Saturday, September 29, 2012

What Did He Say?

You know how Binary Bard usually ends his posts with numbers, well I know what he said. Let's take a look! Click here to explore what he said.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Here

Super Villain Island is here for members on October 18th. Soon the walkthrough will be avalible.
i don't want to give away the ending just remember Jupiter=Zeus

Sunday, September 23, 2012


You know how they used to have the Poptropolis Game costume,  the Vampire's Curse costume, the SOS costume, the Ghost Story costume and the Magic tree house costume well they're back. If they go away I'll tell you but get a membership quick (if you don't have them) before they go away!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Super Villain Island Summary

Here's a sneak peek of what you will see in Super Villain Island.



Deep inside Erewhon Prison for  Super Villain, Dr. Hare, The Black Widow, Captain Crawfish and Mordred/ The Binary Bard. Your mission: to go into their minds extract the sources of their evil. Can you stand a journey into the evilest places in Poptropica, or will you be trapped in their evil minds forever?


Inside The Prison

Outside the Prison

Inside Dr. Hare's Mind (?

Inside Captain Crawfish Mind (?)

Chillin' Like a Super Villain

Super Villain Island is coming. Now you can get the sleeping powder, evil henchmen (aren't followers they just come for a couple of seconds but hey you might want em' later) and the Night Hare costume if you're a member. You'll get to use these on Super Villain Island on Thursday, September 27th.

Sleeping Power in Action

Me wearing the Night Hare Costume

Monday, September 10, 2012

In Spirit

Are you ready for some super villain action? In honor of Super Villain Island I am making a super villain profile page. Also since you can't have evil without good so I'm celebrating that too.

Not Really A Big Deal

I know this isn't a big deal but now you can get a color changing ballon with a 5 on it in celebration of Poptropica's 5th birthday.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Non members today is Sept. 6 that means you can play on lunar colony. Can you do it? If you need extra help contact me at