arcade area, just keep going until you see Greg and he will tell you that the teenagers have disappeared.
Continue to your right to the Beach and speak to the man taking souvenir keychain photos. Tell him that you don’t have any money and he’ll still let you take a picture with the cardboard cut out. After he snaps the photo, he will give you free sunblock. Head to your right and speak with the man near the water’s edge. Ask him if there’s anything you can do to help and then offer him the sunblock. He’ll give you Oily Suntan Lotion in return.
Run back to your left where Greg was on the Boardwalk Arcade and you’ll see the teenagers under the boardwalk, playing games with the money. Try to grab the money and they’ll pull it back and laugh. Run to your left, past the blimp, into the Boardwalk Rides area of Wimpy Boardwalk.
Run left past the cotton candy (candy floss) and jump up onto the Cranium Shaker ride. From the bottom cage, jump up to the next cage to the right and you’ll see a trash can lid. Click it to pick it up and then run to your left while holding the lid. You’ll come across a trash can containing bees that will sting you. You’ll automatically put the lid on the trash can.
Get on the left side of the trash can and then push it to the right until it is in front of the cotton candy (candy floss) cart, since it is “sweeter than honey”. Take the lid off of the trash can and the bees will fly off. Now it’s time to dig through the trash!! YUCK! Move all of the food out of the way and you’ll eventually (it takes awhile) uncover a Bag of Popcorn. Run left and then click on the popcorn cart to get a free refill of your popcorn.
Finding the Keys
Continue to your left to the Fun House and run all the way left into the parking lot. A woman will be in the parking lot and will tell you that she’s lost her car keys and that she’ll give you a nice reward if you find them. Run all the way to your right until you get back to the Beach. Climb up onto the trash can and when you see the seagull flying across, jump up and click on it and you will get a Keychain Picture.
Talk to the man with the metal detector on your right and then use the Keychain Picture. He will give you the metal detector, since he no longer needs it. Walk to your right until you see the woman underneath the beach umbrella. Once you are right in front of her, dump out your popcorn bag and the seagulls will swoop down and make her run away.
Now click the metal detector and search the area underneath her towel to find the car keys. At this point, you can spend some more time with the metal detector, finding tokens in the sand for the Boardwalk Games you will have to play later on in Wimpy Boardwalk. Once you are done with the metal detector, run all the way to the left, past the Fun House and give the woman her car keys. She will give you a pair of Flip Flops as a reward.. not as great of a reward as you thought was it?!
Boardwalk Arcade
Head to your right back to the Boardwalk Arcade and you’ll see a kid crying because his Frisbee (flying disc) is stuck on the roof, which looks like it’s too hot to go barefoot. Thankfully, you have the flip flops. Put the flip flops on and then use the trash can on the right of the Tee Time shop to jump onto the roof and get the Flying Disc. Give the frisbee to the little kid and he will tell you how to play the broken Claw Game for free!
Walk to your left to the Claw game, which is Out of Order and click on it. Click on the joystick and rock it back and forth a few times and the game will turn on. Press the start button and then control the claw to pick up the yellow unicorn, football and blue robot. Once you get those out of the way, you will see a fake green vomit. Pick it up and you’ll win the prize. Gross!
The Lucky Rabbit Foot
The lucky rabbit foot is the key to one of the Boardwalk Games. In fact, it is impossible to win it without the Lucky Rabbit Foot. You’re almost there, don’t worry!
Run back to the left until you see the long line for the bumper cars. Use the fake vomit in front of them and they’ll all run away, giving you a chance to ride the bumper cars! All you have to do is chase Rowley’s red car and smash it a few times and the Lucky Rabbit Foot will pop out. Just run over it to pick it up and the bumper car game will end.
Boardwalk Games
Head to your right and you will get to the Boardwalk Games area of Wimpy Boardwalk. There are 5 different games that you have to beat in order to get the jumbo prize: Himalayan Hurl, Fastball Fury, Circus Soaker, Space Fling, Pirate Panic. Hopefully you picked up a few tokens along the way. You shouldn’t really need too many tokens, as most will be able to get through all of the games with around 10 tokens.
Himalayan Hurl is a rigged game, like many Boardwalk Games in real life. It is physically impossible to beat Himalayan Hurl without having Rowley’s Lucky Rabbit Foot, he will tell you that “Looks like you’re low on luck” until you get it. In fact, Graser said that even when the ball lands on the red hole, if you don’t have the Lucky Rabbit Foot, you still lose! The nice thing is that it’s easy to tell you how to beat Himalayan Hurl — just make sure you have the Lucky Rabbit Foot. If you have it, then you will automatically win the game on your first try! If not, you will try hundreds of times and you’ll never win!
Fastball Fury is the next game that you have to win. When you start the game, there will be a power meter on the right going up and down. Click your mouse on the catchers mitt when the power meter is in the same spot 3 times. I used the chart on the wall so that I would know where I was stopping it each time. If you can stop it around the same time each time, your speed should be within 3 or so of each other each time, so when it asks you to guess the speed, it should be quite close to the previous two speeds.
In order to beat Circus Soaker and get the prize, it seems tough and you’ll think you are going to lose, but if you try your best to keep on target, you’ll still win. The object of this game is to simply shoot your water canon into the right side of the clowns mouth. You should see a tiny hole on the right side of his mouth. As long as you aim for that and make a good attempt to keep it going in his mouth, you will beat Circus Soaker.
Space Fling is one of the tougher games, so expect to spend 2-3 tokens getting the hang of the ring toss before you get one of them around the bottle. Click and hold on one of the rings and then flick your mouse up and let go to toss it over the bottle. Most people toss the ring too hard, so try light movements to get the ring around the bottle to beat Space Fling.
Run to your right, past the Laser Tag common room for Pirate Panic. Pirate Panic is one of the easier Boardwalk Games, just pick up one of the baseballs and then let go of your mouse to throw it at the bottles. You should be able to knock them all off in one shot and beat Pirate Panic.
Now that you’ve beaten all of the Boardwalk Games, you will be awarded the Jumbo Prize. Run to your left and use the Jumbo Prize next to the guy using the remote control helicopter. He’ll give you the Remote Controlled helicopter in exchange for the Jumbo Prize.
Run to your left and go into the Fun House. Climb up the ladder to help the big kid stuck in the slide. Open up your inventory and use the Oily Suntan Lotion to grease the slide and let him out. Once he makes it through the slide, the woman near the ball pit will give you Fregley’s leftover fish sticks… Uhhh.. thanks lady!
Getting Greg’s Money Back
Leave the Fun House and run to your right all the way to the water’s edge on the beach. Open up your inventory and Use the Fish Sticks on the Helicopter. Then, open it up again and dangle the fish stick above the crab near the shore line. The crab will grab on to the fish stick!
Run to your left onto the boardwalk where the teenagers are playing with Greg’s $20. Use the Remote Controlled Helicopter with the Fish Sticks and Crab on it and have the crab grab the money! Then, run over to the money and grab it yourself. Both you and Greg will run around and chase the teenagers away from under the boardwalk and Greg will finally get his money back! He will thank you for your help (well, you did do ALL of the work!) and give you the medallion! Congratulations, you have beat Poptropica Wimpy Boardwalk!
Bonus Quest
Now that we’ve shown you how to beat Wimpy Boardwalk Island, you probably are having a hard time with the bonus quest. To this date, the Thunder Volt bonus quest is the hardest bonus quest to beat!
Once you have beaten Wimpy Boardwalk and if you’re a member of Poptropica, you will get the bonus quest that starts with “Later that day…”. Greg will run to his favorite arcade game, Thunder Volt, and notice that someone has gotten the second highest score (800,000) and made it say “IS AN IDIOT”. Since Greg has the highest score, it now says “GREG HEFFLEY IS AN IDIOT”. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to beat the 800,000 score and put your name in second place. However, in doing so, it’ll change it to say you are an idiot! 
While there are no secrets and no Thunder Volt Easy Mode like there was with Twisted Wizard, we have a few tips for showing you how to beat Thunder Volt.
Bumper Cars
Before you embark on the bonus quest, head to the bumper cars and load up on tokens. You can usually get around 25-30 tokens per round of bumper cars. You’ll most likely need them, so take them time to play once or twice so that you have plenty of tokens to play Thunder Volt over and over.
Starting Thunder Volt
The key to winning Thunder Volt Bonus Quest is getting a good start in the game. You need to destroy all three groups in the first part of the game and collect the powerups so that you have an upgraded weapon for the next set of enemies. For each “stream” of a certain enemy that you destroy, the last enemy will leave a powerup of either weapon, health, score bonus, or eliminating all enemies from the screen.
As you continue to power up your weapon, your score multiplier will increase. Both of these are very important to beat the 800000 points that you need to complete the Bonus Quest. If you get damaged by enemies, it will decrease your weapon power, health and score multiplier, so try your best to have the “lightning” weapon by the time you reach the boss for Stage 1.
Stage 1 Boss
The first stage boss is relatively easy, especially if you have a powerful weapon. As soon as you get the warning, head up to the upper right or left of your screen and start firing your weapon at the top middle of the screen. As soon as he appears in the screen, you will start getting a bunch of shots on him, making it much easier. He moves left and right a few times, while firing his weapon straight down, so stay to the side and move carefully through the shots to change sides, trying not to get hit. If it takes you awhile, he will charge at you, so be ready to move quickly if he does and avoid the charge.
Stage 2 Boss
The second stage boss is one of the hardest ones. He appears randomly on the top, middle, left or bottom of the screen, fires around 10 shots from his weapon and then switches to another edge of the screen. To beat the Stage 2 boss, just be patient and get a couple of shots on him and then avoid his fire. This should be fairly easy to repeat until he gets down to 25% power. At that point, he will get “angry” and come back with 3 eyes and 3 weapons, all firing at once. Again, be patient, keep cool and get a shot if you can. There’s no time limit so the most important part of this is making sure that you don’t die!
Stage 3 Boss
The stage 3 boss was one of the easier ones. He arrives on screen and you must fire toward the center of the boss. The two white pieces will block your shot from getting to the center, so you must either shoot right in the middle of either shield, or shoot the body in between on the left or right side. Once he reaches 25%, he will split into 2. You’ll need to destroy each piece in the same manner, either by shooting the body directly or by aiming a pinpoint shot into the middle of the shield.
Stage 4 Boss
The fourth stage boss is the second hardest in the game (the first being the stage 2 boss). The stage 4 boss is very big, and will take up close to half the screen when you are in the final battle against him. To defeat the stage 4 boss, you’ll need to avoid the falling rocks and bullets, and wait for it to fire the big laser beam. The laser beam usually lasts a couple of seconds, and during this time, you will have a clear shot on its face. If you aim correctly, you may be lucky enough to knock down a great chunk of its health in one go. Just keep repeating this process and you’ll eventually beat the stage 4 boss!
Lunar Colony
You’ve landed in Poptropica and I bet you’re thinking “Hey, waittaminute, this isn’t a Lunar Colony!”, right? We’ll get there in a second. Most of Lunar Colony Island is spent on the moon, but we have to get there first.
Run to your right and enter the mission control in the PASE building and go inside. Once you’re in there, speak to both of the controllers and their director will come in and ask why no one has been taking care of the astronaut who looks a bit sick. He will yell at you and you need to click on him and select the last option “I –” and he will send you on a mission to help out the astronaut.
Exit Mission Control and run to your left, back to where the older man was on the stage. You’ll notice that he left behind a bottle. Pick up the bottle of Ginger Ale and then head to your right, past Mission Control, to the Launch Area. Stand in the middle of the elevator scaffolding and press the elevator button to have it come down. Jump up onto the elevator and then press the button again to zoom to the top. Be careful not to move or jump, as it may force you off of the elevator platform.
Once you have made it to the top, run to your right and enter the rocket to help out the astronaut. Once you’re inside the rocket, open up your inventory, use the Ginger Ale and you’ll make him feel better. He’ll hand you his helmet and ask you to hold it and then close the door behind him. HEY, we didn’t sign up for this!! Nevertheless, we are off to space! Click the headset on the right of the rocket to put it on.
Outer Space
As you hurtle toward outer space, you need to do a variety of things you aren’t trained for, and Mission Control will guide you on what to do. To start with, you’ll need to adjust the boosters on the bottom right and left to both say 4150. Click and drag on the booster control, down to decrease and up to increase. You may need to fiddle with them for awhile before getting it right.
Next, you’ll need to switch the fuel tanks and jettison them at the right time. The fuel tank controls are on the upper left. When the left fuel tank is near 5%, click the little arrow pointing at the “1″ so it points at “2″. Then, click the switch at the bottom of Fuel Tank #1 twice to make it drop off. Now, you’ll need to adjust the angle of the ship by using the control stick in the middle. Pull it down and adjust it until the display says 112.
The second fuel tank will start to run out of fuel, while you’re waiting, click the Morale Boost to pop up a bobblehead on the dashboard — it’s pretty amusing! Once the fuel tank gets low, click the switch below the second tank to release it from the ship and then sit back and watch your journey through space.
Asteroid Field
You’ll encounter an asteroid field and you’ll have to navigate your ship through the asteroids and avoid as many of them as possible. The ship has really great controls (move the mouse wherever you want it to go), so it shouldn’t be terribly hard. You are allowed to bump some out of the way if you don’t have a path to move forward.
Once you’re through the asteroid field, you’ll realize that there’s a hole in the ship that needs to be repaired. You’ll need to spacewalk! Now, float to your left on top of the ship and click on the panel near the front that says “Toolkit”. This will expose the orange Tool Kit box — click on it to grab it and then float to your right, back to the front of the ship and go underneath it and head to your left.
Stay as close to the ship as you can because there are asteroids flying around still that can knock you off balance. You should see the air leak, so just go over to it and click on it. Your toolkit has a putty / foam that you can use to patch up the leak. Use as much as you need to cover the entire area and the game will eventually tell you that you are done automatically. You’ll then go to sleep while the ship goes on autopilot to lunar orbit around the moon.
Moon Lander
Now that we’ve entered orbit, we need to land on the moon and you have to control the moon lander very precisely for a safe landing. The moon lander will drop out of the rocket and start falling straight down. The best strategy is to put your mouse just above the moon lander so that it continues to drop straight down and then click the mouse a few times as you go down to “boost” the ship and slow it down so you don’t crash. After a few tries, you’ll get the hang of it.
Moon HQ
Now we are on the surface of the moon, let’s go find Salerno and bring her back to Poptropica! Head inside and go in the first door to enter the Vehicle Bay, jump up to the second level and check the third locker to find the GatOS book. This is a cute play on the Spanish word “Gato” for cat, if you notice the cover. Head out of the Vehicle Bay to the Barracks on the right and go inside.
Climb the ladder on the right until you get to the third level. Jump to your left and go over to the locker between bunks 7 and 8. Click the locker to get the photo album. Then, jump up to the bed on the left to pick up the notebook. You can read them to find out more information about Salerno’s experience here on the Lunar Colony and also why she doesn’t want to return home.
We need administrator access to the terminal so we can open the inner door to the Vehicle Bay, so you’ll need to use your GatOS manual to enter the proper code to reboot the system. Refer to the picture on the right that shows you the proper reboot code highlighted in red. Once you press those symbols on the right side of the terminal, the system will reboot. Then just drag the lever on the left up to open the door!
Head down the ladder and to your left to exit the Barracks and head back into the Vehicle Bay.
Now that we have the door open, we just need to power up the moon rover. The Moon Rover is solar-powered, so you’ll need to head to the top level of the Vehicle Bay. Once you are up top, you need to make sure that the right side of the roof is open. If it is already open, you are all set! If not, jump up to the top left and click the panel to open the right side.
There are 3 reflector dishes that you will need to adjust to direct the sunlight to the Moon Rover. The first one is on top in the middle. Adjust it to point down at around 45 degrees. Then drop down to the next level to your right and adjust the second reflector. Make sure that the light from the top reflector is being directed at the second reflector and that the second reflector is also sending off a beam of light. Adjust it to point down, as well. Finally head down another left and to the left to adjust the final reflector. Again, make sure light is coming to the reflector and that it is sending off a light beam. Adjust it down a bit and the light beam will hit the Moon Rover, giving it an instant charge!
Jump down to the bottom level and jump into the Moon Rover — it’s time to have some fun off-roading on the Moon! Once you get outside, you will notice that there is a digital map on your upper-right. If you click it, you will see that there are 3 other buildings on the Moon and we’ll end up visiting all of them.
The first one you’ll want to visit is the Laboratory building on the upper-right. Drive your Moon Rover to the lab once you’re done having fun doing doughnuts all over the place!
The Lab
Once you arrive, a meteor will be blocking your path to enter the lab — no problem! Head back over to your Moon Rover and click on the hook attached to the winch on the vehicle. Run back to your left and attach it to the meteor. Your Moon Rover will pull the meteor out of the way and you can head to your left and enter the lab.
As you go in, jump up to the next level right above your head and click on the “Eye Color Changing Station” to go inside and change your eye color. You’ll need to change them to purple (violet) so that you can get past the retinal scanner later in the game, so go ahead and do it now. Once you have changed your eye color, jump up to the top and toward the middle of the building to the Pressure Chamber.
Click the “High” switch to make yourself really short and then quickly run to your left and drop all the way to the bottom of the building. You’ll notice two blocks stacked on top of each other with a small space above them. Jump up and squeeze through the small space before the Pressure Chamber effect wears off. Don’t worry, if you mess up, you can always go back and shrink yourself again until you get it right.
We’re almost done with this building, but now comes the hard part. Click the door to enter the infirmary, which is actually a complicated maze! Run to your left until you see the red hose that says “Caution: Do not use this hose to clean out vents”. Well, we might be breaking the rules here, but grab the hose and you’ll need to navigate the maze in a specific pattern to get to the maintenance area.
If you don’t take the right route, you will run out of hose and have to go back and start over. Refer to the image on the right (click to enlarge it) so that you can make sure you have the perfect route to get through the maze. Once you have entered the maintenance area, click on the small vent and you will use the hose to blow the Locator Device out of the vent system. Run over and pick it up.
Now, just head to your left a little bit and click on the “Bio Waste” hatch to exit the Infirmary without having to go all the way back through the maze. We’re done with the laboratory and now it’s time to head to a new building, so run out and head to your Moon Rover!
Hydroponic Bio Dome
Now you’ll want to head to the building on the lower-left of the map, which is a Hydroponic Bio Dome being used to grow plants on the Moon. There’s no security on this building so head right in and you’ll notice there’s no gravity in the building and you’ll float around. The physics are almost identical to swimming in Poptropica, so control your Poptropican as if they are swimming.
Head to the right and click on the Emergency Cork Dispenser. Click the cork when it comes out — you’ll need it and a bunch more of them in a second. Float up a little bit and you’ll see a nozzle blasting out air, get behind the nozzle and then click on the front of the nozzle to stick the cork in. Make sure you stay behind the nozzle, or else it will hit you with air and knock the cork away and you’ll have to pick it up and try again. You’ll need to go back to the Emergency Cork Dispenser again, and then continue along your path through the trees. There will be 5 total nozzles that you need to plug with the corks.
Once you have plugged all of the nozzles, head up into the top area of the building. You’ll notice a figure hiding behind some of the supplies at the top of the room. Float over and you will find Salerno, at last! But wait, she has something to say and she doesn’t want to return to Poptropica with you and must complete her mission to find alien life. She’ll open up the air lock on the right and get away!
One the airlock closes behind her, you’ll notice that she drops a Key Card on the floor in the right corner. You’ll need this to get into the final building, which requires a retina scan, which you already have violet / purple eyes for and a Key Card. Grab the Keycard and head back out of the bio dome. In the “cork” room, you can float along the top to the right so you don’t have to go through the trees again. Once you are back in your Moon Rover, a chase scene will play out. You will automatically chase Salerno to the final building on the upper-left of your map.
Last building
Click on the “Eye Scan and Keycard Required” unit and after it scans your eyes, it will let you in to the air lock. In the next room, there are a variety of conveyor belts that you can angle up and down and change their direction. The top control panel of each belt controls the angle of the conveyor belt and the bottom pannel controls the direction.
Set each successive conveyor belt to point down and the direction of travel away from you, so you can make your way all the way to the ground floor. If you want, you can check out some of the cool experiments on the different levels, like a Rock Granulizer, Pulverization station, etc.
Once you are on the ground floor, run to your right and use the next set of conveyor belts to head up to the top of the building. You’ll finally end up on the upper-right, then click Enter to enter the door. When you get there, you’ll realize that Salerno has “given you the slip” and put the locator device on a robot and is nowhere to be found!
Jump up on the platform in the middle of the room and click the sheet. One of the large metal supports will fall down to the left. Run to your left and run along the support to the upper-left platform. Click the sheet to reveal a Geiger Counter! This is exactly what Salerno needs, maybe we can use it to find her!
Your Moon Rover will roll into the building. All you need to do is get on the left of the Geiger Counter and walk toward it to push it across the platform, down the metal support and right into your Moon Rover. Now you’ll notice that you have a Geiger Counter display in the lower-left of your screen. It’s already near the red, so we must be close to what we’re looking for.
All you need to do to find the 4th alien structure is go down from the building, slightly to the left. Go slow and use the Geiger Counter to aid you, it’ll get more and more in the red the closer you get to the structure. It isn’t far from the building, and you’ll see a purple-colored X on the surface. Click it and you’ll enter the area. If you head to your left, you will see it partially sticking out of the ground, but it “seems buried really deep in the ground” — no problem! Use the hook to the winch on your moon rover and you will pull the alien structure out of the ground and a bright light will appear at the top!
Jump into your Moon Rover and follow the purple laser beam toward the middle of the map. Go slow and follow along and you will find a point where the purple light beam crosses a red beam. Once you are there, click the point where they cross to enter. Run to your left and Salerno will appear with a shovel. She’ll dig a few times and you will fall under the surface of the Moon together!
Run all the way to the right, and click on the switch with the alien handprint in front of the pink light. This will open up a portal to an alien world and Salerno will decide to go through the portal. Mission Control will bring you back to Poptropica and everyone will be sad that they’ll never hear from Salerno again. Just as you are about to leave, there will be an incoming message from SETI from Salerno showing everyone proof that there is an alien civilization!
The Director of PASE will come in and award you with the medal. Congratulations, you’ve beat Lunar Colony Island!
Bonus Quest
The Bonus Quest will begin with a bunch of messages coming from the alien planet from Salerno, but no one can decode them. The scientists will send you to a retirement community to find Alan Turing, the inventor of the Turing test. Head out of Mission Control and run to your left, past the stage and the beginning of the island.
You’ll notice that there’s a bus what wasn’t there before. Click it to get in and go to the Shady Pines Retirement Village. Click the buzzer to enter the building and there will be a list of residents, none of which is Alan Turing. Of course, his is in code! It is always apartment number 3A, so go down to the second to last one (3A) and click the letters on the name to rearrange them until it says “ALAN TURING”.
Once you’ve done that click the 3A button and Alan Turing will come out of the retirement village and return to mission control with you so that you can decode the transmissions. He’ll give you a tutorial on how to solve the code, and the solution is actually quite easy and surprisingly repetitive and dull because the code solution is always the same each time and you have to do it four times in a row. Just slide to each letter and place them in the grid as shown in the picture below. Just copy it 4 times (the final letter where my mouse cursor is a “Y”) and you’ll beat the bonus quest!
Super Villain Island
You’ll start Super Villain Island by coming off the Poptropica balloon onto an Oil Rig. Jump up the platforms or climb the rope on the right hand side until you reach the top level with the control room toward the left of the oil rig. Go inside and then head right to the Office.
Once you are inside the control room, you will overhear a conversation between an employee and the Director of operations on the Oil Rig. Speak to the operator in the room and you will be sent on a mission to aid the Director.
Head back out of the control room and a helicopter will appear out of the sky and land on top of the oil rig. Jump on in and take a ride!
Just as you think you are on easy street, riding in a sweet helicopter, the weather turns bad and the pilot forces you to jump out of the helicopter!! Thankfully, he provides you with a parachute and once you jump out, you will start floating down toward the water slowly.
While you are floating down, you will encounter two obstacles — clouds and lightning. Avoid the clouds as best you can, as they slow you down and make your reaction to the lightning too slow to get out of the way. Keep your eye on the top of the screen for a white glow directly above you. Swiftly move your Poptropican left or right to avoid the lightning strike. If you are struck by lightning, your parachute will catch on fire.
Once you land in the water, swim to your right and jump on the first rock you see. Make your way up and to the right along the rocks. There will be a pair of tough jumps that you might not think you can make, but keep trying, you’ll make it. Once you make it up on the right hand side, you’ll encounter a security camera looking at you. Get close to the camera and let it “see” you and a door will slide open. Enter the door to go into the maximum-security prison called Erehwon.
Once inside the prison, run to your right and speak with the guard. He will tell you that you have to go through some security screening tests and you will be X-rayed, scanned, washed and dried before having your picture taken.
Continue to your right and then press the up button on the elevator to go up to the Director’s lab. Speak with the Director and he will show you an amazing experiment that brings you into the dreams of Binary Bard, Captain Crawfish, Black Widow and Dr. Hare!
To use the machine, press the arrow up or down on the left side to choose which Super Villain you want to visit and then press the button on the right to execute the command.
Captain Crawfish
Your first stop should be Captain Crawfish’s dreams. You’ll need to be extremely cautious in Captain Crawfish’s dream, so as not to disturb any of the sleeping Captain Crawfishes. Walk to the left of the door and jump up on the hanging lamp. Then, jump to your right above the door and you will pick up an orange key. Continue to your right and down the cargo net. Then move slowly to your left until you encounter the orange chest. Open the chest to get the Stopwatch.
Now, jump up on the lamp and near the top to get the green key. Head all the way left and climb the cargo net. Jump up on the platform above you to open the green treasure chest and you’ll get the Turpentine. Now, exit Captain Crawfish’s dream.
Dr. Hare
Dr. Hare dreams about ant mazes! So head to your right and dig down just below where the ant hill reaches the surface. This is the easiest area to make it to the bottom. You can use your pick axe to attack the ants if you end up on the same level as them. Keep digging down through the dirt, but you will not be able to dig through bedrock.
You will dig through the first level and drop to the second level. Keep digging down until you are on a surface of bedrock and with no more dirt areas for you to dig down. Toward the middle of the screen, you should see an empty sprayer bottle. Work your way toward the bottle and then click the “surface” tile to return to the top and exit the dream.
Black Widow
Now that we have the turpentine and the sprayer bottle, we can go get Black Widow’s Totem! Head into Black Widow’s dreams and you will see that she has destroyed some famous artwork. Speak to her and make sure to select the second option. Open up your inventory and click on the Turpentine to put it into the sprayer bottle. Black Widow will get very angry and send her spiders after you.
You’ll need to enter each of the three paintings to clean them up with your turpentine sprayer. In the painting on the left, don’t miss the Shrinking Potion bottle in the upper-left. It may help to get rid of all of the spray paint first, and then get the Shrinking Potion, as the spiders will stop attacking you once the painting is clean.
In the second painting, on the upper-right hand side, you’ll see a blue key. Don’t forget to grab the Crystal Key, as you’ll need it for Binary Bard’s dreams.
Finally, in the third painting, just clean the painting, there’s no item that you need to grab in this one.
After the paintings are all cleaned, Black Widow will become even more upset and she will start attacking you as well. You need to get past her and her spiders and use your turpentine spray bottle on the painting in the center of the room that has her picture. You will have to hit it a number of times with the turpentine spray, but it will eventually melt away and you can collect her totem!
Binary Bard
Now that we have the Stopwatch and the Crystal Key, we can retrieve Binary Bard’s totem. Head into Binary Bard’s dreams and open up your inventory to equip the Stopwatch. This is a magical stopwatch that can briefly stop time! You’ll need to use this stopwatch throughout the entire dream, so get ready!
The first door is swinging back and forth. When it swings open, press space bar to stop time and Binary Bard will run through. You’ll run through the door too and get stuck on the other side! Go through the next door and you’ll run into Merlin the owl. Avoid him as best you can and get through the next door. Make the robo-mouse help you jump over the barrier on the right and then enter the domain of Binary Bard!
As you progress to the right, there will be various floating and rotating platforms. Use your stopwatch to freeze the platforms so that you can jump on them with the flat side up. Once you have made it over to the right, make your way up and to the left. You will encounter a diamond drill, don’t miss it!
On the upper-left of the screen, you will see a crystal structure with a clock in it. Open up your inventory and use the Crystal Key to open the lock for the final stand with Binary Bard.
Once inside, Binary Bard is embedded within a clock. All you have to do is freeze time when both hands of the click are pointing at either 3, 6, 9, 12. For example, 12:30, 3:15, 9:00, etc. When the hands are facing those numbers, it sends a shock through Binary Bard. Once you shock him 3 times, you can collect his totem and exit the dream.
Back to Captain Crawfish
Now that we have the Shrinking Potion, we can retrieve Captain Crawfish’s totem. Head into Captain Crawfish’s dream, and make your way to the right but instead of climbing down the cargo net, jump up to the platform on the upper-right where you see the ship in a bottle. Use your shrinking potion from Black Widow’s dream and you will enter the ship.
Once you are in the ship, the same rules apply — don’t wake the sleeping Captain Crawfishes! We have to break the ship out of the bottle but without disturbing them. Make your way to the right and then up onto the mast to your left. You can duck to avoid waking the Crawfishes as the pass you. Follow the Captain Crawfish on the mast to the left and click the edge of the box to lock him in.
Jump up to the next mast and head to your right and do the same thing to the next Crawfish. Now, drop down and to the left. Run along the bottom until you see the cannon. Jump up to the cannon and fire it. You’ll break open the bottle and have earned Captain Crawfish’s totem!
Returning to Dr. Hare
Now for the final totem! Head into Dr. Hare’s dreams and equip the Diamond Drill. Make your way down through the levels just as before, but on the second level, go ahead and drill through the bedrock, as your diamond drill now lets you get through it!
You’ll notice that the 3rd level is all bedrock, but it’s no match for your diamond drill, so keep drilling down and killing the ants. You’ll see Dr. Hare and a pile of rocks next to him. Drill through the pile and you’ll uncover his Golden Carrot totem. Once you get it, click on Dr. Hare and you’ll be transported out of his dream!
Now you have all 4 totems, mission accomplished, right? Well…. not so fast! You’ll bring the items to the Director and you’ll find out that he has a secret. He had you on a mission to collect these evil items for him because he is Zeus!
Zeus will fly away and you, along with the 4 Super Villains, will be blasted out of the mountain and into the water. You’ll see a news broadcast showing all kinds of destruction all over Poptropica and, of course, you’re the only one that can save Poptropica!
Once you regain control, swim to your left and Poseidon will appear. Speak to him and he will give you his trident for you to fight Zeus. This will take you straight into the fight with Zeus.
If you’ve ever played Mythology Island, the battle with Zeus is quite similar this time as well. As you play, Zeus sends lightning bolts and fireballs at you, and pink clouds will appear randomly throughout. Make sure to pick up the pink clouds as those represent your life in the game. The more clouds you have, the more health you have. Also, make sure to keep Zeus on his toes throughout. If you’re constantly firing at him, he won’t be able to call the fireball attack.
You’ll need to destroy all 4 totems that are now embedded in the Statue of Liberty and then destroy Zeus. It will take some time, but you will manage! Once you have defeated Zeus, he will take it a step further and use the statue’s eyes to create huge lightning bolts. Again, maintain your pink clouds and attack the eyes!
Once you defeat the statue, you defeat Zeus and you will be brought back to the prison and will be awarded the medal! Congratulations, you have beaten Super Villain Island!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Getting Charlie’s Golden Ticket
You’ll land in the world of Willy Wonka and immediately see a boy standing to your left. Walk over to him and click on him, and he’ll tell you that he’d “do anything for a Wonka Bar”. Run past all the buildings on main street to the left and continue past Charlie’s rickety shack until you see 3 phone booths. Click the one on the left end to get asilver coin with Willy Wonka’s face on it!
Run to your right and you’ll see Charlie Bucket come out of his house. Run to your right back to Main Street and enter the Corner Store. Once inside, use the coin t0 buy a chocolate bar for Charlie. He won’t be able to open it because he’s too excited, so use your mouse to peel both wrappers down to reveal a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory!
A bunch of people will run into the shop and try to get the Golden Ticket from Charlie, push them to the right so that he can get out of the shop.
Protect Charlie From The Townspeople
In this mini-game, you need to keep the townspeople from catching Charlie and taking away his Golden Ticket. If you fail, you’ll just get to start over, so don’t worry. Just try and click all of the crates and trash cans as you run along. You can get by with only clicking those, with no need to click the snow piles on the awnings to slow them down.
Once you get to the end, Charlie will thank you and head home so that he can rest for the next morning.
Getting Your Golden Ticket
You didn’t think that we’d let Charlie go alone into the Chocolate Factory did you? As you walk to the factory entrance, you’ll notice a crowd of people waiting for it to open and a Golden Ticket comes floating from inside the factory and the townspeople jump all over each other trying to catch it.
The Golden Ticket will float out of the screen on the left. Chase it! Once you get to the next screen, the Golden Ticket will float out of your reach. Jump up and try to catch it and it will float away from you again. Keep jumping and almost catching it until you get to the very top on the right and you’ll finally grab it. Head back down and back to the gate of the Chocolate Factory! Click on the gate and we’ll get to go inside.
You’ll just need to wait around for Willy Wonka to come out and invite everyone inside his factory. You can talk to the children and their parents/relatives, but you don’t need to. Once he lets everyone in, you’ll finally get a chance to enter.
Everyone will run off and Willy Wonka will ask you to pick up his cane. Run to your left and pick up the cane and then run to your right and drop down.
The Chocolate Room (Augustus Gloop)
When you drop down, you’ll notice a lever then you can click on to choose which room you want to go to. Click the chocolate room and you’ll see the blue hand above you point to the left. As you drop down to each level, the hand will point the direction that you must go in order to get to the room you have selected. Just keep following the hands until you get to the Chocolate Room.
Augustus will fall into the chocolate river and get stuck in the exhaust tube. There are three green valves that you have to turn to get him out of the tube. Click the first one right near the bottom, and there are two more — one on the upper left and one on the upper right. Once you turn the valves, he will be pushed into the fudge room.
Drop down to the bottom and enter the Fudge Room. When you get into the fudge room, Augustus is still stuck in the system and he needs your help getting out. You’ll need to press a series of buttons to get him out safely. Open the green valve to get him moving and then click the red and blue button on your left. Jump to the platform on the left and click the green button.
Drop down to the next level and click the red fire button, the purple button and the blue fire button. Jump up a bit and click the red button to make the blue flames get shorter so that Augustus can be pushed by.
Drop down to the final level and press the orange buttons as Augustus goes by to switch back and forth between the flames in the oven. After several switches, Augustus will finally be safe!
The Television Room (Mike Teevee)
Head through the door marked “Hallways” and then click “Television” on the room selector and follow the blue hands to the Television Room. Once you’re in the room, you’ll have to wait while Mike Teevee jumps in front of the camera and gets shrunk into the TV. Run to your left and adjust the antennas on the TV toward the left until the screen is completely clear. An Oompa Loompa will come and take Mike Teevee to the Bubblegum Room for stretching.
Talk to the boy Oompa Loompa and select the third option. Click the terminal and you can begin stretching Mike Teevee to regular size. The best way to do this is stretch him sideways “Full” and then immediately stretch him vertically in the middle area. He will return to regular size and you can go back to the Hallways.
The Inventing Room (Violet Beauregarde)
Click on “Inventing” and follow all of the blue hands to the bottom until you get to the Inventing Room. Once inside, jump on the yellow button to make a gum ball. Violet will take the gum ball and eat it. Something will go wrong and she will swell up into a blueberry and the Oompa Loompas will roll her into the juicing room.
Enter the juicing room and go to the control panel. Look at the numbers and fruits at the top. There are 4 fruits and 4 numbers. The fruits are bananas, oranges, apples and blueberries. Use the levers at the bottom to move the fruits up/down/left/right until they are in the right position matching the selection up top. Press “Go!” and Violet will be squeezed back to normal size and saved. One more kid to go!
The Nut Room (Veruca Salt)
Enter the “Hallways” door and click on “Nut” and follow the blue hands again down to the bottom. Enter the nut room and run to your left, making sure that you grab the walnut on your way to talk to Veruca Salt and her father. The squirrels will throw all three of you down into the incinerator and it’s your responsibility to save Veruca and her father.
Jump up and to the right and grab the can of whipped cream, then pull on the chain to release a giant gum ball. Push it to the right and it will get sucked into a fan. Pull the chain again to release another gum ball and push it to the right again until it falls off of the platform and blocks a doorway. Jump over the gum ball and flip the generator switch.
Jump down to the bottom left and you’ll see another generator, make your way to the right and jump over the trashcan and pick up the bottle of Fizzy Lifting Drink. Push the trash can to the left until it blocks the doorway and then flip the switch to stop the generator. You’ll think you’ve made it, but no, another squirrel starts up another generator on the upper right!
Jump up to the platform next to the squirrel ball and use the walnut. The squirrel will jump out and grab the walnut. Veruca and her father will be safe and you are now free to go. Use the Fizzy Lifting Drink to float up the tube slightly to your left and exit the Incinerator.
Saving Charlie Bucket
You’ll notice that the Chocolate Room is flashing on the room selector, so click “Chocolate” and follow the hands one last time down to the bottom and Willy Wonka and Charlie will be waiting for you. Willy Wonka is deciding who to give the keys to his factory to when the piece of land that Charlie is standing on breaks away and he needs your help.
Talk to Willy Wonka and tell him you wish to save Charlie and you will start the final minigame. In this game, you need to make your way across the river and you can use the bottle of whipped cream to create temporary platforms for you to jump on. Any of the orange logs are safe to stand on for any amount of time, but most of the other platforms will sink into the river and you’ll have to start over! Make your way all the way to the right and you’ll use Willy Wonka’s cane to reach down and save Charlie.
Once you are back with Willy Wonka, click on him and he will give the factory key to Charlie and you’ll get a lifetime supply of chocolate and the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory medallion! Congratulations!
Zomberry Island
PART ONE: The Tunnel
Coming out of your blimp, you land on Main Street, which on this island is a dark city street next to the entrance of a tunnel, barricaded by cars, signs, and anything not nailed down. A woman in a beret is there, Joe Puddy’s wife (from the comic book), and she tells you that her husband couldn’t get out before they collapsed the tunnels. Go left and you meet three police officers who tell you that there are hundreds of zombies on the other side of the tunnel and that no one is allowed through since the island is under quarantine. Talk to the third police officer, the one who tells you he’s “too close to retirement” and the chief will come over and ask if there’s anyone who’s brave enough to tangle with the zombies.
Coming out of your blimp, you land on Main Street, which on this island is a dark city street next to the entrance of a tunnel, barricaded by cars, signs, and anything not nailed down. A woman in a beret is there, Joe Puddy’s wife (from the comic book), and she tells you that her husband couldn’t get out before they collapsed the tunnels. Go left and you meet three police officers who tell you that there are hundreds of zombies on the other side of the tunnel and that no one is allowed through since the island is under quarantine. Talk to the third police officer, the one who tells you he’s “too close to retirement” and the chief will come over and ask if there’s anyone who’s brave enough to tangle with the zombies.
That’s YOU!
Talk to the chief and you find out that Dr. Romero was working on a cure, but that they lost touch with him. He had been sending video updates from his cell phone. Your mission, therefore, is to find Dr. Romero or his cell phone that contains all of his research. If you accept, he gives you a CLUE NOTEBOOK and a FLASHLIGHT and sends you into the tunnel. Jump on the hood of the school bus and enter the tunnel.
Inside Fort Savini Tunnel, the first thing you need to do is go into your backpack and equip your FLASHLIGHT. You’ll have it equipped for the rest of the island. In the tunnel, you’ll be traveling from right to left. Head left and jump up onto the hood of a green truck, where you’ll see your first zombie! There’s a brief cut scene where you’re told that light bothers zombies, but your flashlight isn’t strong enough to affect them. Still, light equals zombie repellant is good to know. Jump over the first zombie, then continue heading left. Keep going left, jumping over zombies as you encounter them, until you reach a white truck with a red flashing light. Next to the truck is a set of CAR KEYS that go to a Dorf Bean car. Grab ‘em.
Continue left, jumping over more zombies, until you reach a green car on the back of a flatbed truck. Further left, beyond the green car, is a swarm of zombies that you won’t be able to get by. BUT, this green car is a Dorf Bean car. So, use your CAR KEYS and unlock the car.
Inside the car, you’ll see a steering wheel and dashboard. Honk the horn if you want, but what you really need to do is turn on the headlights, by clicking a button on the left. Click “close”. Back outside the car, you’ll see that the lights are shining too high up. Notice the lever at the rear of the green car, on the white truck? Click it to make the flatbed lower the car. Voila, instant zombie scatter. Go left and leave the tunnel. You’ll head into the Financial District.
PART TWO: The Subway
In the Financial District, you’ll find yourself in front of a large building under construction. It was the building Joe Puddy was working on when the zombie outbreak began. In fact, if you look up and to the left a bit, you can see his lunchbox. You need to get into that lunchbox to get an important item. Directly to your left are a couple of zombies. Go left, jumping over them, until you reach an orange striped construction sawhorse. Jump up on it, then jump up onto the first level of the building. From there, you’ll see a pile of concrete blocks. Using blocks like those that you find on each level as a platform, jump up from level to level until you reach the crane at the upper right of the builing. Click to activate the crane.
In the Financial District, you’ll find yourself in front of a large building under construction. It was the building Joe Puddy was working on when the zombie outbreak began. In fact, if you look up and to the left a bit, you can see his lunchbox. You need to get into that lunchbox to get an important item. Directly to your left are a couple of zombies. Go left, jumping over them, until you reach an orange striped construction sawhorse. Jump up on it, then jump up onto the first level of the building. From there, you’ll see a pile of concrete blocks. Using blocks like those that you find on each level as a platform, jump up from level to level until you reach the crane at the upper right of the builing. Click to activate the crane.
Moving the Steel Girders
You’ll notice that each floor of the building is made up of steel girders. In order to reach the lunchbox, you need to remove the steel girder directly above it. Maneuver the crane until it’s on the girder, then click on it. Now that you’ve got the crane, move it to the top of the building where there’s an empty space in the floor. Click again to put the girder into the slot. Click “stop”. Now you can jump down to the lunchbox, but be careful. There’s a zombie there too! Click on the lunchbox.
Puddy’s Lunchbox
Use your mouse to move aside all of the trash and leftovers in Joe Puddy’s lunchbox until you uncover the SUBWAY PASS. Click to pick it up. Use the lunchbox as a platform to jump up to the right. Jump high to get over the pile of construction material.
Back at street level, head left, and go into the Berry Delicious Smoothie Shop. There’s a rack with PAMPHLETS in it. Grab one. There’s a key piece of information in that pamphlet that will come in handy later. Exit the Smoothie Shop and go down into the Subway.
There are zombies all over the platform, but they mostly stay to the right side. Jump left to avoid them and head to the subway gate. Use the SUBWAY PASS you just got from Joe’s lunchbox to open the gate. Go left.
You’re on the end of the platform, with a dangling LIGHTBULB above you. Jump up and get it, then jump down onto the tracks and run left. You’ll come upon a dark subway train. There are zombies all over the place. At the front of the train, there are rocks on the tracks blocking the wheels. Click on the rocks and the train will roll forward. There’s an open hatch on the top of the train, but you can’t reach it yet. You work in the subway is done for now. Go back right and exit the subway back in the Financial District.
PART THREE: The Apartment
From the Financial District, run left until you reach an area called Shady Side. If you look in your CLUE HANDBOOK in your backpack, you’ll see that Dr. Romero lives at apartments located at 147 Park Ave., the building right in front of you. The only way to get in is to jump up to the top of the apartment building and enter through the roof. BUT, there are zombies in almost every window and you won’t be able to get past them unless you can turn on the right apartment lights and scare them away. To the right of the entrance is a fuse box. Click on it.
From the Financial District, run left until you reach an area called Shady Side. If you look in your CLUE HANDBOOK in your backpack, you’ll see that Dr. Romero lives at apartments located at 147 Park Ave., the building right in front of you. The only way to get in is to jump up to the top of the apartment building and enter through the roof. BUT, there are zombies in almost every window and you won’t be able to get past them unless you can turn on the right apartment lights and scare them away. To the right of the entrance is a fuse box. Click on it.
The Fuse Box
Looking in the fuse box, all of the red lights represent zombies in the windows. All of the green lights mean the light is on in that apartment and there are no zombies. To create the right path to the top of the building, click on the fuses marked 2, 3, 8, and 9, so that they are “on” (they are showing their numbers). All of the others should be “off”. Click “close”.
Go to the center staircase and jump directly up from window ledge to window ledge until you reach the top of the building. There’s a door at the left. Enter!
You’re in the dingy, dark Apartment Lobby. Head left and you’ll see a door marked #7. You need to jump over the space where the top of the stairs are. It’s Dr. Romero’s apartment! Go left to his computer and click on the yellow sticky note. You’ll get new clues in your CLUE NOTEBOOK — in this case, that the good doctor’s user name is ‘doctor’ and his password is ‘awesome’. Go back to the lobby and head down the stairs. There be zombies here so be on the lookout. The next floor down on the right, you’ll find door #5: Joe Puddy’s apartment. Go in and look to the right. On the top of a tool cabinet is a pair of BOLT CUTTERS. Walk left into his kitchen, where you’ll find a note on his fridge. Click on it to get more important clues for your CLUE NOTEBOOK. Namely, Joe’s Heart Smart diet and what it consisted of. Back to the lobby and head down to the bottom level. At the left you’ll find Gamer Guy’s apartment, door #1. Once inside, Gamer Guy himself will invite you to “come chill”. How hospitable! Especially during a zombie apocalypse. Talk to Gamer Guy and you’ll find out he’s actually pretty happy, since all the zombie destruction means he has tons of time to play video games. In front o Gamer Guy is a stereo speaker. Grab the CAMERA on the top. (You can click on the TV to play a game called “Terror in the Garden”, but you don’t need to. It’s actually good practice for later when you’ll be attacked by a swarm of zombies and will need to shoot at them the same way you shoot at the mutated vegetables in this game, but you don’t need to get a specific score or anything.) Behind Gamer Guy is a trash can. Click on it.
Gamer Guy’s Trash Can
Like with Joe Puddy’s lunchbox, move the garbage out of the way with your mouse until you find the empty Valley Rain soda bottle. You’ll get more clues in your CLUE NOTEBOOK. In particular, you now know what the ingredients are of Gamer Guy’s soda.
Exit Gamer Guy’s apartment, go up the stairs and exit the apartment lobby, then jump down the left side of the building. Head left to Chinatown. You want to go left from here, but there is a mass of zombies in the middle of the road. So, jump up onto the ledge above the doorway, then jump high left to land on the string of paper lanterns hanging across the street. Jump to the left back to street level, then enter the Karaoke Bar.
Inside the Karaoke Bar, you’ll find another horde of zombies on the dance floor. And they’re not even dancing! Jump up onto the stage to meet the super-funkadelic DJ Saturday Night. There’s goodies to be had on the table — a laptop and some more clues — but Saturday doesn’t want you to touch them unless you can get rid of these zombies. See what happens when yu shine your flashlight at the disco ball directly over the stage? Go right until you can see another disco ball. Shine your flashlight on it, scaring away the zombie in front of the switch for the “disco lights”. Click on the switch and the zombies will scatter. Back up on the stage, Saturday will tell you she doesn’t know why she didn’t turn into a zombie. Then she’ll leave. Click on the slip of paper to add more clues to your CLUE NOTEBOOK. In this case, it’s a receipt for a fruit that Saturday bought from Fred’s Fruits. You’ve got all the clues you need! Now click on the laptop.
Inside the Karaoke Bar, you’ll find another horde of zombies on the dance floor. And they’re not even dancing! Jump up onto the stage to meet the super-funkadelic DJ Saturday Night. There’s goodies to be had on the table — a laptop and some more clues — but Saturday doesn’t want you to touch them unless you can get rid of these zombies. See what happens when yu shine your flashlight at the disco ball directly over the stage? Go right until you can see another disco ball. Shine your flashlight on it, scaring away the zombie in front of the switch for the “disco lights”. Click on the switch and the zombies will scatter. Back up on the stage, Saturday will tell you she doesn’t know why she didn’t turn into a zombie. Then she’ll leave. Click on the slip of paper to add more clues to your CLUE NOTEBOOK. In this case, it’s a receipt for a fruit that Saturday bought from Fred’s Fruits. You’ve got all the clues you need! Now click on the laptop.
The Laptop
Click on the ‘Find My Phone’ icon in the upper left. Then enter ‘doctor’ for the username and ‘awesome’ as the password. Ah ha! The map shows that Dr. Romero’s phone is in an area underneath Shady Side Apartments and over the subway cars. The door is locked. Click the ‘Unlock” button.
Exit the bar, then jump high right back up onto the paper lantern wire. Go into your backpack and use the LIGHTBULB, lighting up all of the lanterns. When the zombies run away, drop down to the open manhole cover and go down. You’ll drop down on top of the subway car. Go down the hatch and head right to the subway car controls. Click on the panel to turn on the power, the click on the lever to make the car go. Once it stops, exit the car and jump straight up the ladder above you to a platform. Go right to the Secret Bunker door. Click on it to enter.
PART FIVE: The Secret Bunker
Inside Dr. Romero’s Secret Bunker, you’ll see that Romero himself is here, inside a cage, and he’s a zombie! Jump down to the bottom level and head left to the red phone. From your CLUE NOTEBOOK, you’ll see that you have Romero’s phone number. Click on the red phone and dial 555-3946. ROMERO’S CELL PHONE will ring and pop out of the cage. Go grab it as well as the receipt from the Smoothie Shop next to it — the last of the important clues for your CLUE NOTEBOOK. Go into your backpack and use the CELL PHONE. The four videos will show you that the cause of the zombie infestation is pesticides on fruit! But which fruit? Thankfully, you’ve got all the clues you need.
Inside Dr. Romero’s Secret Bunker, you’ll see that Romero himself is here, inside a cage, and he’s a zombie! Jump down to the bottom level and head left to the red phone. From your CLUE NOTEBOOK, you’ll see that you have Romero’s phone number. Click on the red phone and dial 555-3946. ROMERO’S CELL PHONE will ring and pop out of the cage. Go grab it as well as the receipt from the Smoothie Shop next to it — the last of the important clues for your CLUE NOTEBOOK. Go into your backpack and use the CELL PHONE. The four videos will show you that the cause of the zombie infestation is pesticides on fruit! But which fruit? Thankfully, you’ve got all the clues you need.
Go left to the white board and click on it. From the whiteboard you can access your CLUE NOTEBOOK. Check off all of the fruit that you know Dr. Romero, Joe Puddy, DJ Saturday Night, and Gamer Guy ingested:
Joe’s Heart Smart Diet – blueberries, bananas, strawberries
DJ Saturday Night’s fruit shopping – raspberries, strawberries, bananas
Gamer Guy’s soda – blackberries, cranberries, strawberries
Dr. Romero’s smoothie – raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, blackberries
Since Joe and Romero turned into zombies and none of the other’s did, you can see that the culprit is…blueberries! Now you’ve got to figure out what to do about it. Close the white board. A cup of COFFEE will come out of the machine at the left. Don’t ask why, just grab it.
Exit the Secret Bunker, by jumping up the fruit crates and jumping up to the left. That exit will take you back to Shady Side. Head left from the construction pit, through Chinatown, until you reach the Wharf.
PART SIX: The Shipping Container
The gate to the Wharf is locked. Use the BOLT CUTTERS you got from Puddy’s apartment. Enter, then go right. Jump over the zombies, heading right until you find a shipping container with a brown tarp over it. Click to enter. Inside you’ll find that a Survivalist has been living here. For quite awhile as a matter of fact. Talk to the Survivalist and he’ll tell you that he can help you climb the shipping containers by shining a spotlight and shooing away the zombies that block your path. He’ll leave after you talk to him. Exit the container and jump up onto its top, where the Survivalist is with the spotlight. Talk to him again to find out he could sure use a cup of COFFEE. Oh wait, you’ve got one in your backpack! Give it to him and he’ll give a very important KEY CARD.
The gate to the Wharf is locked. Use the BOLT CUTTERS you got from Puddy’s apartment. Enter, then go right. Jump over the zombies, heading right until you find a shipping container with a brown tarp over it. Click to enter. Inside you’ll find that a Survivalist has been living here. For quite awhile as a matter of fact. Talk to the Survivalist and he’ll tell you that he can help you climb the shipping containers by shining a spotlight and shooing away the zombies that block your path. He’ll leave after you talk to him. Exit the container and jump up onto its top, where the Survivalist is with the spotlight. Talk to him again to find out he could sure use a cup of COFFEE. Oh wait, you’ve got one in your backpack! Give it to him and he’ll give a very important KEY CARD.
From the container with the Survivalist jump up, first to the left. Basically, just follow where the spotlight is leading you. You’ll jump diagonally left up the containers and eventually back towards the right to a crane. If you fall, just start over, the spotlight will re-start with you. At the crane, use the KEY CARD. You’ll see a computer screen that will ask you which container you want to access. There’s a scroll bar in the middle of the screen. Use it to find the entry for October 22nd that originated from Cleveland (you know that from the Smoothie Shop PAMPHLET that told you blueberries are from Cleveland!) and that contains blueberries. It’s fairly easy to find, since it’s the only entry that will highlight when you mouse over it. Click on it to start the crane.
The Cargo Crane
Using your mouse, maneuver the crane left and right as the block of shipping containers come at you, trying to get the crane through spaces between the containers. It’s a bit tricky, because it can be difficult to tell if the crane is going to fit, but with a few tries you should be able to get it. Make it safely past enough containers and you’ll reach one that is highlighted. Click on it.
Outside the crane, jump down to the green shipping container. Go into your backpack and equip your CAMERA. Then click enter. Inside you’ll find a big fat zombie coming at you. You see the camera icon in the bottom left of the screen? Click on it. The camera flash will momentarily stun the zombie. Jump over him to the big pile of BLUEBERRIES in the center of the room. Click on it to get a sample.
Exit the container, head left back to the entrance of the Wharf and use the Subway entrance here. When you reach the subway gate, use your SUBWAY PASS again. Head right until you reach the subway cars. As always, jump over any zombies you encounter. Jump up on the platform to the right of the subway cars. From there, jump up onto the top of the cars. Now you can reach the ladder to get back to Dr. Romero’s Secret Bunker.
Back inside the bunker, you’ll find a computer at the bottom of the room, next to the cage where Romero is. Use the BLUEBERRIES and the computer will process them to find an antidote. This is an old-timey computer, so you need to use your mouse to turn a crank. When you’ve turned it enough times, you’ll get a MEDICAL GUN WITH ANTIDOTE. Use the gun on Dr. Romero to cure him. You’re almost done! Zombies are trying to break in! Jump back up to the entrance and click on the wooden boards to nail them in front of the door. Then go back down and process the antidote again, turning the crank before the zombies bust in. You’ll get another MEDICAL GUN.
Back inside the bunker, you’ll find a computer at the bottom of the room, next to the cage where Romero is. Use the BLUEBERRIES and the computer will process them to find an antidote. This is an old-timey computer, so you need to use your mouse to turn a crank. When you’ve turned it enough times, you’ll get a MEDICAL GUN WITH ANTIDOTE. Use the gun on Dr. Romero to cure him. You’re almost done! Zombies are trying to break in! Jump back up to the entrance and click on the wooden boards to nail them in front of the door. Then go back down and process the antidote again, turning the crank before the zombies bust in. You’ll get another MEDICAL GUN.
Shoot the Zombies
Just like the “Terror in the Garden” game in the Gamer Guy’s apartment, use your mouse to shoot antidote at the zombies to cure them. The trick to his game is to scroll back and forth to make sure zombies aren’t getting close to you. So once you’ve taken care of a group of zombies, quickly scroll left or right to see if you can find another group. When you’ve cured enough Eastman citizens, you’ve done it. You’ve saved the town! (And yourself!)
BONUS QUEST: Save the City (Again)
In their infinite wisdom, the leaders of Eastman decide to dump the contaminated blueberries down the drain and into their own sewers. Nothing could go wrong with that, right? Of course it could. Zombified sewer rats carry off the Survivalist. More important, sludge from the infected berries is going to hit the city’s water supply, causing an even worse infestation then the first one. Your job is to rescue the Survivalist and spray antidote into the three city water pumps.
In their infinite wisdom, the leaders of Eastman decide to dump the contaminated blueberries down the drain and into their own sewers. Nothing could go wrong with that, right? Of course it could. Zombified sewer rats carry off the Survivalist. More important, sludge from the infected berries is going to hit the city’s water supply, causing an even worse infestation then the first one. Your job is to rescue the Survivalist and spray antidote into the three city water pumps.
From the secret bunker, exit out the lefthand side. At the construction pit, there’s a sewer entrance. Go down.
At the bottom of the ladder is a zombie rat. Jump over him and then push the crate out of the way. Then jump down. The sewers are a maze of tunnels and pits with zombified rats, but there’s no time limit. The first water pump is located at the upper right of the room. When you reach it, use your SUPER-STRONG ANTIDOTE. Once you do, a zombie will come out of the dark at you. If he touches you, you’ll have to start over. Quickly, click on the water pump to spray it and chase it away. From the first pump, drop down heading to the bottom right. There you’ll find the third pump. Repeat the process with the SUPER-STRONG ANTIDOTE. The final pump is at the far left of the room on the bottom. The room isn’t too tricky to navigate, it just has a few deadends.
Once you’ve dosed all three of the water pumps, you’ve saved the city (again)!
love it keep up the good work and the keys and help!!!!!<_> <3
ReplyDeleteyou r welcome anonymous.
ReplyDeleteHey can you do a night watch one please your other have been really helpful
ReplyDeletethanks for everything